Graphics API developpers?
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Posts: 1201
Location: Québec
PostPosted: Mon, 7th Jun 2004 22:53    Post subject: Graphics API developpers?
NO POST? WTF are you all leechers who bring nothing to the computer world? Smile Ok i'm not a cracked too but I know (or try to) do graphic API development.. that mean Direct3D and OpenGL

I know a good a amount of things to make a game but unfortunatly I didn't create one. The best thing I done soo far is a school project, a 3D Bomberman in first person in OpenGL Wink I could post the link if someone interrested...

anyone else managed to do something with graphics API here?
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Jun 2004 23:58    Post subject:
a friend of mine was on the dev team for sencible soccer .. and another friend programmed a graphics/physics engine in OpenGL.. I know quite a few soon to be game developers, although they havent done much yet, mainly Chess games and simple FPS's..
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PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jun 2004 15:08    Post subject: shure i can help :)
i'm not a graphics coder but if i can help with other things..shure i will
i code java and vb
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Posts: 26

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 01:34    Post subject:
sorry man your not tall enough to ride this ride.

err sorry i really cant respect Java and well VD is glorfied javascript + html
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Posts: 77

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 23:39    Post subject:
Whats wrong with Java if I may ask (I do not use it, but java is a really nice language).
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jun 2004 00:00    Post subject:
There's nothing wrong a Java. A true computer scientist will be able to understand each language and know when a certain language is best suited for a job.

Certainly a carpenter does not only use a hammer.

Each language is our tool, and we must use them all in certain situations to accomplish our goals.

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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Jun 2004 22:36    Post subject:
sTo0z wrote:
There's nothing wrong a Java. A true computer scientist will be able to understand each language and know when a certain language is best suited for a job.

Certainly a carpenter does not only use a hammer.

Each language is our tool, and we must use them all in certain situations to accomplish our goals.

But you still think java sucks right? like your joking? Java isnt a *bad* language, it just doesnt have any uses other than web applications.. I certainly wouldnt write anything which was to be used in a none web sense in it unless I was paid a stupidly large amount of money to do so.. or it was part of my degree.. which it is.. sadly..
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Posts: 1201
Location: Québec
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jun 2004 19:45    Post subject:
Argg my thread got hijacked Smile

Java is a very great langage with good and bad side, nothing wrong with it. Though I don't really know exactly how it work (learning it next year). But you know, like sTo0z said good langage for the good job... and for game programming I guess C/C++ is the best bet.

btw java and javascript is not the same thing,... java is NOT web specific.
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Location: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
PostPosted: Sat, 19th Jun 2004 23:17    Post subject:
Java is one of the best languages available, for you see it can run on *nix systems.

I programmed a basic 3d engine for a class a while back with simple physics, took me a matter of a couple hours. Its all planning.

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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jun 2004 16:41    Post subject:
Dunge wrote:
btw java and javascript is not the same thing,... java is NOT web specific.

I never said it was web SPECIFIC. My opinion is as I stated in the post you didnt read

"Java isnt a *bad* language, it just doesnt have any uses other than web applications.. I certainly wouldnt write anything which was to be used in a none web sense in it unless I was paid a stupidly large amount of money to do so.. "

Java is used to create java applets, javascript works alongside HTML to do limited java functions. Although java can be used to create all manor of programs which are of course cross platform compatible, I wouldnt use it. *I*.. just clearing that up .

C++ is the games programing standard, in my experience C is used mainly for programing on limited space platforms, such as Micro (PIC) chip programing.
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Posts: 202
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Fri, 25th Jun 2004 13:24    Post subject:
Dunge wrote:

C++ is the games programing standard, in my experience C is used mainly for programing on limited space platforms, such as Micro (PIC) chip programing.

I know you will all hate me for this Wink ... but C++ is gamedev standart language .... yeah right ....

But i got my self into c# (and managed directx) .. IMO its a great language for gamedev starters Wink
You dont't have to worry as much about pointers and stuff ...
for building a quite performant (in a sense of usable for me Wink ) 3D engine c# is the most productive language ...
PLUS: you can write your own XBOX games ... well you'll be able Wink
and if you get used to Direct3D you'll get all other directX functions (like Direct Input, Direct Sound) for free ... they all work basically the same ...

thats in my opinion the big con against OpenGL ... nice Graphics API ...
but all other functions have to be implemented by yourself .. Sad

Topic Java: java is a nice .. well structured language ... and its not from M$ Wink
but especially javas 3D performace is quite low and its very painful to use javas 3D apis ....

My 2 cents,
if you want to LEARN gamedev, get basic structures and stuff .. c# is the way to go
if want to do gamedev "professionally" get c++

EDIT: excuse my very bad english ... i hope its readable at last Wink

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Posts: 114

PostPosted: Tue, 29th Jun 2004 08:49    Post subject:
Why are you using Java being not owned by MS as a pro while you're promoting C#? Also Sun Microsystems is not that much better in MS in most respects...

C# is limiting in some area's compared to C++, plus it seems C# will never be fully supported by Microsoft on *nix or even Mac.

Who the hell wants to make XBox games anyways?

OpenGL Tutorials:
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