Favorite game quotes
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Posts: 895
Location: Riket
PostPosted: Fri, 26th May 2006 22:28    Post subject: Favorite game quotes
I saw that we lacked a game quote thread, so I'll be the one to start it.

Most of the quotes I have found hilarous have been found in roleplaying games, such as Baldurs Gate 2 with Minsc, the barbarian with a little pet, its a rodent in fact.

"Well, you're a smart one!" after enraging him to break the metalbars of a so-called "unbreakable" cell.

Very Happy
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Posts: 5586
Location: Argentina
PostPosted: Fri, 26th May 2006 22:32    Post subject:
LOK defiance

Sarafan: Surrender fiend and we will promise you an easy death
Kain: I could promise you the same but the same, but it would be a lie

Seasonic 1000w Planitum - TT Level 10 GT - ASUS M5E - i7 2600k @ 5.0ghz - 16GB Patriot Viper 3 - Dell u3011 - EVGA GTX 980 @ SLI - SSD Samsung EVO 250GB - 16TB W.D. - G19/G13 @ Roccat Kone XTD - Razer Vespula - Xonar Phoebus @ Vulcan ANC/Corsair 2100 Vengeance - Logitech G51
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Posts: 895
Location: Riket
PostPosted: Fri, 26th May 2006 22:37    Post subject:
Warhammer 40K Winter Assault : Glory for the first man to die!

jenni <3
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PostPosted: Fri, 26th May 2006 22:37    Post subject:
final fantasy 7 =

What I have shown you is reality. What you remember... that is the illusion.
- Sephiroth

No one lives in the slums because they want to. It's like this train. It can't run anywhere except where its rails take it.
- Cloud
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Posts: 895
Location: Riket
PostPosted: Fri, 26th May 2006 22:40    Post subject:
Minsc: Magic is impressive but now Minsc leads. Swords for everyone!

jenni <3
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Fri, 26th May 2006 22:58    Post subject:
GTA San Andreas

Ryder: Shit CJ... SHIT.
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PostPosted: Fri, 26th May 2006 23:42    Post subject:

"A game is like a porn movie; the story isn't that imporant, but it got to be there"

-John Carmack

Lots of Warcraft 3 quotes are great
Duke Nukem: Manhatten project: "Rest in... pieces"
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Posts: 924

PostPosted: Fri, 26th May 2006 23:52    Post subject:
Yup, just ANY Duke Nukem quote... Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri, 26th May 2006 23:53    Post subject:
And any monkey island Smile
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Dr. Strangelove

Posts: 9240
Location: War Room
PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 00:02    Post subject:
I'm Guybrush Threepwood, I want to be a pirate!
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Posts: 171

PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 00:02    Post subject:
"667, the neighbour of the beast"
Max Payne
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PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 00:03    Post subject:
Remember that one Very Happy
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Posts: 190

PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 00:18    Post subject:
"We can do this my way or the hard way, they're basicly the same thing." Serious Sam 2

[url=http://www.tvcafe.ro/lg/1837 ]Bet you don't have the guts to click here!![/url]
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 00:26    Post subject:
Grim Fandango (there are just too many good quotes in that game, hard to choose the best, but these are one of the best)

Hector: Oh Manny... so cynical... What happened to you, Manny, that caused you to lose your sense of hope, your love of life?
Manny: I died.


Glottis: {after getting thrown out of the cat track} You can't do this to me! I'm a VIP!
Manny: Does that stand for "very inebriated pianist"?
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 00:28    Post subject:
war3 wrote:
"We can do this my way or the hard way, they're basicly the same thing." Serious Sam 2

Sam I Am Very Happy
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 01:27    Post subject:
Elminster this elminster that, give me 3000 years of the pointy hat and I'll show you something - Edwin Baldur's Gate (paraphrased, I don't remember it exactly). Just about anything out of Baldur's gate is GREAT.

Intel i5 6500 3.2Ghz, Geforce 970GTX 2GB, 16 GB Ram, Windows 7
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Posts: 144

PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 01:37    Post subject:
Before anyone else does and funny nonetheless " Names are for friends. so I dont need one" Hitman Blood Money abiet corny or clich'e it has to be on par with "Go ahead punk make my day"

If life is one big joke , I just don't get it......
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Posts: 177

PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 01:50    Post subject:
imo, some of the best are from the GTA series

GTA San Andreas:

Sweet: You're dressed like a hooker!
Kendl: You two would know what a hooker looks like
CJ: You say that like it's a bad thing.

Tommy when stealing a car,
Tommy: Just think of this as socialism in action
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Posts: 576

PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 05:07    Post subject:
The best game quote ever:

Duke Nukem: "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all outta gum."

Simply the best!
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Posts: 1035
PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 06:11    Post subject:
oh come on how can no one put
"All your base are belong to us" ?

Intel Core i7-3770K @ 3.50 GHz
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Posts: 266

PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 06:56    Post subject:
Demonium wrote:
Minsc: Magic is impressive but now Minsc leads. Swords for everyone!
Baldur's Gate ftw. Mine

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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 08:31    Post subject:
Deelix have you got to give your useless, stupid opinions on everything? Do you actually spend 90% of your life giving dull and unintersting comments? Your really are a prick of the 1st order aren't you EMO? Too bad your incredibly stupid with it. Empty vessles make the most noise.......................................................
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Posts: 2304
Location: Somewhere
PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 08:57    Post subject:
Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine. Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No-one is more deserving of a rest. And all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until... well, let's just say your hour has come again. The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes.

if you don't know the game... well go figure out wich one it is and play it!
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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 09:10    Post subject:
Max Payne:
They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger. And then it was over.

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PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 09:27    Post subject:
SAILOR: Aye. It be near on fifty years ago, and I was a mate on a sturdy old lady called "The Three-Legged Whore"
APRIL: The what?
SAILOR: What do I be saying? She was called "The Thrifty Horse", she was. Aye, that be her name. "The Whittle Wotsit"
APRIL: Um... You don't remember the ship's name, do you?

APRIL: I'm in my undies... that's *so* not appropriate.

CROW: I never got into that whole PC thing. "It's not tyrocks, it's the Tyren. Don't say chicks, say birds. Don't say birds, say women." I dunno, it's all a little too complicated for a simple man of the air like myself.

Basically, every line of dialogue spoken in The Longest Journey is my favorite quote.

Core i7 920 @ 3.8Ghz | 6GB OCZ DDR3 8-8-8-24 @ 1600mhz | eVga x58 Mobo | 2 x eVga GTX 460 SLI | Intel X25-M + 3x Seagate + WD Black = 2.75TB | X-Fi Titanium | PCP&C Silencer 750 | G15 KB | G5 Mouse | G35 Headset | Z-5500 Digital | Samsung T260HD
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Posts: 266

PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 09:49    Post subject:
kosmiq wrote:
Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine. Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No-one is more deserving of a rest. And all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until... well, let's just say your hour has come again. The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes.

if you don't know the game... well go figure out wich one it is and play it!
Love that game. Especially online.

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Posts: 804
Location: Motherland!
PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 09:57    Post subject:
Serious Sam : Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah yourself......oh shit
(this was when you first met the screaming kamikaze guys)

For the Motherland!
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Posts: 13279

PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 10:29    Post subject:
Vice City

Tommy Vercetti: This is the last dance for Lance Vance.
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Posts: 1732
Location: Belgium
PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 11:02    Post subject:
Some dawn of war quotes Smile

Orks, Gretchin: "Look at the size of their guns! We can't win!"

Orks, Tankbustaz: "Hold on to da pin, throw da uvver part."
"Ahahahaha! Don't hold on to dat end of it!"

Chaos, Raptors: "Chaos Raptors, ready to sting/kill"
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Posts: 6422
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 27th May 2006 11:17    Post subject:
Anna: "Are you sure you pressed the right button?"
Gunther: "I do not make mistakes of that kind."
Anna: "Your hand might have slipped."
Gunther: "No. I wanted orange. It gave me lemon-lime."
Anna: "The machine would not make a mistake..."
Gunther: "It's the maintenance man. He knows I like orange."
Anna: "So you think the staff has some kind of plot..."
Gunther: "Yes. They do it on purpose!"

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