Video card fan stopped after playing Doom3
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Cock knocker

Posts: 372

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 01:34    Post subject: Video card fan stopped after playing Doom3
After I started getting lines and crap on my screen i saw that the fan on my radeon9700pro vid. card wasnt moving...i hope i didnt find out too late and fried it too much already. Is there a way to get the fan moving again? I read somewhere that lightweight oil works best, and somewhere said that heavyweight oil works good....but anyways, how do i get the fan off? It looks like its stuck, like its not supposed to come off.
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Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 10:02    Post subject:
It's the cooling paste that keeps the fan tightened towards the GPU. Just move it from right to left, right to left and so on until you get it off. Try looking for dust in the fan and remove it. You should return the graphics card to the vendor so they can repair/replace it...
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Cock knocker

Posts: 372

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 15:25    Post subject:
razor1394 wrote:
It's the cooling paste that keeps the fan tightened towards the GPU. Just move it from right to left, right to left and so on until you get it off. Try looking for dust in the fan and remove it. You should return the graphics card to the vendor so they can repair/replace it...

i had it for like 2 years and i dont remember where i ordered it from (yes i am that stupid) but i found out the fan unscrews right off of the heatsink...although i cant get the last screw out..if i could get the fan off, i could just get a new fan instead of a heatsink right? I dont know how to remove/install heatsinks and i dont wanna mess up my card...yet...
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Posts: 478

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 15:30    Post subject:
why can't you get the last screw out. has it chewed?
You have taken the card out of your machine, haven't you?
I wouldn't advise trying to fix the fan. Just buy a new one, they're cheap enough.
make sure you get a fan with the same ampage, if you don't it might not spin fast enough to cool your card.
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Cock knocker

Posts: 372

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 18:14    Post subject:
beeno wrote:
why can't you get the last screw out. has it chewed?
You have taken the card out of your machine, haven't you?
I wouldn't advise trying to fix the fan. Just buy a new one, they're cheap enough.
make sure you get a fan with the same ampage, if you don't it might not spin fast enough to cool your card.

i think the last screw is stripped..damn. I tried to find the same exact fan that comes with my video card but i cant find it on any computer part websites..ah well, im going to the shop to check, thanks for the help guys.
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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 18:45    Post subject:
Mmm I forgot to say that you needed to remove the screws first but I thought it was obvious. Very weird that the screw is stuck because they're rarely so hardly tightened.
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Cock knocker

Posts: 372

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Aug 2004 03:07    Post subject:
i think im gonna order this heatsink:

just wanna know, is it absolutley necessary to install those RAMsinks? i have no clue how to do that or where they go, i just wanna put the fan on..if anyone has any better suggestions of heatsinks for a radeon9700 plz tell meh.
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Posts: 14

PostPosted: Fri, 13th Aug 2004 17:42    Post subject:
Thats the same cooling system I have...
its really good. the fan even has a cool blue light comming from it..
Im not sure about radion cards where the ram is but on my nvidia when im holding the card towards me with the moniter plugin on the left. the fan pointing towards me the ram is on the right side of the card...
you should get that one ..i havent had any problems and ive had it since christmas..

oh yea.. buy yourself an aircan and blow the fan out once a week or so.
it should prolong the fan..
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Posts: 34

PostPosted: Sat, 14th Aug 2004 11:53    Post subject:
Ram on your videocard are the black squares above and right of the gpu, they are on the front and back of your card.
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Posts: 110

PostPosted: Sun, 15th Aug 2004 17:24    Post subject:
i use acid free oil.. the oil for like a sowing machine. sometimes my chipset cooler starts to make noice..then a drop of acid free oil takes care of the problem
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