Black screen + lock with Call of Juarez
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PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Sep 2006 15:14    Post subject: Black screen + lock with Call of Juarez

I'm reporting here a problem i have with Call of Juarez : when i use asr.exe to run the game executable , the securom check starts, then sucessfully finishes and the game starts....

... but i don't see the options menu and get a black screen. i can't do anything else than rebooting the computer Crying or Very sad . I remember i had a similar problem with asr.exe and Titan Quest and i used the crack instead of the emulation method.

My system is up-to-date (7900gtx with Forceware 91.47 and latest Directx installed) .

Does anyone have an idea Confused Confused

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PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Sep 2006 15:27    Post subject:
Do you have some other emulation software running or any other virtual drives from Alc or others?
Did you only tick the RMPS in DT?
Do you see the intro movies? if not check your codecs, or look for a codec pack maybe.
Only shooting in some directions here, might be somet else.
Also check your firewall or router, those sometimes block games and the symptom is exactly what you describe. Allow the game exe on your FW, or just try to switch it of and see if that helps, again only guessing

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Posts: 999
Location: Just near you...
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Sep 2006 15:55    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:
Do you have some other emulation software running or any other virtual drives from Alc or others?
Did you only tick the RMPS in DT?
Do you see the intro movies? if not check your codecs, or look for a codec pack maybe.
Only shooting in some directions here, might be somet else.
Also check your firewall or router, those sometimes block games and the symptom is exactly what you describe. Allow the game exe on your FW, or just try to switch it of and see if that helps, again only guessing

Thx for the help Captain Wink

I finally found what was going wrong : it was my firewall (ZoneAlarm) which was blocking something during the game launch . It works when i close it. What's weird is that no popup occured when the game started the first time and when i see all the executable controlled by ZoneAlarm (in Program Control window) , no "coj" executable is found Confused

btw, problem closed ! Very Happy
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