Jade Empire
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Posts: 945

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 13:43    Post subject: Jade Empire
BioWare bringing Jade Empire for the PC

should be released any time

waiting for this game Smile

BioWare always bring good games like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

score of the XBOX version:8.4 (on GameSpot)

PC preview:http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/jadeempire/news.html?mode=previews


Set in an ancient world inspired by mythical China, Jade Empire lets you train under your master's watchful eye as you learn powerful martial arts and mystical powers. The PC version includes additional monsters, fighting styles, and enhanced graphics.

hope to see this game soon
maybe next month Wink
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 13:44    Post subject:
It is a good game on the Xbox.

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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 14:04    Post subject:
Can't wait Smile
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Posts: 541
Location: Cloud City, Bespin
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 14:06    Post subject:

Don't mistake lack of talent for genius!
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Posts: 55

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 14:24    Post subject:
as far as i know, it'll be released in the end of the year. btw it'll have extra content and improved gfx.
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Posts: 1528

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 14:26    Post subject:
Yeah, looks good. But the release date is TBA, which means it can be released tomorrow or right after Duke Nukem Forever. Usually it means the game is far from finished
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Posts: 4670
Location: Celephaïs
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 16:15    Post subject:
JE was one of the best games i've played on the xbox, loved the fighting system, loved the story, loved the eastern style. the graphics were good. just a really great game.

i'm still looking for some of the books the devs got their inspiration from. journey to the west, outlaws of the marsh and three kingdoms, but as i'm too stingy i don't wanna buy them.
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 16:34    Post subject:
No MP Sad ?
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Posts: 945

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 16:37    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
No MP Sad ?

no MP in this one
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 17:22    Post subject:
yay good news,even if it's gonna be port and close to xbox version it still will be better than any ports like oni3,dmc3 etc
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Posts: 60

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 17:42    Post subject:
This game is from Bioware, and Bioware have experience in PC Games so, we have to expect a good port
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Posts: 945

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 17:51    Post subject:
Krono wrote:
This game is from Bioware, and Bioware have experience in PC Games so, we have to expect a good port

indeed Wink
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Posts: 3694

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 18:09    Post subject:
Yeah, I trust Bioware. They always bring us quality products.
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Posts: 550
Location: Jönköping, Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 18:16    Post subject:
Jade Empire owns, best non-Japanese RPG i´ve played, finished it 4 times on the Xbox. The scene with John Cleese is hilarious!

"Thats no prob kanee! Suck your cock! A Firmware flash is more than fucking enough!" - Supermax2004
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Posts: 346

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 18:32    Post subject:
Played a little on Xbox, but left it for too long, forgot everything and can't stand last gen console gaming anymore (blame it on the 360)... I'd rather start new on a version with better graphics.
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 18:33    Post subject:
most people / reviews says that it's not as good as KOTOR but i guess i'll DL it when it comes out and have a quick look hehe
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 18:38    Post subject:
It's more akin to KOTOR 2 then KOTOR 1, which is to say it's good, but the characters and story don't match the quality displayed in KOTOR 1 in my opinion. Some good twists in the plot though.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 288

PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jul 2006 06:19    Post subject:
I'm really waiting for this. I find that there aren't enough console style RPG's on PC. I can't stand clickfests like diablo and titan quest. I also couldn't get myself into the combat system of Kotor. I wish they still made the Final Fantasy games for PC.
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Posts: 105

PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jul 2006 09:53    Post subject:
Did u see How much IGN gave It????( The Xbox One)
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jul 2006 12:09    Post subject:
"It's a strange thing to consider, but I believe David Clayman may have underrated Jade Empire at a 9.9." (from "Another Take"). Yeah right.

I almost never agree with IGN, they give way too high scores most of the time. Gamespot on the other hand gives too low scores almost as often but they tend to be a bit more realistic and they seem a bit more experienced, perhaps too experienced (= can be a bit cynical).
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jul 2006 16:48    Post subject:
Too little too late. Bioware turned their back on PC gaming, the consoles can have them.

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Posts: 3694

PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jul 2006 16:55    Post subject:
crossmr wrote:
Too little too late. Bioware turned their back on PC gaming, the consoles can have them.

Nooooo, Bioware is the best there is. It still makes games for the PC. Right now they are working on Dragon Age, which looks really promising.

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Posts: 1562
Location: Pot Capital of Canada (BC)
PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jul 2006 16:59    Post subject:
dont forget neverwinter nights 2

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Posts: 3694

PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jul 2006 17:00    Post subject:
werdercanuck wrote:
dont forget neverwinter nights 2

It's not done by bioware. It's developed by Obsidian Entertaiment.
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Posts: 1562
Location: Pot Capital of Canada (BC)
PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jul 2006 17:02    Post subject:
oh? my bad... Smile

1F U C4N R34D 7H1S, U R34LLY N33D 70 G37 L41D

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Posts: 5573

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jul 2006 01:09    Post subject:
Bioware gave up KOTOR 2 resulting in a half-assed, for all intents and purposes, unfinished sequel to one of the best RPGS in years (I fucking hate Star Wars, never seen a single film from start to finish, yet I fell in love with KOTOR 1 Razz )

Bioware gave up NWN 2 (to the same company as above), most likely dooming it to half assed failure as well.

Bioware turned its back on the PC in an effort to get on the console bandwagon and reap the cash. Fuck them, they're long dead to me. And they sure as hell won't get my support.

They may have made some wonderful titles, but in the end they sold out just like every other developer. I could give a rats ass if they have the talent, they obviously have no integrity.

I can never be free, because the shackles I wear can't be touched or be seen.
i9-9900k, MSI MPG-Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon, 32GB DDR4 @ 3000, eVGA GTX 1080 DT, Samsung 970 EVO Plus nVME 1TB
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jul 2006 01:48    Post subject:
I thought KOTOR II was sexy Smile <3 Bioware.
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Posts: 5573

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jul 2006 04:11    Post subject:
Dazz99 wrote:
I thought KOTOR II was sexy Smile <3 Bioware.

It was sexy, barring one HUGE GAPING FUCKUP - They never finished the ending.
Once you get on that last planet everything is a complete rushjob, no alternate endings, no nothing. They slapped a 2 minute ending on it and didn't bother at all with finishing it properly. Inexcusable.

And KOTOR 2 was made by Obsidian, not Bioware. Bioware was already on the console train so it gave away what rightfully was its responsibility in favor of a cashcow.

I can never be free, because the shackles I wear can't be touched or be seen.
i9-9900k, MSI MPG-Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon, 32GB DDR4 @ 3000, eVGA GTX 1080 DT, Samsung 970 EVO Plus nVME 1TB
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Posts: 3694

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jul 2006 10:13    Post subject:
I agree with what you say Immunity but I will forgive them if Dragon Age is going to be anything near BG.
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Posts: 1213

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jul 2006 17:07    Post subject:
Immunity wrote:
Dazz99 wrote:
I thought KOTOR II was sexy Smile <3 Bioware.

It was sexy, barring one HUGE GAPING FUCKUP - They never finished the ending.
Once you get on that last planet everything is a complete rushjob, no alternate endings, no nothing. They slapped a 2 minute ending on it and didn't bother at all with finishing it properly. Inexcusable.

And KOTOR 2 was made by Obsidian, not Bioware. Bioware was already on the console train so it gave away what rightfully was its responsibility in favor of a cashcow.

Last time I played KOTOR 2 there was a big patch being made up by fans for alternate endings, cause someone found alot of text/assorted voice acting for the end that wasn't in the game. No idea how that turned out.

This shit happens all the time though, game gets rushed. Since it was Obsiddy's first title (as far as i know), I imagine they needed money in the bank and fast.
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