Most underrated films
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sun, 5th Mar 2006 05:40    Post subject: Most underrated films
Take the 'ratings' from and try to find a film that you think is good, and you think a lot of other people do too, but it's got a low mark.

For me they're;
Hellraiser 2

The crow 2

I think the crow 2 is a bit unlucky in the fact that people always compare it to the first and only look at the negatives and hold the first in such high regard. This is possibly even better than the first - give or take a few scenes yet to only get 3.8 is shocking. According to imdb it's worse than the third one (salvation) but only marginally better than the fourth (Wicked prayer). Pretty bizzarre if you ask me!

As for hellbound... I liked this more than the first too, the hellraiser series has got a bit stupid now with it up to 8 already with 2 released last year (I haven't watched them yet but I don't think I will to be honest) but the first 2 were damn good with the 2nd better but to be rated lower and by quite a distance was a shock. Also the number of votes cast being quite low.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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PostPosted: Sun, 5th Mar 2006 10:43    Post subject:
Revolver - : 5,8/10
Confusing, Badly Written, Uttershit?

Hell no Razz Revolver was an experiment for Guy Ritchie and added the usual Humor, Violence, tension etc. Though he also tried to blend it with a "new" kind of story telling which not only made it better but also created the "love it or hate it" opinion.

Cube 2 - : 5,6/10
I really liked how the story was told and how gory it really was. And just look at the budget. compare the total amount of money spend with many modern horror flick makes this look like Titanic Razz

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PostPosted: Sun, 5th Mar 2006 11:46    Post subject:
hmmm the crow sequels were not underrated (in MY opinion) because none of them were done properly... they were all just slapped together to make money riding off the brilliance of the original. ditto for cube 2... cube zero was better than hypercube, but not as great as the original, which should have been a standalone i think.

underrated films i think are dark city, strange days and event horizon.
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PostPosted: Sun, 5th Mar 2006 12:12    Post subject:
Dark City - Few people saw this movie, yet everybody saw the Matrix that came after.
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PostPosted: Sun, 5th Mar 2006 12:34    Post subject:
You call the crow 2 underrated, damn what a piece of shit
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PostPosted: Sun, 5th Mar 2006 13:58    Post subject:
I really liked it and when according to imdb it's worse than salvation (along with many many other films) it's quite a shock.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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PostPosted: Sun, 5th Mar 2006 15:05    Post subject:
Grees wrote:
Dark City - Few people saw this movie, yet everybody saw the Matrix that came after.

I just acquired that lately. It got a decent response and rating on I thought.

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PostPosted: Sun, 5th Mar 2006 18:23    Post subject:
Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo (4.2/10)

As I once said before, the movies intent was to entertain with crude and unrealistic humor and it did its job - I laughed my ass off more than 20 times while being stoned (only Eurotrip was funnier, but it had teh Hasselhoff bonus). The humor was too crude for the prude americans and too childish for everyone above 30. Comedies nearly never get a good rating, since most voters focus on dramatic aspects of movies, which is of course bullshit if you rate a fun movie.
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PostPosted: Sun, 5th Mar 2006 18:24    Post subject:
I tried to drill a hole in my head to forget that idiotic film. Razz

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PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 21:27    Post subject:
IMDb is never wrong. If you disagree that means it's you who are wrong.
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PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 21:28    Post subject:
Narog wrote:
IMDb is never wrong. If you disagree that means it's you who are wrong.


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PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 21:40    Post subject:
behold the power of IMDB!

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PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 21:43    Post subject:
Mutantius wrote:
behold the power of IMDB!

lol, I've seen the power now Laughing Shocked

@Sublime, I've seen all 8 Hellraisers and I must say that Hellraiser 4 - Bloodline is the best of them all, the story is awesome, and the gore effects are the best of all 8 movies, the first 2 also very good, the third one is not that good, and the last 4 are just stupid.
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PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 21:49    Post subject:
lol ... Very Happy


My Little Pony: The Princess Promenade truly is a film truly unable to be described in the dull, limiting form of the English Language.

It is like drinking unicorn giggles.

It is like dancing with a giant, fluffy cloud.

It is like sleeping with a rainbow.

It is like Jesus came over to play a game of Go Fish and then he baked you a cake afterward before you sat down to watch The Princess Promenade together.

The visuals are fantastic and the characterization even better. Truly, if everyone could watch this movie, we could achieve world peace.

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PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 22:28    Post subject:


My Little Pony: The Princess Promenade is a film that will grip you by the soul and delve into the very core of your being, force you to explore every inch of your inner psyche and provoke you to reevaluate every aspect of your life. This film fearlessly gives the most honest, gritty portrayal of the full range of pony emotion in the history of cinema--not only that, The Princess Promenade moves you, it gives you hope. It is a film about friendship and the strength of character, about going up against what is wrong and unfair and coming out on top with nothing but determination, guts, and a pinch of pony-related luck.

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 1460

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 22:29    Post subject:

i just killed 30% of my braincells by watching this...

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PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 22:47    Post subject:
There are always some stupid fucks who think its soooo cool to vote 1 just to be an asshole. Lots of people also rate random movies 10\10. Also kind of lame.

Well, thats mine
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Posts: 1903

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 23:06    Post subject:
A Better Tomorrow:

ok ok, a 7.4 is pretty good in imdb but this movie was only rated by something above 3k users,
and it clearly deserves more. this movie is one of the most influential action movies of all times.
whenever you see a crazy gunfight, probably akibo style even, remember, it originates from here. an 8.2 rating wouldve been the least expected for this great piece of cinema, with amazing action scenes and sympathetic characters, my personal fav.


sure, its a shallow fighting movie but cmon its fuckin BLOODSPORT, one of the biggest cult movies. everyone i know has seen this atleast once in their childhood, simply everyone loves this movie. so it doesnt have a convoluted storyline but its a martial arts movie so that doesnt matter really. a 5.8 is too low imo, a 7.0 wouldve been better, alone due to its cult status.

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PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 03:39    Post subject:
I think Event Horizon is underrated ... only 5.8 @ imdb ...

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PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 04:47    Post subject:
I also agree with Event Horizon. Speaking of which I just bought the special edition DVD of it tuesday and watched it for the first time in years.

Alien 3 was pretty underrated. Although then again I've only seen the "Assemble" cut.

Out of recent movies I thought The Island and Domino were underrated.

Also gotta throw in my Matrix sequels Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 06:11    Post subject:
nouseforaname wrote:
I think Event Horizon is underrated ... only 5.8 @ imdb ...

very nice movie with good cast actually.

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 1400

PostPosted: Tue, 9th May 2006 23:33    Post subject:
Friday 13th Series
All of them are so fucking cool! Mr. Jason Voorhees (sp?) is the coolest character ever!!

Pulp Fiction
Yes, there are some that DOESN'T say this is the best movie ever, hence it is underrated

Freddy Vs Jason
How can this movie be bad? Throw in the coolest 80s serialkillers and let them go on a killing-spree! Anyone that doesn't like this doesn't deserve to see it
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PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 00:54    Post subject:
nouseforaname wrote:
I think Event Horizon is underrated ... only 5.8 @ imdb ...

Haha, Very not underrated. 5.8 Is something I would rate it.

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PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 01:32    Post subject:
Grees wrote:
Dark City - Few people saw this movie, yet everybody saw the Matrix that came after.


Even the end fight scene was the same as the matrix...thought I was the only one that saw that. The Matrix basically lifted the dark city plot, reworked it with a bigger budget and got major backing...

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PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 01:38    Post subject:
liansk wrote:

i just killed 30% of my braincells by watching this...

Jesus fuckin 8 year old niece thinks its lame.....Rolling Eyes

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PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 08:48    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
There are always some stupid fucks who think its soooo cool to vote 1 just to be an asshole. Lots of people also rate random movies 10\10. Also kind of lame.

Well, thats mine

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PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 09:15    Post subject:
towelie_swe wrote:

Pulp Fiction
Yes, there are some that DOESN'T say this is the best movie ever, hence it is underrated

Wow Pulp Fiction has never been underrated Razz

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PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 10:15    Post subject:
Ice Age 7.3/10

I loved that movie so I think it was underrated Very Happy Especially if that pony shit got a higher score and the comment from a guy that almost cum in his pants after watching it.

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PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 10:36    Post subject:
enemy mine.

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PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 11:04    Post subject:
From Dusk Till Dawn - 6.8/10

Personally i think it is at least as good as Pulp Fiction. Many people gave it low ratings because they thought of it as a pure horror movie, wich it isn't It's supposed to be more like a horror comedy.
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