DIRT: Origin of the Species
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Posts: 187

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Aug 2006 19:04    Post subject: DIRT: Origin of the Species

Official web page: LINK
Publisher: Deep Silver / Koch Media
Developer: Nu Generation Games
Media type and size:
Genre: action / adventure cRPG
Release date: 06 September 2006

An innocent camping trip into the Nevada desert takes a deadly turn when military black operations test a new viral weapon codename Project G.I.Ants, designed to create battle field infantry by mutating commonly found insects and parasites. When this test run goes horribly wrong the lives of 8 friends and a desert community is altered irrevocably.

Waking up in a jail appearing to be in New York the player, an urban girl in her late teens, must remember what happened and set off to find her friends and save them from the madness. There is of course a couple of problems....

The presence of the virus "Triton-76" used by "Project G.I.Ants" in the surrounding air starts to trigger powerful and frightening mutations in the player and a standard order for the elimination of any witness.


* Hardcore action meets RPG featuring Nu Generation's RPG Lite technology to produce an unobtrusive, straight forward and ultimately rewarding character enhancement system.
* RPG Lite "Play as you want" system applies 'Style Points' to the action genre by allowing the player to choose the way they want to play each level of the game.
* Over 10 special offensive and defensive moves to choose. Use these on their own or combine them with traditional blasting to produce wild new emergent game play styles and innovative new combos.
* Traditional blasting fans will not be disappointed either, with close to 20 traditional weapons from 9mms to S.M.G to R.P.G to Rail Gun, Pheromone gun and Graviton beam.
* Fast and flexible movement system tailored for combat game play. The game features compact and dynamic dodge moves as well as traditional jump and double jump.
* Interact and save the NPCs in the game world with compelling risk Vs reward stakes to earn extra information and abilities.
* Rigid body dynamics, rag doll and vehicles are all accounted for in the realistic physics engine that drives the "Origin Of The Species" game world.
* Introducing a new and exciting main Character, "Dirt," the urban rock chick, g-string wearing girl and 'Mr Boo,' her emotive bear backpack that conveys information about the surrounding game world.
* Fight a vast array of mutated abominations, as well as Black Op Marines and their arsenal of weapons.

Multiplayer: No
Screens: Click
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Posts: 1460

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Aug 2006 19:07    Post subject:
* RPG Lite "Play as you want" system applies 'Style Points' to the action genre by allowing the player to choose the way they want to play each level of the game.

hmm.. devil may cry anyone?
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Tue, 5th Sep 2006 21:53    Post subject:
liansk wrote:
* RPG Lite "Play as you want" system applies 'Style Points' to the action genre by allowing the player to choose the way they want to play each level of the game.

hmm.. devil may cry anyone?

hope it's better than that crap Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 1692
Location: England - Manchester
PostPosted: Wed, 6th Sep 2006 00:51    Post subject:
yeah i agree the latest devil may cry game was rubbish but ill read into this and see if its any good
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Posts: 286
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PostPosted: Wed, 6th Sep 2006 02:02    Post subject:
lol .. the female character looks like a pre-teen pornstar ... FTW! Very Happy

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PostPosted: Wed, 6th Sep 2006 02:28    Post subject:
Shevchenko wrote:
lol .. the female character looks like a pre-teen pornstar ... FTW! Very Happy

pre-teen? wtf you sick kiddie porn bastard.

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Posts: 1834

PostPosted: Wed, 6th Sep 2006 11:18    Post subject:
liansk wrote:
* RPG Lite "Play as you want" system applies 'Style Points' to the action genre by allowing the player to choose the way they want to play each level of the game.

hmm.. devil may cry anyone?

A BloodRayne 2 / Devil May Cry hybrid.
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Posts: 1834

PostPosted: Wed, 6th Sep 2006 11:21    Post subject:
What’s with the teddy bear on her back?
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Posts: 32062
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PostPosted: Wed, 6th Sep 2006 11:45    Post subject:
The title says enough.
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Posts: 1746
Location: Internet Express
PostPosted: Wed, 6th Sep 2006 11:53    Post subject:
Don't do templates for shitty games. You draw more attention for the groups on these Wink

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Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.
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Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 15:01    Post subject:
game shipped to stores today Smile

Nick Bamford of NuGeneration the developer of D.I.R.T. proudly proclaimed, “It’s been a long hard road but we wanted to take as long as necessary to deliver a gameplay experience that could be enjoyed at many levels by all the gamers out there, we are very proud to finally deliver that today!”

“D.I.R.T. has been a long-time-coming but will be well worth the wait,” said Shane Nestler of Tri Synergy. D.I.R.T. will be available at major software retailers as soon as this weekend.

The game will be available from retail stores in the US and Canada including Electronics Boutique, Gamestop, Fry’s, CompUSA, Circuit City, Amazon.com and more!
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Posts: 465
Location: Estonia
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 16:18    Post subject:
so basically its success is relying on the "hot teen pornstar looking chick"... GOLD i say GOLD

ps! also its a really original idea.
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Posts: 1201
Location: Québec
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 22:28    Post subject:
|IcedFreon| wrote:
Shevchenko wrote:
lol .. the female character looks like a pre-teen pornstar ... FTW! Very Happy

pre-teen? wtf you sick kiddie porn bastard.

A teen with pre-teen attitude, I guess we can get the better of the two Smile Game itself look crap tough.

Oh and btw poullou, nForce never get attention of the groups at all, they hate this site and don't visit it. And why do you think they would check forum post lenght to decide which game to crack? Pretty stupid, they have their own mind Wink
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Posts: 207
Location: Uranus
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 01:52    Post subject:
Dunge wrote:
|IcedFreon| wrote:
Shevchenko wrote:
lol .. the female character looks like a pre-teen pornstar ... FTW! Very Happy

pre-teen? wtf you sick kiddie porn bastard.

A teen with pre-teen attitude, I guess we can get the better of the two Smile Game itself look crap tough.

Oh and btw poullou, nForce never get attention of the groups at all, they hate this site and don't visit it. And why do you think they would check forum post lenght to decide which game to crack? Pretty stupid, they have their own mind Wink

What do you mean!? nForce _IS_ the scene!

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

don't copy that floppy
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Posts: 409
Location: Moscow
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 04:59    Post subject:
UK RELEASE: TBA (Upcoming) | NORDIC RELEASE: TBA (Upcoming) | US RELEASE: 16-Nov-2006 (Upcoming)
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Posts: 2015

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 05:06    Post subject:
BoZo_ wrote:
Dunge wrote:
|IcedFreon| wrote:

pre-teen? wtf you sick kiddie porn bastard.

A teen with pre-teen attitude, I guess we can get the better of the two Smile Game itself look crap tough.

Oh and btw poullou, nForce never get attention of the groups at all, they hate this site and don't visit it. And why do you think they would check forum post lenght to decide which game to crack? Pretty stupid, they have their own mind Wink

What do you mean!? nForce _IS_ the scene!

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Hehe.. Noooo. "The Scene" isn't that public Wink [/code]
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Posts: 1921
Location: Kalmar, Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 05:30    Post subject:
flappy wrote:
BoZo_ wrote:
Dunge wrote:

A teen with pre-teen attitude, I guess we can get the better of the two Smile Game itself look crap tough.

Oh and btw poullou, nForce never get attention of the groups at all, they hate this site and don't visit it. And why do you think they would check forum post lenght to decide which game to crack? Pretty stupid, they have their own mind Wink

What do you mean!? nForce _IS_ the scene!

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Hehe.. Noooo. "The Scene" isn't that public Wink [/code]

Thank you Captain Obvious, now for your next assignment it's time for you to embark on the epic quest to understand sarcasm.

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Posts: 2015

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 05:39    Post subject:
Let me see, if you say nooooo.. you really mean yes???? Is that it Very Happy
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 05:42    Post subject:
flappy wrote:
Let me see, if you say nooooo.. you really mean yes???? Is that it Very Happy

noo... i mean yes lol,confused?no?yes Razz
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Posts: 2015

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 05:46    Post subject:
Sure I'll just go over here and lay down for a while. I don't feel so good Very Happy

Anyway.. OFF TOPIC Razz
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Posts: 33

PostPosted: Wed, 29th Nov 2006 23:32    Post subject:
8 November is released in North America

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Posts: 9
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Thu, 30th Nov 2006 18:06    Post subject:
The title looks crap itself IMO.

I believe in respawn.
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Posts: 141
Location: Skåneland
PostPosted: Thu, 30th Nov 2006 20:07    Post subject:
This game looks sweet.
Hope it comes out soon
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Posts: 33

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Dec 2006 20:10    Post subject:
News for this game.....
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Posts: 5432

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Dec 2006 20:28    Post subject:
Duke1 wrote:
News for this game.....

Is that a question or do you have news about it?
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Posts: 850
Location: Serbia
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Dec 2006 20:54    Post subject:
WTF, in first post, it says Release date: 06 September 2006, on gamespot it says Release Date: Nov 8, 2006. And, now, it's 4th December, and the game isn't out yet, at least i didn't saw it.
Is this some kind of undercover game?

Intel Q9550 @ 3.2GHz + CM Hyper 212+ | Gigabyte P35-DS3P | 6GB DDR2 OCZ 800mhz | ASUS GTX560Ti DirectCUII | Samsung SSD 840EVO 250GB + Seagate Barracuda 1TB | OCZ StealthXStream 500W
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Tue, 5th Dec 2006 00:05    Post subject:

writes here 8 November 2006 so where is it ?

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Posts: 386

PostPosted: Wed, 6th Dec 2006 02:59    Post subject:
I heard it uses Starforce lock, this is why we can't see it on the scene even it aleardy comes out in retail stores.
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Posts: 236

PostPosted: Thu, 7th Dec 2006 12:57    Post subject:

D.I.R.T. Origin of the Species (c) Nu Generation Games

Protection ..: StarForce 4.0

Date ....: December AUC 2759 Number of Discs .........: 1


An innocent camping trip into the Nevada desert takes a
deadly turn when military black operations test a new
viral weapon codename Project G.I.Ants, designed to create
battle field infantry by mutating commonly found insects
and parasites. When this test run goes horribly wrong the
lives of 8 friends and a desert community is altered

Waking up in a jail appearing to be in New York the
player, an urban girl in her late teens, must remember
what happened and set off to find her friends and save
them from the madness. There is of course a couple of

The presence of the virus Triton-76 used by Project
G.I.Ants in the surrounding air starts to trigger
powerful and frightening mutations in the player and a
standard order for the elimination of any witness.


Burn or mount
Install the game
Copy the crack from the ViTALiTY folder
Play or die!
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VIP Member

Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Thu, 7th Dec 2006 13:05    Post subject:
Size : 2.46 GB

ViTALiTY is doing a great job lately Smile
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