Oceanhorn - Monster of Uncharted Seas
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PostPosted: Wed, 18th Feb 2015 10:09    Post subject: Oceanhorn - Monster of Uncharted Seas

Grow from a boy to a legend.

Explore the islands of Uncharted Seas, a world filled with many dangers, puzzles and secrets. Fight monsters, learn to use magic and discover ancient treasures which will help you on your quest. Use all your wits and skill to unravel the mysteries of ancient kingdom Arcadia and sea monster Oceanhorn.

Oceanhorn combines captivating storytelling, breathtaking 3D visuals and exciting gameplay into one massive action adventure experience you will never forget.

Enjoy an incredible soundtrack from the best video game composers in the world:
Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy*) and Kenji Ito (Seiken Densetsu*)

Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas comes to Steam as remastered version! Join the adventure 17th of March and unravel the mystery of Oceanhorn!

Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Sea is heavily influenced by Zelda games in general, and Wind Waker in particular, with a very familiar mix of chunky bright colors in an isometric world, as well as Nintendo-esque sweetness and bravery as a boyish hero sets sail in search of justice and adventure.

Already released by Cornfox and Bros. on iOS to a generally positive reception, Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Sea will be available for Windows PC on Steam on March 17. It's been given a graphical facelift as well as a new control scheme.

About PC version
  • Oceanhorn's Steam version will be a completely remastered version of the game, a huge graphical and technical overhaul, that makes the game more suitable for bigger screens and more powerful hardware.
  • The game has been redesigned for physical controls and it plays great whether you wish to play it with mouse / keyboard or with a gamepad!
  • All of the game's graphical assets have been tweaked for the PC platform. We added four times more polygons, sharper textures, normal maps, detail objects and new lighting effects such as dynamic ambient occlusion, soft shadows and realtime reflections to make Oceanhorn look stunning when played in 4K resolution.
  • We have also read every review and feedback out there to improve the original game all around. We have remastered puzzles and taken care of spots that felt confusing or unfair for the players.
  • There are some new items in the shop that will hit the nail with people's demands. Second Chance Potion might be expensive, but you will be lucky to have it in a boss fight and Mana Refill Potion will be a priceless possession in Frozen Palace. What could be the function of the Ancient Arcadian Radar, though?
  • Overall, we are pretty damn happy with the outcome of this definitive version of Oceanhorn and we are truly honored to welcome the Steam audience to enjoy the adventures at Uncharted Seas!


Last edited by prudislav on Mon, 22nd Aug 2016 14:42; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 23008
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Wed, 18th Feb 2015 11:10    Post subject:
Nice, so they remastered puzzles because they were difficult and PC ends up with an easier version. Just great..
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Posts: 1724
Location: Norn Iron, UK
PostPosted: Wed, 18th Feb 2015 11:54    Post subject:
dumbed down puzzles or not... dowant!

when there is no more room in hell, the D34D will walk the earth
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PostPosted: Wed, 18th Feb 2015 12:23    Post subject:
Stormwolf wrote:
Nice, so they remastered puzzles because they were difficult and PC ends up with an easier version. Just great..

have no idea - maybe someone who played the iDevice version can tell what problems were with puzzles
- hopefuly its just fixing nonsensical ones instead of dumbing them down
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PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2015 11:49    Post subject:
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2015 11:52    Post subject:
zomgggg its coming to steam, with music by uematsu So Much Win
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2015 13:22    Post subject:
Nice, looks like oldschool Zelda in 3D
Me Gusta

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PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2015 14:24    Post subject:
I played on ipad but the game was sort of dull for me. Dont know why, probably because of level design.
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Posts: 163

PostPosted: Mon, 16th Mar 2015 22:01    Post subject:
PC port looks nice, much better than mobile original (more detailed models, higher res textures, some nice post effects). Game is fun, has nice, colorful graphics and beautiful soundtrack. I am having fun.

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Posts: 6102

PostPosted: Mon, 16th Mar 2015 22:57    Post subject:
Every time I see this thread I read it as "Monster of Uncharted Series"
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

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PostPosted: Tue, 17th Mar 2015 18:24    Post subject:

"Fuck Denuvo"

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PostPosted: Tue, 17th Mar 2015 18:38    Post subject:
Awesome game If I was 10!!

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Posts: 363

PostPosted: Tue, 17th Mar 2015 19:15    Post subject:
cool, now waiting for usenet Wink
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Posts: 392

PostPosted: Wed, 18th Mar 2015 03:33    Post subject:
I played it up for a couple of hours so far, it's pretty good. I wouldn't have guessed it was an IOS game if I didn't already know it.

Cheap on Nuuvem http://www.nuuvem.com.br/produto/2722-oceanhorn-monster-of-uncharted-seas
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Posts: 958

PostPosted: Wed, 18th Mar 2015 14:24    Post subject:
its pretty good so far but king angler is a bitch to fight (or i am just bad)

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Posts: 34526
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Mar 2015 14:03    Post subject:


OUT NOW - Maintenance Update 1

Oceanhorn's first Update is here, with a lot of small fixes and with some of the requested features. We wanted to bring this update to you as soon as possible so that you could continue to enjoy your game.

We fixed our nastiest bug that caused save games to partially corrupt if the player exits game too fast after saving. That caused all those bugs related to doors and keys.

We made a lot of fixes to improve game's performance, but we aware that we still have battles to be fought on this front, especially with AMD hardware. We have a lovely new high-end AMD PC here at the office, just for this!

Version Maintenance Update 1.
- Various performance improvements.
- Support for resizable windowed mode.
- Support for forcing either gamepad or mouse & keyboard control mode.
- Fixed a bug that caused corrupted save games (e.g. stuck behind a re-locked door).
- Fixed an issue with shooting arrows.
- Fixed a bug that in rare occasions did not end Shadow Mesmeroth boss battle.
- Fixed a bug that caused Neeti to block Hero's movement.
- Fixed a bug that caused VSync to fail in some cases.
- Fixed a bug that allowed activating some switches with movable objects and bombs.
- Fixed a bug that in some cases prevented from getting the Scholar achievement.
- Fixed a number of level issues and stuck points.
- Fixed an issue with mouse cursor mode.
- Fixed an issue with fullscreen resolution button.
- Fixed small localization issues.
- Changed minimun Windows version check so that Windows Vista is accepted.
- Added support for minidump crash logging.
- Fixed a bug that caused graphics settings to reset to Ultra if the game was exited during loading image.

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Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 26th Mar 2015 00:03    Post subject:
Quite liking this game, expected a decent Zelda clone and got it! Very Happy
Certainly worth the price they are asking and even more so dat sexeh Nuuvem price! Smile

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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Thu, 26th Mar 2015 07:07    Post subject:
I like it too so far, especially the art style is nice. But so far (~15% done) the game is very easy and the puzzles are pretty simple too. Just yesterday i thought i had to solve some puzzle where crates where blocking a way. Turned out i just had to press a nearby switch Crying or Very sad
Also sucks that i "have to" pause the playthrough when PoE comes out today Sad

Enthoo Evolv ATX TG // Asus Prime x370 // Ryzen 1700 // Gainward GTX 1080 // 16GB DDR4-3200
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Posts: 34526
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 24th Sep 2015 12:28    Post subject:


Thank you Oceanhorn players for your continuing support! We have another round of bug fixes and polish coming to your way. We came up with a final solution for corrupt game saves, this should fix the problem permanently. Rest of the update is more or less cleaning up the floor after the recently released Major Performance Update, which made the game run lightning fast even on moderate rigs! So if you were in the minority who had problems before, you should now have a stable and well running build in your hands!

We wish you happy travels in Uncharted Seas!

Version Maintenance Update 2.
* Fixed another bug that sometimes caused save game corruption problems (e.g. getting stuck behind a locked door).
* Implemented a mouse movement treshold for showing the mouse cursor and for changing the HUD symbols to avoid unintentional switching between the gamepad UI and mouse & keyboard UI.
* Optimized font drawing.
* Fixed a bug that caused destroyed puzzle objects sometimes not to be reset when pressing the reset button.
* Sword is now always enabled right from the level start (even while the island title and challenges are shown) so that the player is not so vulnerable in these situations.
* Fixed a bug that caused Shadow Mesmeroth's red bones to get distorted when the game is paused.
* Fixed some minor collision problems.
* Fixed some small typos in the subtitles.
* Fixed a bug which allowed the shield bubble appear when the shield button was pressed during conversation.
* Disabled changing the secondary weapon while it is being used (e.g. while aiming with the bow, carrying a bomb, or playing the flute) to avoid control and visual glitches.
* Fixed a bug that allowed moving Hero by pointing with the mouse if shield was used together with the bow.
* Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the bomb from exploding in the Deception cinematic sequence.



OUT NOW - Maintenance Update 3
Thank you for playing Oceanhorn! And thank you for being patient while we prepared this update. We have now fixed the graphics corruption bug that appeared with the latest Nvidia drivers and added a whole lot of performance optimizations, improvements, and bug fixes. This update should make the game run faster for everybody, and also look a lot nicer for those of you who play the game in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Russian.

Maintenance Update 3, version

* Optimized shadow filtering and dynamic geometry flushing to get better results and performance.
* Fixed graphics corruption bug that occured on some devices with the latest Nvidia drivers.
* Fixed cloud shadows and other shadow problems on some characters.
* Improved Giant Cepede miniboss fight.
* Fixed enemy AI path finding bugs that could cause some enemies to get stuck.
* Improved font rendering for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian language versions.
* Fixed mouse control problems while sailing or fishing and playing in windowed mode.
* Fixed a bug that caused Game Saved notification to be displayed twice in some cases.
* Fixed a bug that caused Ice Elemental enemies to set wooden objects on fire.
* Fixed a bug that caused secondary weapon to be unequipped after the Coral Saber flashback.
* Fixed a control glitch after finding the Store Cube.
* Added floating crates on the minimap while sailing.
* Fixed Attacker Owru's shadow when she flies away.
* Fixed door opening animations.
* Tweaked in-game voice over and sound effect volume levels.
* Fixed a music volume level bug that could sometimes cause volume changes to be ignored.
* Misc small level bug fixes.
* Small graphics improvements and visual effect tweaks.
* Fixed small typos in texts.
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Posts: 29148
Location: The land of beer and porn
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Aug 2016 14:44    Post subject:

The boy has grown up? That’s right! But he is a different boy altogether! Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm is set in another time period on the Oceanhorn timeline. The game has a new Hero, a boy who has been trained to become a Knight of Arcadia.

Oceanhorn 2 will be built upon the same elements that were the heart and soul of the first Oceanhorn game: exploring a colorful world, a deep backstory with secrets and twists, amazing music, and most importantly – classic Action RPG gameplay with items, puzzles, battles, and badass bosses!
The game is played from a third person camera angle that will take players right into the heat of action and allows them to explore even the smallest details of Arcadia. Our battle system consists of sword fighting, utilizing powerful spells and finding creative ways to use various items that Hero discovers on his travels.

One of the key items in the game is the Caster, a gun that shoots magical projectiles! It will have many uses on the player’s adventure, from puzzle solving to luring enemies and casting directed spells.


Last edited by prudislav on Mon, 22nd Aug 2016 14:53; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 5086

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Aug 2016 14:49    Post subject:
First game was allrdy pretty decent as far as zelda clones go this looks nice as well seems like they are taking skyward sword "inspiration"for the art style this time.
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Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Aug 2016 14:54    Post subject:
Ooh noice, quite enjoyed the first game! Very Happy

Nintenda plz dump your shitty consoles and give me more of these kind of games. Razz

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Posts: 392

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Aug 2016 15:06    Post subject:
I really enjoyed the first game. I hope they give the NPCs a bit more personality in this one though.
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
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PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Aug 2016 15:35    Post subject:
Hopefully skipping or at least simultaneously releasing stupid "mobile" version and coming right to PC!

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Posts: 363

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Aug 2016 17:11    Post subject:
wondering on which plateform it will play.
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Posts: 2686
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PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Aug 2016 17:31    Post subject:
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Posts: 4180

PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Aug 2016 23:03    Post subject:
never heard of the first one and another one is under developmet Shocked
cool Smile
i must get the first on.

so is this kind of 3d bomber man ?
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Posts: 4950

PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Aug 2016 23:06    Post subject:
pikachupi wrote:
never heard of the first one and another one is under developmet Shocked
cool Smile
i must get the first on.

so is this kind of 3d bomber man ?

No it's similar to the older style Zelda games.
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Posts: 1535

PostPosted: Wed, 24th Aug 2016 01:01    Post subject:
I never gave it a fair chance....I played for 15min and decided it was too kiddy like??? WRONG MY BAD!! It is really good....looking forward to 2

Gigabyte Z590 UD AC Motherboard - Intel i5-11600k 3.90 GHZ - 32 GB DDR 4 Corsair Vengeance LPX 3600MHz- GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Windforce OC 12GB (Driver 566.03) Corsair GOLD 80 Plus RM750x PSU Gigabyte QS32Q 32" flat screen Gaming Monitor
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14109
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Mar 2017 14:23    Post subject:

For the new hint move to this thread:


"Fuck Denuvo"

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