Best Linux Distrbs
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Posts: 6428
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PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jun 2006 19:03    Post subject: Best Linux Distrbs
I used Linux for some time a few years back, but then I just stop working with it, now I want to get back to use Linux and I was wondering what are the best distributions avaiable at the present.

I used to use Slackware and Red Hat, (at the time I liked Slackware the better), but I'm really looking for another person's opinion.

basicly I want to know if Slack and Red Hat are still the best Dists out there, (and wich one is the better), or if is there a new Dist that I haven't heard about that surpasses those 2 I mentioned.

PS: some time ago, I've heard that Debian was also very good, but never used it, does it worth a shot?
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PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jun 2006 20:13    Post subject:
Ubuntu and Suse are nice o.o

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PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jun 2006 20:16    Post subject:
GexX2 wrote:
Ubuntu and Suse are nice o.o

I found Suse to be a little lame, if you know what I mean, as for Ubuntu, never heard of it, will google it out, it might be good, but it sure has a strange name, that one was made by an aborigene tribe in africa right? Laughing
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Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jun 2006 21:19    Post subject:
I use Fedora Core 5 on my desktop and Laptop both works nice in both places.

Intel i5 6500 3.2Ghz, Geforce 970GTX 2GB, 16 GB Ram, Windows 7
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jun 2006 22:53    Post subject:
Ubuntu is the only good linux distro (other than Debian of course, which Ubuntu is based on)..
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Posts: 6428
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PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jun 2006 23:31    Post subject:
I've read somewhere that Gentoo was the best dist to play games and stuff, is this true?

so, what should I stick with? Debian or Ubuntu? what's your opinion.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither
- Benjamin Franklin - 1759

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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jun 2006 23:37    Post subject:
Gentoo will be too hard if your new to linux, Ubuntu is your best bet for a new user (well, that is if you want a step up from SUSE/FEDORA)
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PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jun 2006 00:35    Post subject:
[sYn] wrote:
Gentoo will be too hard if your new to linux, Ubuntu is your best bet for a new user (well, that is if you want a step up from SUSE/FEDORA)

I've no problems in using "harder" dists, I'm just looking for the most complete ones (without all that garbage they put in some dists) I've browsed thorugh, and I found out that the latest dist is 12 CDs/2 DVDs. you said Ubuntu is based in Debian. what's the differences between the 2?
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Posts: 881

PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jun 2006 06:55    Post subject:
ubuntu is more straight forward. but i would suggest debian to learn the basics!
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PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jun 2006 20:34    Post subject:
about the Ubuntu distrb, what's the difference between the desktop edition and the server edition?

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither
- Benjamin Franklin - 1759

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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jun 2006 20:48    Post subject:
Debian ISNT 12 cd's.. its 300mb and downloads what YOU tell it to on installation / after installation.. Debian is more "power user" based than ubuntu. Ubuntu is a user distro, it has no root account (by default).. the desktop/server editions differ in the generic applications installed..
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Posts: 354

PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jun 2006 20:57    Post subject:
Ive used SuSE which I quite like despite being a bit bloaty, Mepis was quite good untill I tried to use an Apple USB keyboard with it.
Tried Ubuntu today
sYn wrote:
Ubuntu is a user distro, it has no root account

I cant see the point of this maybe I havent done enough research.
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jun 2006 21:34    Post subject:
The idea is to make it more user friendly, it doesn't have a "root" account that is enabled, but there is a "superuser" password and there is still the ability to SU into that superuser mode within a console.
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jun 2006 21:49    Post subject:
Ronhrin wrote:

I've no problems in using "harder" dists, I'm just looking for the most complete ones (without all that garbage they put in some dists) I've browsed thorugh, and I found out that the latest dist is 12 CDs/2 DVDs. you said Ubuntu is based in Debian. what's the differences between the 2?

I play plenty of games in Linux on my desktop, even my laptop using FC5. I get fine performance with my x800GT on my desktop and things like FSAA work fine in games like Enemy Territory.
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Wed, 14th Jun 2006 00:22    Post subject:
Ubuntu is by far your best bet, as others have said.

Dapper Drake just came out too, good time to jump on. Smile

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Posts: 354

PostPosted: Wed, 14th Jun 2006 13:29    Post subject:
I'm on my 2nd install of Ubuntu, I didnt realize there's no root account as such (thanks sYn) and tried to create one, on a reboot I couldnt login.
Since it only takes about 20minutes to install I reinstalled.

I still think Mepis is easier, and If I was using a ps2 keyboard would probably still be using mepis.
Mepis detects, mounts drives and plays mp3s (out of the box) Ubuntu doesnt.
Ubuntu doesnt have a compiler

Dont want to sound like a whinger but I can remember fiddling around with fstab to get drives to mount with redHat9, I'm still doing it 3-4 years later with Ubuntu...
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Wed, 14th Jun 2006 16:50    Post subject:
What package manager does Mepis use? I have to say thats the main reason I go with Ubuntu/Debian - APT
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Posts: 354

PostPosted: Wed, 14th Jun 2006 17:11    Post subject:
Mepis has APT / Synaptic.
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Location: Chongqing, China
PostPosted: Sat, 17th Jun 2006 20:56    Post subject:
I'm using Redhat for my work and Gentoo for my desktop. There is no
"best" but "best fit for you" destro. ^^

If you used to Slackware or RH, try it. But for me, Gentoo and Ubuntu are the best destrobutions. Just try the drstrobutions you used, and then the new ones.

( I hope I expressed my opinion clearly with by baaaaaaad English..... Razz )

Sorry for my poooooor English if U cannot know what I'm talking about...
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