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Posts: 7287

PostPosted: Tue, 16th May 2006 20:50    Post subject: THE.DA.VINCI.CODE.CRACKFIX-DEViANCE


-=CrackFix Note: Some strange crashes are fixed.=-
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Posts: 234
Location: miami, fl
PostPosted: Tue, 16th May 2006 20:55    Post subject:
and so? important is that the crack now works and thats it!
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Posts: 7287

PostPosted: Tue, 16th May 2006 21:58    Post subject:
tere911 wrote:
and so? important is that the crack now works and thats it!
They're fucking up so many times now... I know it doesn't really matter... but still.
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Posts: 1557
Location: Dutch...
PostPosted: Tue, 16th May 2006 23:23    Post subject:
Dazz99 wrote:
tere911 wrote:
and so? important is that the crack now works and thats it!
They're fucking up so many times now... I know it doesn't really matter... but still.

If you think you can do better ........
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Posts: 7287

PostPosted: Tue, 16th May 2006 23:51    Post subject:
BRISK#1 wrote:
Dazz99 wrote:
tere911 wrote:
and so? important is that the crack now works and thats it!
They're fucking up so many times now... I know it doesn't really matter... but still.

If you think you can do better ........


I know Binary and shit Arrow Exclamation
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Posts: 2304
Location: Somewhere
PostPosted: Wed, 17th May 2006 01:05    Post subject:
Dazz99 wrote:
BRISK#1 wrote:
Dazz99 wrote:
They're fucking up so many times now... I know it doesn't really matter... but still.

If you think you can do better ........


I know Binary and shit Arrow Exclamation

Wow you know binary and shit... How about assembler? Perhaps you got some great skills in rebuilding code from assembler into an .exe file too? Also you have the skills to create your own debugger and dump any .exe file and remove the protection from it? OMG maybe you even have the answer to crack Starforce completely and easy? Shocked
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Posts: 7287

PostPosted: Wed, 17th May 2006 01:07    Post subject:
kosmiq wrote:
Dazz99 wrote:
BRISK#1 wrote:

If you think you can do better ........


I know Binary and shit Arrow Exclamation

Wow you know binary and shit... How about assembler? Perhaps you got some great skills in rebuilding code from assembler into an .exe file too? Also you have the skills to create your own debugger and dump any .exe file and remove the protection from it? OMG maybe you even have the answer to crack Starforce completely and easy? Shocked

I once ate a cheese burger, does that count?
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Posts: 16

PostPosted: Wed, 17th May 2006 01:26    Post subject:
This crack should be nuked. After you played about 5minutes into the game you get to a window scene. You need to open it. I had alot of problems doing that but thats not the point ( Rolling Eyes ). The point is that it gets stuck after that. You can move nor click on anything. Tried to alt+tab the game and it crashed. Tried to do it a few times, I thought that maybe I had to be quicker on the escape but it all ended up the same.
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Posts: 156

PostPosted: Wed, 17th May 2006 01:49    Post subject:
sletje wrote:
This crack should be nuked. After you played about 5minutes into the game you get to a window scene. You need to open it. I had alot of problems doing that but thats not the point ( Rolling Eyes ). The point is that it gets stuck after that. You can move nor click on anything. Tried to alt+tab the game and it crashed. Tried to do it a few times, I thought that maybe I had to be quicker on the escape but it all ended up the same.

Actually, I got past that scene with no problem at all. I'm at the second level now, and haven't experienced any crashes yet. I guess the crashes are very much hardware-dependant.
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Posts: 16

PostPosted: Wed, 17th May 2006 02:01    Post subject:
I tried to set it to 800x600 and ran it in windows 2000 mode. That way it worked out pretty well. Weird thing though, crashing like that.[/quote]
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Wed, 17th May 2006 02:05    Post subject:
wait for the crack.fix.proper.crack.fix Laughing

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Posts: 16

PostPosted: Wed, 17th May 2006 02:06    Post subject:
Okay this game is starting to freak me out Razz I got up to the paiting and started to examine it, then the game just crashed. Started it up again, and when i press start game it just crashes again. Tried it 5 times, same thing over and over again. This really cant be normal :S
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th May 2006 11:43    Post subject: same here
can get as far as the window scene and its fine but after pressing e repeatedly to open the window
it crashes and i carnt move and the geme either crashes or i have to reboot the game.
just tried the supposed crack fix and the game wont even launch now
so re cracked with the original crack that came with the game and im stuck at the window
again but at least the game launches
anyone found a way round this yet Mad
nice one
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Wed, 17th May 2006 12:53    Post subject:
Clone anyone ?

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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Wed, 17th May 2006 18:45    Post subject:
You need to use the exe from The.Da.Vinci.Code-RiTUEL no crash like i got with DEViANCE "crack" and i can change the resolution to 1600x1200 to play the game
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Posts: 16

PostPosted: Thu, 18th May 2006 01:22    Post subject:
Kommando wrote:
You need to use the exe from The.Da.Vinci.Code-RiTUEL no crash like i got with DEViANCE "crack" and i can change the resolution to 1600x1200 to play the game

Is there any way you can get this up on a site or something so we dont have to download the whole release?
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Thu, 18th May 2006 02:06    Post subject:
sletje wrote:
Kommando wrote:
You need to use the exe from The.Da.Vinci.Code-RiTUEL no crash like i got with DEViANCE "crack" and i can change the resolution to 1600x1200 to play the game

Is there any way you can get this up on a site or something so we dont have to download the whole release?

I tried on GCW but never found how to do it
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Posts: 14707

PostPosted: Thu, 18th May 2006 07:34    Post subject:
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Thu, 18th May 2006 09:55    Post subject:
FnF wrote:

Uploaded there under the name The.Da.Vinci.Code.WORKING.CRACK-RiTUEL
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