Guild Wars: Factions
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 04:35    Post subject: Guild Wars: Factions
Guild Wars: Factions

  • Official web page: LINK
  • Publisher: NCSoft
  • Genre: CORPG
  • Release date: OUT NOW
  • Story/Description:

    Guild Wars has been termed a CORPG, cooperative online roleplaying game by its creator, ArenaNet. The game is set in an immersive medieval fantasy setting. Don't expect to play and find the average fantasy world though, ArenaNet has gone out of their way to create their own unique world with a deep storyline and unusual characters. Guild Wars, as indicated by its name, incorporates a vast system to facilitate the creation and running of guilds. There is extensive support for PvP combat within the game, including small battles of 4v4 all the way through raging Guild vs. Guild battles. While the game offers vast PvP options, there are also cooperative areas and solo play areas. With the option to login and bash monster heads with friends, unfold an ever-expanding storyline through the cooperative missions, or jump into heated combat against players from all around the world, you can bet Guild Wars is sure to keep players from all gaming experiences entertained for hours.

  • Multiplayer: YES
  • System requirements:

    Required System Specs:

    * Windows XP/2000/ME/98
    * 800 MHz Pentium III or equivalent
    * 256 MB RAM
    * ATI Radeon 8500 or GeForce 3 or 4 MX with 32MB of video memory
    * 500 MB hard drive space
    * Internet connection
    * DirectX 8.0

    Recommended System Specs:

    * Windows XP/2000/ME/98
    * Pentium III 1GHz or equivalent
    * 512 MB RAM
    * ATI Radeon 9000 or GeForce 4 Ti Series with 64MB of video memory
    * 500 MB free hard drive space
    * Internet connection

  • Protection: Online Game!
  • Multilanguage: YES
  • Review: , 9.2
  • Gamespot community rating: 9.2
  • Screenshots: [url=]Screenshots

Ok, so we still have a guild (which i'm in haha..) more to the point, I'm playing it again now, due to factions kicking ass and me loving the assassin build! Anyone else playing? Anyone care to explain the Armour stuff to me... its losing me utterly.. maybe i should read the manual :\..
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VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 09:50    Post subject:
Totally forgot about the game and our guild Wink i might install it later today, anyone else of our members still playing this?
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PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 10:02    Post subject:
i am "The Mighty Panda" Level 16 Monk
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PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 10:34    Post subject:
Havent touched it in yonks ...............

Daz99 wrote:
Will I get banned for posting a horse and a nakkid black man?

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PDIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 11:03    Post subject:
Would never thin [syn] would make a thread for an mmo. Tho its abit different, and no monthly fee.
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Posts: 1213

PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 11:08    Post subject:
Haven't played it since two weeks after release. Loved it during the beta, but when the tombs got flooded and pickup groups started sucking major wang, just couldnt be fucked training enough to join a good enough guild. Loved it during beta though.

They should have non-ranked tombs or something for those of us who suck or dont care Smile.
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PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 12:10    Post subject:
Submiqent wrote:
just couldnt be fucked training enough to join a good enough guild.

hey, are you trying to tell us that the nforce guild sucked Wink I stopped playing right after ascention, i thought ascention was the big finale, only to find out that the same boring repetitive gameplay continued Neutral
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Posts: 1234

PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 13:15    Post subject:
will this work with the original guild wars or you need a proper original key for this to be able to play it ?

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Posts: 558

PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 13:52    Post subject:
You need a factions cd key for this to work
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PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 14:21    Post subject:
k... thanks

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Posts: 14713

PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 14:34    Post subject:
Wasn't Guild Wars the game with 1D elements in the 3D world? I believe so, looked very ugly.

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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 14:46    Post subject:
FnF wrote:
Wasn't Guild Wars the game with 1D elements in the 3D world? I believe so, looked very ugly.
No, its not
Same gfx engine as WoW i believe.
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Dr. Strangelove

Posts: 9240
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PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 15:36    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
FnF wrote:
Wasn't Guild Wars the game with 1D elements in the 3D world? I believe so, looked very ugly.
No, its not
Same gfx engine as WoW i believe.

guildwars engine is unreal technology WoW engine was developed by blizzard in-house
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 15:44    Post subject:
Looks sexy Smile I shall buy it soon.
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PDIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 16:15    Post subject:
ah.. but some of the wow designers worked with GW...
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 17:16    Post subject:
I got guild wars on the day of release, played it for about 6 hours and tried to commit suicide out of boredom.. However I am a HUGE MMO fan (currently playing 3.. :\).. so when I looked at the information on factions I decided it wasn't that big a chunk of money to blow to give it a try. I bought it yesterday and find the factions campaign far more fun, less annoying, and just all around better than the original one.
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PDIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 17:38    Post subject:
The orginal wasn't boring, could be your class. Guild Wars can get really boring if you don't know any people. Its not worth playing if you just play with NPC's all the time.
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 17:51    Post subject:
That could explain things Razz, currently playing with NPC's all the time as there are no issues with doing it.. I'm still going strong.

Anyone happen to know how the armor works in this game? From what i can gather there are differing armors avaliable as you level up, each one looking different and being better in stats than the one before it.. then at the end of the game you can buy the 1.5k or 15k equivalent of that armor, it looks similar to the original but has great stats..
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PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 18:08    Post subject:
the lack of aesthetic varieties in armour is a bit crap, how u look similar to everyone else, but the game itself is fun and its very tactical, but as said, i reccomend finding a friend to play with, ibought the original guild wars and got rid of it as it was boring but picked up factions and am playing with a friend over teamspeak now its really fun and when we join a good guild with teamspeak im sure itll get even better, an in game voice chat feature would also have been good.
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Posts: 558

PostPosted: Sun, 28th May 2006 19:20    Post subject:
[sYn] wrote:
That could explain things Razz, currently playing with NPC's all the time as there are no issues with doing it.. I'm still going strong.

Anyone happen to know how the armor works in this game? From what i can gather there are differing armors avaliable as you level up, each one looking different and being better in stats than the one before it.. then at the end of the game you can buy the 1.5k or 15k equivalent of that armor, it looks similar to the original but has great stats..

Basically the further into the storyline you get the better the armour you can craft gets, the best way to get armour is from the collectors though, its free. There are differences in appearance between the different armour types for your character as well as differences in stat bonuses, like +1 to death magic etc... The best armour depends on what type of character you are using and what mission or pvp you are doing, I tend to use the armour that gives +energy as it really makes a huge difference when carrying out combo's.
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Posts: 77

PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 11:17    Post subject:
Epsilon wrote:
guildwars engine is unreal technology WoW engine was developed by blizzard in-house

slightly off-topic: WoW engine is based on Anarchy Online.
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PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 11:18    Post subject:
No, it ain't. Funcom never licensed their engine to anyone.

Epsilon is right, it is in-house.

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PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 11:52    Post subject:
Is it better than Oblivion ???

Who con prove me to come over for playing Guild War factions...
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PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 12:00    Post subject:
Benneland wrote:
Is it better than Oblivion ???

Who con prove me to come over for playing Guild War factions...

If we talk multiplayer then yes of course Rolling Eyes

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 150

PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 13:09    Post subject:
Factions is a really cool game (excepted some boring "ask A then ask B then go back and ask again A" quests), but it's way too short compared to propheties (the first guild wars episode).
The "kurzick vs luxons" war doesn't change anything in game, and to be honest I really don't know what to do with the kurzick or luxons points I have.
Well I can buy amber or jadeit to buy special armors, but the best looking armors IMO are the canthan 15k armors that you find after you've completed the game...and these armor crafters don't need amber or jadeit to make stupid this kurzick/luxon system is Embarassed
Oh, and Factions lacks a lot of PVE content once you've done the main quest.
I've done it already with my two main characters (I've explored 95% of cantha with my warrior), and I fell bored...I really don't like to create a new character (I don't like ritualist, and assassins are too weak).
I'm waiting for the next chapter but I really hope that they'll add some interesting content for pve player this time.
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Posts: 1714
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PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 15:10    Post subject:
Lemonized wrote:
Epsilon wrote:
guildwars engine is unreal technology WoW engine was developed by blizzard in-house

slightly off-topic: WoW engine is based on Anarchy Online.

OFF TOPIC AGAIN: World Of Warcraft-gfx engine Is a modified WARCRAFT 3-engine, Nuff said.

Guild wars have never been something Im willing to check out... dono. Those kinda games are fun for a short while.. and If you gonna be successfull you have to spend alot of time.

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PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 15:21    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 19:40    Post subject:
NiukNiuk wrote:
Factions is a really cool game (excepted some boring "ask A then ask B then go back and ask again A" quests), but it's way too short compared to propheties (the first guild wars episode).

Are you sure you are playing factions?? Way to many of the quests are fedex style, go to a to b and back to c.
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Dr. Strangelove

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PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 20:05    Post subject:
Spun[k] wrote:
Lemonized wrote:
Epsilon wrote:
guildwars engine is unreal technology WoW engine was developed by blizzard in-house

slightly off-topic: WoW engine is based on Anarchy Online.

OFF TOPIC AGAIN: World Of Warcraft-gfx engine Is a modified WARCRAFT 3-engine, Nuff said.

Guild wars have never been something Im willing to check out... dono. Those kinda games are fun for a short while.. and If you gonna be successfull you have to spend alot of time.

I don't know where you people get your info pulling it out your back ends or what?, modified warcraft 3 engine sure and everything else thats ever been made except WoW is based off a modified version of pong Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 248
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PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 20:38    Post subject:
I hate the maps in this game. They look great but you can't climb ANYTHING with an anlge exceeding 30 degrees, and you can't jump either... It drives me fucking crazy.

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