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Posts: 849
Location: Denmark
PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jun 2006 10:59    Post subject: THUG WORKOUT

I just noticed something: It looks like that footage was shot with a wide-angle lens.

Watch the curvature of the bars in the video.....a wide angle lens makes people look "thicker".
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jun 2006 12:07    Post subject:
not really worth watching. Just 5 minutes of guys doing pull ups. the deffo need to work on their leg muscles though. Not necessarily bulking them up, but they have hardly any control over them, and can't really do stuff like pikes properly.

And even if it was shot with a wide angle lens he's still pretty buff. Just a bit of a tosser too Smile

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 2907
Location: Not from my mouth!
PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jun 2006 15:37    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:
not really worth watching. Just 5 minutes of guys doing pull ups. the deffo need to work on their leg muscles though. Not necessarily bulking them up, but they have hardly any control over them, and can't really do stuff like pikes properly.

And even if it was shot with a wide angle lens he's still pretty buff. Just a bit of a tosser too Smile


But the ending, damn just maked him look so stupid. "yeah yeah, thats wat im talkin bout. rough riders rough riders"

tool boy Laughing

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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Posts: 895
Location: Riket
PostPosted: Mon, 5th Jun 2006 19:58    Post subject:
These guys are pumped with steroids.

jenni <3
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Posts: 1111

PostPosted: Tue, 6th Jun 2006 01:32    Post subject:
Unique workout vid. Better than most of the shit out there
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Posts: 791

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jul 2006 13:46    Post subject:
People say you cant do crap without iron, but every single male gymnaist never touches iron and they have insane hypertrophy and are ripped to shreds. Bodyweight exercises can work if done correctly. cf t-nations' article (cant be botherd to link). The good thing about them too is that you're totally in balance and less injury prone. But of course I cant see a way of working the legs with bodyweight progressive load via pivots. Still need good old squats.

But apparantly a 130lb gymnast who had never deadlifted in his life pulled 400lbs. That's insane.
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Posts: 3004
Location: HEHE
PostPosted: Fri, 28th Jul 2006 00:24    Post subject:
fraich3 wrote:
Sublime wrote:
not really worth watching. Just 5 minutes of guys doing pull ups. the deffo need to work on their leg muscles though. Not necessarily bulking them up, but they have hardly any control over them, and can't really do stuff like pikes properly.

And even if it was shot with a wide angle lens he's still pretty buff. Just a bit of a tosser too Smile


But the ending, damn just maked him look so stupid. "yeah yeah, thats wat im talkin bout. rough riders rough riders"

tool boy Laughing

ruff riders dumbarse

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