Resurrection Of Evil error
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Posts: 85

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Aug 2006 21:41    Post subject: Resurrection Of Evil error
I've been playing ROE for a while with zero problems. But every time I load phobos labs sector 3, I get this error signature box:

Even took all graphics down to the lowest to see if it would ease it through, but no difference. It gets to exactly the same place of loading each time, ( just before the end of the word 'LOADING' ), then that error box comes up. Any idea if it's fixable? Thanks.
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Posts: 536
Location: "Mexico of Europe"
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Aug 2006 21:50    Post subject:
atioglxx.dll - looks kinda like ati opengl driver error?
Do you have newest catalysts? If so, have you tried reverting to older ones? (I don't have ati card, but, if i'm correct, it sometimes fixed problems people had in other games)

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Posts: 85

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Aug 2006 21:58    Post subject:
I'm on ATi cat 6.1 which was installed in february, so it's not the latest. Think it would be worth trying the latest? Perhaps the version I have is corrupted even? Can't say I've had any problems with quake 4 or prey so far though.
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Posts: 85

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Aug 2006 00:02    Post subject:
Ok, I tried a later atioglxx.dll , didn't make any difference. I've now installed the latest cat drivers, still same problem. I then uninstalled the game and reinstalled. Same problem.
Since this game works fine up to this point, I can't see how it would be the atioglxx. Maybe it's trying to load into a corrupted map or something?
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Posts: 85

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Aug 2006 17:25    Post subject:
I sorted it. Setting image_useCache from "1" to "0" did the trick. Smile
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