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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 05:00 Post subject: Most atmospheric game |
What game have you played that really drew you in, sounds seeming so real, that you felt so part of the world.
Right now I would have to say STALKER. I've tried so hard in the past to give this game a shot and couldn't do it, well after all it's patches and running one of the big mods, wow.
The world being alive even when your not in said area, the rainstorms with the lightning crawling through the sky. Walking through a camp and hearing a stalker playing on an acoustic by a crackling fire.
While I love it's photo realistic style of gfx, there is noting more immersive than having great sounds.
I think before this would have been The Witcher and Bioshock, but as much as I love those games, I still don't think they compare.
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 05:24 Post subject: |
Yeah, STALKER is pretty atmospheric.
System Shock 2
Deus Ex
Clive Barker's Undying (superb use of sound)
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Off the top of my head.
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 05:28 Post subject: |
are u talking about the first stalker or clear sky? cus i bearly touched both
the old resident evils are the only ones i can remember that really sucked me in, silent hill too
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 05:32 Post subject: |
Stalker is indeed good in a nighttime storm. But... ( long train of thought incoming )
It's very rare that a game makes me want to get out of the rain and inside the comfort of a shelter. The game obviously can't make me feel the discomfort of a cold rain hitting my face in rough winds, but the devs should figure out ways to make the character emote the discomfort.
In stalker, for instance, they could use blurred vision, slowed down movement speed, hampered aiming etc. Have the character get soaked wet, maybe have him shiver in cold. Just generally make the environment have more than a visual effect. Make it get progressively worse the longer you are out in bad weather. Make the player worry about the game character in other ways than just avoiding getting shot or eaten. Make him get hungry, catch a cold, develop trenchfoot, get food poisoning. Make him wipe his running nose or if it's hot, the sweat on his forehead.
Make that campfire in a makeshift shelter actually count and don't make it a magical meter that slowly runs out and becomes full after 5 seconds of warmth. Make the player actually rest at such a shelter, provide some other entertainment such as other people taking shelter to whom the player can talk to around the campfire while warming up.
In short, make the game character believably react to the weather and environment. Make it clear to the player his character isn't feeling ok.
Only game I can think of that even put an effort into this is Cryostasis.
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Posts: 2445
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 05:34 Post subject: |
F.E.A.R. and Call of Cthulhu are good too
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 05:37 Post subject: |
spykes can u tell what big mod u used and if its the first stalker or clear sky?
edit: ill just go ahead and dl clear sky then
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 06:00 Post subject: |
I'm pretty sure he meant Shadow of Chernobyl, not Clear Sky.
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 07:01 Post subject: |
An old game that stands out for me was Realms of the haunting.. Absolutely fantastic game
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 07:02 Post subject: |
thief 1&2
penumbra 1&2
avp 1
operation flashpoint and now arma 2
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Posts: 5409
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 07:14 Post subject: |
silent hill 2
dead space was also very atmospheric thanks to all the interface stuff beeing integrated into the game environment directly.
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 07:32 Post subject: |
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 07:49 Post subject: |
Deus Ex
System Shock 2
STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl
Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines
Clive Barker's Undying
The Dig
Alien vs Predator
Prince of Persia
Independence War
Alone in The Dark
Max Payne
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 08:03 Post subject: |
mass effect
I can't believe it hasn't been mentioned yet
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 08:18 Post subject: |
Yo chuck in a more low brow game I'm really enjoying Batman: Arkham Asylum at the mo.
It as a good way of making you really feel like batman and as been the first thing capable of sucking me away from COD:WAW for a long time despite repetitive gameplay.
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 09:24 Post subject: |
Knights of the old republic
epic epic epic epic epic
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 09:56 Post subject: |
sound it's more important than graphics, in most cases.
actually im playing Battle of Wesnoth, great sound, poor (but cute) graphics, im totally sucked in.
other games :
thief , absolutely.
aliens vs predator , marine campaign.
gabriel knight 3 , incredible sound and voice acting by great actors.
assassin creed , ok boring gameplay but immersive
gothic saga, all 3.
clive barker undyng.
sure ,gameplay it's important, but sound it's too often poorly considered.
one exemple is Pes, everytime we hear bad chants, bad ball sound, and a very weak crowd
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 10:13 Post subject: |
Reg67 wrote: | An old game that stands out for me was Realms of the haunting.. Absolutely fantastic game |
So I am not the only one here that remembers ROTH! Still have the original cds... great game, great atmosphere (tho the controls suck...)
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 10:20 Post subject: |
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 10:27 Post subject: |
Baldurs Gate 1&2
Fallout 1&2
X-Com 1&2
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 10:36 Post subject: |
I agree with a lot of the games mentioned already, but srsly no ones mentioned Half-Life 2 yet? For an FPS it's REALLY good at sucking you into the story.
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 10:42 Post subject: |
Smokeythedemon wrote: | I agree with a lot of the games mentioned already, but srsly no ones mentioned Half-Life 2 yet? For an FPS it's REALLY good at sucking you into the story. |
I agree, but HL1 was a bit better. The series has gotten worse and worse imo, the latest ep i've never been able to play through, it just bores me to death.. have tried it a couple of times but i tend to just forget about it and play other, better games.
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 10:55 Post subject: |
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 11:02 Post subject: |
Deus Ex
Half Life 2 + exp
Tie Fighter
Monkey Island 1, 2 and 3
Neverwinter Nights 2 the expansion where you become the soul eater.
Kotor 1 and 2
Dont mess with God, he can impregnate your girlfriend/wife without taking his pants off!
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 11:14 Post subject: |
Soul Reaver 2
chill out man, life is beautifull...
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 11:33 Post subject: |
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Posted: Tue, 13th Oct 2009 13:00 Post subject: |
Definitely STALKER but other than that, I'd say Shadow of the Colossus (ps2).
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