Star Trek: Legacy
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Posts: 187

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Aug 2006 18:57    Post subject: Star Trek: Legacy

Official web page: LINK
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Developer: Mad Doc Software
Media type and size:
Genre: strategy / RTS
Release date: 05 September 2006

Legacy is an epic game of Starfleet combat covering the entire Star Trek Universe. Players become the Admiral of a task force of warships and must lead their fleet to victory in large-scale battles. As the Admiral of the Fleet you choose the ships, equipment, and captains that you will lead into battle. The game is designed to provide an immersive strategic and tactical experience by emphasizing the dramatic excitement of large-scale battles without the hassle of complex starship management.


* Spans the entire Star Trek Universe. The Original Series, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise. It’s all here for you to control.
* Real time Starfleet combat. Engage in large-scale combat with dozens of warships fighting simultaneous battles across vast sections of space.
* Dynamic three-dimensional battlefields. Beautiful space environments filled with fully realized nebulas, wormholes, planets, and stars. Intuitive controls allow players to quickly select targets and destinations in 3D space.
* Detailed weapon effects and damage modeling. Weapons searing with energy and charged shields that surge with every hit. Ships with full damage modeling that break apart, strewing debris and sparks.
* Customizable fleets, ships, and captains. Victories earn Command Points, which are used to personalize your fleet, ships, and captains.
* Single player Federation campaign. Spanning three full epochs (Enterprise, The Original Series, and The Next Generation).
* Robust multiplayer with full Xbox Live support. From small-scale engagements to all-out war involving multiple systems. Matchmaking, stat tracking, and player rankings on Xbox Live.
* Over sixty ships and four playable races. From small scouts and light cruisers to fearsome battleships. Command the powerful fleets of the Federation, Klingon, Romulan, and Borg races. All beautifully rendered with the latest technology.

Multiplayer: LAN / Internet
Screens: Click
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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Aug 2006 19:00    Post subject:
Looking forward to this game even though I am no big fan of ST.

Upcoming PC games 2009 and onwards
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Aug 2006 01:42    Post subject:
I was looking forward to it until I heard it was a simultaneous console release. I doubt they're paying for any clean up of the PC version, so its going to suck hard.

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Posts: 208

PostPosted: Mon, 21st Aug 2006 02:21    Post subject:
yeah seems to be for Xbox 360 too. . .
hmm but i still look forward to it... Think it might not be the usual RTS, but more of "captains chair thing" or admiral in this case...
Will see i guess Smile
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Posts: 187

PostPosted: Mon, 21st Aug 2006 02:26    Post subject:
dont knock the RTS on console thing. BFME2 was ported to console very succesfully. most companies saw this and plan on hopping on the bandwagon
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Aug 2006 16:09    Post subject:
MaxPowered wrote:
dont knock the RTS on console thing. BFME2 was ported to console very succesfully. most companies saw this and plan on hopping on the bandwagon

and it was developed long ago for the PC. We're not talking about a game developed with the PC in mind and then ported months later for the console. We're talking about a game being developed simultaneously for both the console and the PC. This has never turned out well.
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Posts: 1020
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 09:53    Post subject:
This game suppose the be released on 07-11-06. Does anyone know when the official release dit is?
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Posts: 4051
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PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 11:10    Post subject:
21 11 06?
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 14:17    Post subject:
Keeping my hopes down... Every other game I hoped will come out great turned up shit or full of bugs.
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Posts: 1020
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 14:23    Post subject:
lnatan25 wrote:
Keeping my hopes down... Every other game I hoped will come out great turned up shit or full of bugs.

Yes same here. I play star trek bridge commander alot with new stargate ships and so. I hope this game will be something like that and not like the armada serie Sad
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 14:47    Post subject:
Captain Jean-Luc Picard from the USS Enterprise.
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Posts: 1020
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 15:13    Post subject:
Razacka2 wrote:
Captain Jean-Luc Picard from the USS Enterprise.

Captain Catherine Janeway from the USS Voyager Very Happy
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Posts: 128

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 15:22    Post subject:
looking forward to this one, hope its any good comparing to other star trek games. any update on the release date?
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Posts: 386

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 15:28    Post subject:

Ubisoft to publish new Bethesda Star Trek® games in Europe this December
Paris, FRANCE – October 24th, 2006 – Today Ubisoft, one of the world’s largest video game publishers announced it has entered an agreement with Bethesda Softworks® to publish Star Trek®: Legacy™ on the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Games for Windows, Star Trek: Tactical Assault™ on Nintendo DS™ and Sony PlayStation® Portable, and Star Trek®: Encounters for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system. All three titles are scheduled for a European launch in December.
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Posts: 386

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 15:31    Post subject:
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Posts: 128

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 15:34    Post subject:
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Posts: 21

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 14:42    Post subject:
Anybody looking forward to this?? This will be the first thing to carry the Star Trek name since the end of Enterprise. Of course there Is the new movie Star Trek XI coming In 2008 but this Is the first Star Trek game since Bridge Commander and I hope It Is as good as It looks. 11 days and counting If they don't delay It again..
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 15:25    Post subject:
Jameshuden wrote:
Anybody looking forward to this?? This will be the first thing to carry the Star Trek name since the end of Enterprise. Of course there Is the new movie Star Trek XI coming In 2008 but this Is the first Star Trek game since Bridge Commander and I hope It Is as good as It looks. 11 days and counting If they don't delay It again..

No. Its a simultaneous console/PC release. Absolutely nothing about that makes me look forward to it.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 15:35    Post subject:
crossmr wrote:
No. Its a simultaneous console/PC release. Absolutely nothing about that makes me look forward to it.


Until a demo comes out, I'm keeping my expectations very low.
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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 15:53    Post subject:
Looking at the screenshots for PC compared to what ever, I think it looks pretty neat. Game play...well thats another matter.

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Posts: 263
Location: A planet near you
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 16:45    Post subject:
maybe it will be like GTA in space with ships instead of cars. You know, action game, so that the console will play better. I can't see a console game with a mirriad of options, like shield power allocation, targeting of individual systems, and so on, without being overly hard to play.

It'll be nice to hijack a klingon ship, going in the romulan turf and killing some of them nigga's.
Then you can put some bling on your ships, like chromed engines and so on. Maybe it will work, who knows...
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Posts: 80

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Nov 2006 23:51    Post subject:
Well I cant wait I find myself looking for it every day lol.
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Posts: 151

PostPosted: Thu, 30th Nov 2006 16:03    Post subject:
So the release is still next week right ???
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Posts: 1020
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Thu, 30th Nov 2006 16:10    Post subject:
BruceWayne17 wrote:
So the release is still next week right ???

Dammit you're post suppose to be the release announcement Sad

Next week probably Very Happy
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Posts: 80

PostPosted: Fri, 1st Dec 2006 18:04    Post subject:
Nice article at IGN about this game, which kills me even more waiting lol. Sounds like it might be kick ass.
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Dec 2006 18:20    Post subject:
Razacka2 wrote:
Captain Jean-Luc Picard from the USS Enterprise.

Everyone who says Captain Kirk is the best, n00bs!

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Posts: 128

PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Dec 2006 20:01    Post subject:
still looking forward to this one, it might be THE star trek game
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Posts: 923

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Dec 2006 12:09    Post subject:
If this is a good star trek game, it would be the first.
I liked the series but all the games sucked
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Posts: 208

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Dec 2006 13:40    Post subject:
I think the star trek games have been ok, but one was superb, Bridge commander... You should try it Ghworg
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Posts: 4117

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Dec 2006 15:03    Post subject:
Yep, those FPS games were alright as well.

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