Free Cheat Codes? No, hehe!
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Posts: 996

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 23:31    Post subject: Free Cheat Codes? No, hehe!
I don't quite know if I should post this in the Bitching Spot but since its concering a PC game I'll put it here...
Ok, this one really ticked me off..I recently downloaded and played through Micro.Machines.V4 and as those who also played it might have noticed - you can't get more than 260 cars (of 750) even if you completely finish the game. So where have they gone? I did some research...
Not only is this game Starforce infested (gladly cracked by RLD) but it also has a Bonuscode system to unlock hidden content. Sounds nice, right? Now fasten your seatbelts..


Although you get 2 free codes when registering (omg how generous those people are!) and thus leaving them bastards the opportunity to spam your email with their ad shit - you need at least 4 codes to unlock all cars. (or you make 1000 profiles and play 500h to unlock all cars, or trade them which is just as lame)

Let me quote Codemasters:

Buy bonus codes online!
Welcome to the Codemasters Hints & Tips section, where for only $5.49 you can purchase unlocks and cheats for your favourite games.

And read for yourself:

Remember the Oblivion people demanding money for their mods? Microsoft's Xbox Live currency "Microsoftpoints"? Similar insanities - and I bet this is just the beginning.

There is only one thing I can say - boycott those greedy bastards! The gaming industry, RIAA, MPAA they are all the same pile of shit! Evil or Very Mad

Hail piracy, hail the scene and hail the internet for giving us this great opportunity to kick capitalism in the ass Laughing

Last edited by Sedolf on Thu, 13th Jul 2006 23:35; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 945

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 23:32    Post subject:
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Posts: 996

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 23:34    Post subject: Re: Free Cheat Codes? No, hehe!
double post - del plz
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Posts: 1267
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 23:35    Post subject:
Whats next? Pay for getting your game patched up? i wouldnt be surprised if this was the case....greedy fuckers.
First we pay for a game, then they throw out a few patches and then some add-on packs (Oblivion) which we got to pay for..... Whats up with the little extra you get after buying a game now a days?
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Posts: 1557
Location: Dutch...
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 23:35    Post subject:
Sedolf i allready read that in the first post...why quote ???
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Posts: 1267
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 23:37    Post subject:
This is where David Hasselhoff should come to do something with this situation!
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 23:42    Post subject:
lol don't microsoft sell 360 cheats or something? o.0


Last edited by Dazz99 on Thu, 13th Jul 2006 23:55; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 1714
Location: SWEDEN
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 23:52    Post subject:
I sell myself to old women, for food.

Sig too big.
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 23:54    Post subject:
Spun[k] wrote:
I sell myself to old women, for food.
I lick peanut butter from old ladies ass cracks...atleast i think it's peanut butter o_O
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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 00:02    Post subject:
Well there was cmr04 & 05 cheatgens awail so for this might get a release too.
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 00:12    Post subject:
big deal codewankers bisy with this kinda stuff for a long time,thats why cheat gens for as Freakness mentioned
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Posts: 1267
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 00:15    Post subject:
Dazz99 wrote:
Spun[k] wrote:
I sell myself to old women, for food.
I lick peanut butter from old ladies ass cracks...atleast i think it's peanut butter o_O

Hows the taste and is it with bits in it?
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 00:22    Post subject:
RubberChicken wrote:
Dazz99 wrote:
Spun[k] wrote:
I sell myself to old women, for food.
I lick peanut butter from old ladies ass cracks...atleast i think it's peanut butter o_O

Hows the taste and is it with bits in it?
tastes like shit.
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Posts: 53

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 00:24    Post subject:
gmaecopyworld has a complete save game with everything unlocked if u wanna try that out.

but seriously, i call bs. wtf is the world coming to?
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Posts: 945

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 00:33    Post subject:
soon there will be to finish the game you should pay as 5 $
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Posts: 1267
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 00:34    Post subject:
Charging money for game cheats is really retarded. Why not charge me every time i flush the toilet aswell...fucking hipocrits
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Posts: 996

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 00:52    Post subject:
The savegame from gcw unlocks all cars and classes, but not the bonus tracks Wink
So even if you buy the crappy codes you won't get the full game grinhurt
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Posts: 1267
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 00:54    Post subject:
Now thats what i call ripping people off!
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Posts: 2350
Location: The Pub
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 01:37    Post subject:
I concur. Paying for an extra car in a game is really weak, or an extra quest for that matter. However, having to pay for cheats/help is not a new thing in any way. Remember all the 900 #'s in the back of game booklets (hint lines.) What about a game genie? Or game shark. Paying for cheats is almost as old as gaming is.

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Posts: 1267
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 03:25    Post subject:
True, but still.... it's shit
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Posts: 1528

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 03:37    Post subject:
Play fair. If you cant - pay money! Mwahahaha!!!
No really, nothing new or special here
Look, almost any MMORPG - you pay for patches, every month. You even pay to be able to play the fucking game, after you bought it and payed full price.

If you cant finish the game (alot of examples here) or unlock secrets because the game has stupid illogical puzzles, you can buy nice book for just 20$ which will help you....

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Posts: 5057

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 03:45    Post subject:
codemasters have been doing that since the amiga days, all the toca games have it to
btw nearly all companys used to do this but it seems that codemasters are one of the few that didnt stop it when the internet became available to the masses.

btw someone will prob release a code generator for it they did for the toca games, codemasters do it in a really shitty way aswell not every copy of the game uses the same codes which i assume is done to stop people beeing able to give there friends the codes Laughing
theres usually like 3 + diff versions of the game with different serial numbers relating to the codes that work on them
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Posts: 603
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 09:43    Post subject:
Yeah, some rich DOX group should invest some money in this "pay-for-codes" thing and make a trainer out of it. Smile Or we'll send PiZZA our 5,95$ for the cheats. They need the money. ^^ Codemasters is rich enough and doesn't deserve our dough.

I once had a trainer for Toca Race Driver 1 but it didn't work... Sad
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Posts: 142

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Jul 2006 02:26    Post subject:
Vladi wrote:
soon there will be to finish the game you should pay as 5 $

For some reason the Half-Life 2 episodes come to mind Sad
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Posts: 656

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Jul 2006 02:52    Post subject:
half life 2 episodes are expansion packs and none of us have ever complained about expansion packs have we?

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Posts: 142

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Jul 2006 11:33    Post subject:
I have two words for that notion: The Sims Very Happy
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Posts: 1267
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 16th Jul 2006 12:09    Post subject:
The sims is a pile of moneymilking shit.
When are they going to make an option to have longer days in the game?
It's only cool for building houses and gardens but the game is just a stress game.
Wake up, go to toilet, take shower, eat, work, toilet, sleep and it goes on
It should be illegal to charge people for playing that game Very Happy
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Posts: 63

PostPosted: Mon, 17th Jul 2006 15:06    Post subject:
you realize paying for content is the future of the console scene right... as it costs em money to make content available (like patches). With ghost recon advanced warfighter for example, the console patch costs money, the pc one does not.

Finishing the game before selling it isn't profitable anymore, so they finish most of it, then sell extra content later, hey, if they can sucker people into buying broke software, they can sucker them into buying fixes aswell (works for microsoft right Razz ).
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Posts: 6422
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 17th Jul 2006 15:39    Post subject:
Epic is planning to release mods, user-created content and bonus pack for Unreal Tournament 2007 on console, as long as Sony and Microsoft will let them.

Upcoming PC games 2009 and onwards
Bravery is not a function of firepower.
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Posts: 144

PostPosted: Mon, 17th Jul 2006 16:32    Post subject:
mrn wrote:
you realize paying for content is the future of the console scene right... as it costs em money to make content available (like patches). With ghost recon advanced warfighter for example, the console patch costs money, the pc one does not.

Finishing the game before selling it isn't profitable anymore, so they finish most of it, then sell extra content later, hey, if they can sucker people into buying broke software, they can sucker them into buying fixes aswell (works for microsoft right Razz ).

So in the next generation "Scene" we will see Dox groups for Console patches? Razz
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