DMC3 Framerate issues And my hard work
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Jul 2006 14:44    Post subject: DMC3 Framerate issues And my hard work
I don't know how many of you are playing it but there's a Devil May Cry 3 came pc version, and god the port sucks.
Beyond that there is a big frame rate issue for allot of users cased by a sound problem, a solid 15 fps in game (no matter the resolution you chose) becomes a solid 50 fps after you move the "Sound" folder from the "Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition" Folder. :blink: So you can choose, No sound and good FPS or bad FPS and have sound.
I went deeper into those files and tried allot of tweaks to make them work in the game with a descent frame rate.

I've tried reinstalling, removing, installing a newer Ogg codec - No go
I've tried converting them to another format - no sound
I've tried converting them to 64 Kbps ogg format - no sound
I've tried converting them to any format of ogg - no sound
(then I've looked deeper into the Bin ogg files that plays the sound in the game and found in the info:
"Sound Player Lilith [Ogg Vorbis Plug-in Encoder v0.991bFinal Retail] Author's Site is Project9k at
so I've downloaded Sound Player Lilith and tried to convert the sound in the game to a bad Kbps ogg file(in a jap software!) - there was sound but even in a 22000 64 Kbps the FPS still suck!

I'm writing all of this because maybe it will give someone a lead about this annoying problem.

Good Luck, you'll need it.
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Posts: 740

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Jul 2006 15:56    Post subject:
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