Hello there my fellow nforcers
I'd have a couple (read: bunch) of quick questions for those of you with multiple screens.
I recently got fed up with my old monitor (wires in it were loose, sometimes they moved and color changed, nothing that a strong slap or 2 didnt fix.. but it was a temp fix) So I bought a new one (very plain and boring..) But that is not the point of this topic. I was wondering if I could hook up my old monitor AND the new one.
I have a Sapphire Radeon 9600XT so I know it's possible to have 2 display adapters runing 2 different refresh rates and resolutions.
Thing is, on my card I see 3 plugs, 1 for my crt monitor (crt is those common PC screen, the non-flat ones right?) 1 for the S-video connector (which goes to a TV) and a "DVI-I connector for digital flat panel" (which I do not have nor inted to buy. I'm a full time student with enough trouble as it is to pay the bills)
Would there be some matter of Y shaped wire/plug to allow me to connect both my CRT monitors? Would the Catalyst software recognize them as different?
Assuming it does, would it be possible to have 2 desktops running? one with, let's say a game i'd be playing and the other just idling on MSN so I can keep in touch or on a random page or whatever low-CPU consuming apps i pick?
Second possibility:
I am not, nor ever was, very found of Television. I usually dislike it. Though recently I've been thinking of getting some small TV (like a 15-17 inch or something, the kind that doesnt cost much and that people often put in dining rooms and stuff..
Thing is, I just checked the wire that came with the card, and I don't remember seeing a similar plug on any TV I owned..
Would a recent cheapo monitor have one? Or would I need an adapter? Does an adapter like that even exist? (remember its a "S-Video" to cable thingy id be looking for)
Any other possibility? Am I missing something.. misunderstood something?
Been there before and can offer any tips? Any suggestions welcome. Thanks a bunch for reading and even more if ya answer
PS: I'll be looking fr ansers on my side and keep this thread updated.. I feel that even if I'm the only one to reply, but with ansers, it's a worthy thread to be had on nforce hardware section 
Last edited by gutyreader on Sat, 14th Aug 2004 14:55; edited 2 times in total