Most dangerous place to live?
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Posts: 497

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 09:54    Post subject: Most dangerous place to live?
What country do you think is the most dangerous to live and why?

The most dangerous countries I think are Iraq, Israel, Palestine, and North Korea.

And I think the USA is also fairly dangerous place to live.

Three reasons.
1. Almost every home owns their guns.
2. It's the target of terrorists.
3. Its president is too dumb. Embarassed

Last edited by boake on Sun, 17th Sep 2006 10:35; edited 2 times in total
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VIP Master Jedi

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Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 09:58    Post subject:

are you cracked out? the us isnt the most dangerous place in the world.
Just because you hear of shootings and stuff, doesnt mean everyone walks around strapped lookin to kill someone...Rolling Eyes
Americans are actually friendly and kind hearted people. If youve ever been to the us, you'd know that.
They are also proud people. And there's nothing wrong with that. Im a proud Canadian.

I'd say Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan and NK are dangerous places to live.

Well, and the UK...they drink WARM beer! Laughing Wink jk about them being dangerous, of course

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Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 09:59    Post subject:
Military in Russia Razz
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Posts: 2972

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 10:01    Post subject:
Don't forget South Africa.
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Posts: 58

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 11:40    Post subject:
Rwanda and Columbia.
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Posts: 3247

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 11:42    Post subject:
african countries(black people with aks),china(governement wise),middle east(well yeah)

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Posts: 359

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 11:44    Post subject:
Where I live in america if u break into my house and are threating me I have the right to attack u(shoot or kill u). I live in america and feel very secure because I can defend myself. Think abiut if u lived in a place where u could be killed if u didnt agree with the local government. I say Give me more GUNS.

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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 11:44    Post subject:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Compton <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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Posts: 1834

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 11:49    Post subject:
Indian Ocean shark country.
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Posts: 140

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 11:56    Post subject:
I'd say North Korea are the safest place to live if you had to move there today. The crime rates are close to zero due to their militaristic government and the secret police. Though, if you are a korean and do one little mistake you'll be put into camp or shot. I bet you can walk outside in the middle of the night and no one won't even look at you in fear of being shot.

The most dangerous would be Cote d'Ivore, Colombia or the middle-east. And of course Sudan, Somalia... Actually, most of Africa is a dangerous place to be.

a melting spool of beggar negative frames
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 12:25    Post subject:
South America :/
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Posts: 497

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 12:25    Post subject:
edweird13 wrote:
Where I live in america if u break into my house and are threating me I have the right to attack u(shoot or kill u). I live in america and feel very secure because I can defend myself. Think abiut if u lived in a place where u could be killed if u didnt agree with the local government. I say Give me more GUNS.


Give me your address, I'll visit your house soon. Razz

ps. I have a water pistol.
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Posts: 3091

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 12:34    Post subject:
down-towns Smile

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Posts: 359

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 12:37    Post subject:
Dont knock I Will b waiting
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Posts: 3028

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 12:40    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 13:40    Post subject:
western Europe.

I mean seriously, it's crazy!
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PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 13:44    Post subject:

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 7152

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 13:58    Post subject:
Basically every african country and every country that ends with '*stan'.
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 14:17    Post subject:
If you're a criminal i wouldn't not recommand China or Singapore..
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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 14:38    Post subject:
Brazil, shitistans, blackistans, chineesestans, US, russia, Israel...
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Posts: 32672

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 14:47    Post subject:
Canada! The free healthcare is murder Laughing

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Posts: 4955
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 14:59    Post subject:
African countires, Arab countries, North Korea.

I don't think israel is dangerous at all. There are more people dying here from car accidents than terrorism.

And I think boake is the first member from Iraq Smile Nforce has a very interesting variety of people.

Last edited by X_Dror on Sun, 17th Sep 2006 15:04; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 7152

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 15:04    Post subject:
X_Dror wrote:
African countires, Arab countries, North Korea.

I don't think israel is dangerous at all. There are more people dying here from car accidents than terrorism.

exactly what I thought.
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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 15:53    Post subject:
I don't think israel is dangerous at all.

Don't worry, soon it will be. Just wait for the flash. Laughing
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Posts: 636
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 16:07    Post subject:
SycoShaman wrote:

are you cracked out? the us isnt the most dangerous place in the world.
Just because you hear of shootings and stuff, doesnt mean everyone walks around strapped lookin to kill someone...Rolling Eyes
Americans are actually friendly and kind hearted people. If youve ever been to the us, you'd know that.
They are also proud people. And there's nothing wrong with that. Im a proud Canadian.

I'd say Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan and NK are dangerous places to live.

Well, and the UK...they drink WARM beer! Laughing Wink jk about them being dangerous, of course

And its also a country full of crimes. Of western countrys i would probably say us is most dangerous, otherwise though its far back behind countrys in war etc.
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 17:26    Post subject:
And there is this one guy from Iran; dc-master2.

Btw Boake, are you from Iraq or do you live in Iraq.
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 17:43    Post subject:
Sierra Leone is probally the scariest place on the face of the earth. Compared to any other african country under 'turmoil' they have been, and will always be the worst.


Because the entire government/country is literally run and owned by numerous diamond mining companies. Where they pay the workers who work in the mines almost nothing, and in return make a MASSIVE DAMAGE profit off of these diamonds. (Also dont mention the fact to people who wear diamonds, that diamonds are an abudent resource and the only reason they are 'valuable' is because the various diamond mega-corps have created a monopoly).
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 17:45    Post subject: Re: Most dangerous place to live?
boake wrote:
What country do you think is the most dangerous to live and why?

The most dangerous countries I think are Iraq, Israel, Palestine, and North Korea.

And I think the USA is also fairly dangerous place to live.

Three reasons.
1. Almost every home owns their guns.
2. It's the target of terrorists.
3. Its president is too dumb. Embarassed

If you think almost every home in the United States has a firearm... Wow. You have no clue.
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Posts: 32672

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 17:47    Post subject:
Only hippies don't own firearms. Very Happy

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Posts: 1562
Location: Pot Capital of Canada (BC)
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 17:48    Post subject:
SycoShaman wrote:

are you cracked out? the us isnt the most dangerous place in the world.
Just because you hear of shootings and stuff, doesnt mean everyone walks around strapped lookin to kill someone...Rolling Eyes
Americans are actually friendly and kind hearted people. If youve ever been to the us, you'd know that.
They are also proud people. And there's nothing wrong with that. Im a proud Canadian.

I'd say Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan and NK are dangerous places to live.

Well, and the UK...they drink WARM beer! Laughing Wink jk about them being dangerous, of course

amen to that, i lived in detroit, YES FUCKING DETROIT, for 5 years and didnt run into any sorts of trouble. it was quite the opposite, you just walk down the street and almost everybody greets you. even though im white and about 80% of the population, maybe even more, in michigan is black Razz

1F U C4N R34D 7H1S, U R34LLY N33D 70 G37 L41D

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