Hitman Blood Money Crash
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Fri, 30th Jun 2006 17:46    Post subject: Hitman Blood Money Crash
Hitman Blood Money crashes on level 4 "The Curtain Goes Up" or something like that. The game crashes to the desktop like 4 minutes into the mission, I believe when a FMV or something plays, although I can't be sure. The first 3 levels play fine.

The crash happens with version 1.0 and the No-DVD, as well as 1.1 with the No-DVD.

I know 1.2 is out, but I don't think it will run without a crack.

My Specs are as follows:
Pentium 4 3.0
ATI X800XL with Cat 6.2
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Location: Pot Capital of Canada (BC)
PostPosted: Fri, 30th Jun 2006 20:44    Post subject:
for that level disable the sound hardware acceleration via dxdiag

1F U C4N R34D 7H1S, U R34LLY N33D 70 G37 L41D

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PostPosted: Sat, 1st Jul 2006 07:19    Post subject:
Is this a known problem? Do I only have to disable it on this level?
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Posts: 1562
Location: Pot Capital of Canada (BC)
PostPosted: Sat, 1st Jul 2006 20:05    Post subject:
yes, i didnt have the problem though...

1F U C4N R34D 7H1S, U R34LLY N33D 70 G37 L41D

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Posts: 307
PostPosted: Sat, 1st Jul 2006 23:00    Post subject:
1.1 crack will work on 1.2 patch..... but, i get some freezes/crash.... might aswell try tho

Turn Down That Awful Music!
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Posts: 10

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Aug 2006 20:07    Post subject:
I get trown back out to desktop when i

1: Try to throw a knife
2: Play about 5-20 minutes.

I just got these problems and i cant figure out why.... the most anoying thing is that my savefiles for the level im on gets deleted so i have to start over again. Im on the level with the christmas party. Other then that it worked fine until now. Did not help to patch it...

Amd 2800
1.5 Gb Kingston Ram
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Posts: 765

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Aug 2006 20:16    Post subject:
cracked or clone?

if it's cracked, reinstall, update to latest version and don't crack it, and get the mini-image, curerom and latest DT4
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PostPosted: Sun, 13th Aug 2006 21:12    Post subject:

And how exactly do one do with the mini-image. is it a special version and stuff lie that to?
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Aug 2006 23:54    Post subject:
I have a consistent crash on this level too - I can play virtually the whole level, except when i throw the sausage you find in the kitchen (you use it on haviland's dog or something, so it's not exactly something i can just skip).

I use the emudvd.
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PostPosted: Mon, 14th Aug 2006 00:15    Post subject:
Does your savefiles get deleted to?

It verry annoying to be forced to start over again and again and again.

Where can one find this mini-image?
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Posts: 92
Location: brasil
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Aug 2006 16:33    Post subject:
I'll post this here just so I don't have to start a new thread

The game works great with mini image and asr, I'm getting 0 crashes and decent performance wverything on high, but after I updated to patch 1.2 something weiord started to happen, whenever I go to first person view the brightness goes up... and even worse depending on the weapon I'm using or area im in the brightness intensiity changes, sometimes I really can't see shit because the brightness is so high... anyone else getting this? I realçly like playing in first person but this makes it impossible.
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Posts: 765

PostPosted: Mon, 14th Aug 2006 22:07    Post subject:
damnet; update your 3d card drivers

mini image you can find from the usual websites, which i won't mention as it's probably against forum rules

savegames are meant to be deleted whenever you leave a mission
you HAVE to finish every level on one sitting
it's a fucking stupid design decision, but exists nonetheless
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Posts: 92
Location: brasil
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Aug 2006 21:30    Post subject:
s_hole wrote:
damnet; update your 3d card drivers

mini image you can find from the usual websites, which i won't mention as it's probably against forum rules

savegames are meant to be deleted whenever you leave a mission
you HAVE to finish every level on one sitting
it's a fucking stupid design decision, but exists nonetheless

I'm not sure that'll solve it, I saw on the official eidos forums that others are having the same problem, turning the post processing filter fixes it, but the games doesn't look as good, I'm currently using omega drivers based on cats 6.3 and as I can see on the DH forums any cats 6.4 and up based drivers are crap... so I'm not in the mod for a update.
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Posts: 765

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Aug 2006 17:08    Post subject:
there's omega drivers based on 6.7 already
experiencing glitches if you have ancient drivers is to be expected
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Posts: 92
Location: brasil
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Aug 2006 23:13    Post subject:
s_hole wrote:
there's omega drivers based on 6.7 already
experiencing glitches if you have ancient drivers is to be expected

I know that man, But as I said, I think all drivers from cats 6.4 up are crap, giving people all kind of problems(check the DH forums), but yeah I think I'll finally give in and updtae the damned drivers heh.

edit: bah the updated did nothing to the brightness problem... guess I'll just have to play with post processing offc.
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Posts: 765

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Aug 2006 01:31    Post subject:
sure but don't complain about graphical issues when you're half a year out of date
omega drivers always do their best to keep the most functional parts in anyway
often using old parts of drivers
quite different from reference drivers
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