House M.D
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Sep 2006 18:17    Post subject: House M.D

info:An antisocial maverick doctor who specializes in diagnostic medicine does whatever it takes to solve puzzling cases that come his way using his crack team of doctors and his wits.

Series Cast Summary: (6 of 32)

Hugh Laurie .... Dr. Gregory House (51 episodes) (2004-2006)

Lisa Edelstein .... Dr. Lisa Cuddy (51 episodes) (2004-2006)

Omar Epps .... Dr. Eric Foreman (51 episodes) (2004-2006)
Robert Sean Leonard .... Dr. James Wilson (51 episodes) (2004-2006)
Jesse Spencer .... Dr. Robert Chase (51 episodes) (2004-2006)
Jennifer Morrison .... Dr. Allison Cameron (50 episodes) (2004-2006)


I seriously like this show i have seen to season 1 episode 8 so far and would like to see some romance between the charachters, if anyone has seen to season 3 and some episodes there, could u tell me if there will be some romance later on or is it just diagnos theories every episode?

No spoilers please, and if u are gonna make spoilers please use the tag.
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PostPosted: Mon, 25th Sep 2006 18:18    Post subject:
I got the full season on DVD but not watched it. Its not my kind of show but I hear its pretty good. I may watch it one day.

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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Sep 2006 18:19    Post subject:
headshot wrote:
I got the full season on DVD but not watched it. Its not my kind of show but I hear its pretty good. I may watch it one day.

I liked the 2 first episodes, after that it was just theories about diagnoses and no drama or romance so its kinda boring, thou still got hope as i watch the episodes.
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PostPosted: Mon, 25th Sep 2006 19:21    Post subject:
The way fox marketed it made it seem way too over the top and dramatic for my liking. I actually caught the last couple of weeks episodes and am starting to like this show.

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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Sep 2006 20:15    Post subject:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
The way fox marketed it made it seem way too over the top and dramatic for my liking. I actually caught the last couple of weeks episodes and am starting to like this show.

How many episodes have you watched ?
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PostPosted: Mon, 25th Sep 2006 20:32    Post subject:
Razacka2 wrote:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
The way fox marketed it made it seem way too over the top and dramatic for my liking. I actually caught the last couple of weeks episodes and am starting to like this show.

How many episodes have you watched ?

Two or three...

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PostPosted: Mon, 25th Sep 2006 20:40    Post subject:
what's the episode where he says; you're orange you moron! Laughing

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Sep 2006 20:49    Post subject:
It's the first episode i think.
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PostPosted: Mon, 25th Sep 2006 21:11    Post subject:
Shocked gonna download it then


Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Wed, 14th May 2008 21:43    Post subject:
Woah what an amazing episode (4.15)! One of the best episodes in the show's history. Highly recommended.
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Posts: 27530
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PostPosted: Wed, 14th May 2008 23:47    Post subject:
show used to be awesome, but every episode is now the same... even has an order of the stages that it follows that you can predict... so good series, just hope you dont mind it being the same every week... its getting kinda stale, even if laurie is still a kickass actor.

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Posts: 7155
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Thu, 15th May 2008 00:01    Post subject:
I voted for sto0z cos hes awesome.

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Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Thu, 15th May 2008 01:20    Post subject:
I think this show is retarded. they experiment on their patients. In real life, a) people would not be able to afford that kinda service in US b) the fact that they have a drug addict doctor as lead c) house is british and his american accent isnt convincing at all

almost as bad as CSI. But CSI takes the cake. " Oh look, i found a pubic hair on a mircofibre of a dog that was 6 blocks from the murder scene, so John must be the killer"... totally ridiculous.
And not to mention forensics arent they way they show it to be on csi...fuck i hate that show

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PostPosted: Thu, 15th May 2008 01:39    Post subject:
uh. csi would have been cancelled after the first few episodes if it was realistic... same can be said for ANY show... reality is boring, noone wants to see it... fuck, even reality tv shows are staged and written for shits sake! you shouldnt be bothered by 'fake' tv shows... its done that way to make money and be interesting.

plus its more fun this way... every time theres a computer image on screen, you can yell out ZOOM AND ENHANCE!! because you know theyre gonna find the killers face in the reflection on a pin head from a grainy 15 year old photograph... its great!! Very Happy

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PostPosted: Thu, 15th May 2008 03:15    Post subject:
I like House but haven't been watching as of late.

CSI Miami takes the cake Sy.

The way Horatio takes takes his glasses off and makes some dramatic promise is cheesy. I like some of the story lines expect as soon as they corner someone in the end they always confess. As if someone would give it up that easy.

Medium is on of my favorits
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Posts: 7155
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Thu, 15th May 2008 03:25    Post subject:
I saw one episode of this entire series. My sister and her BF where watching the box set in the living room one night when I was sleeping on the couch.. I woke up and saw arond 15 mins of it. It was some autistic kid with a bad hair cut drawing wiggly lines which turned out to be worms or something, the main character dude somehow ninja'ing the diagnosis at the last minute Rolling Eyes

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PostPosted: Thu, 15th May 2008 10:36    Post subject:
watergem wrote:
I saw one episode of this entire series. My sister and her BF where watching the box set in the living room one night when I was sleeping on the couch.. I woke up and saw arond 15 mins of it. It was some autistic kid with a bad hair cut drawing wiggly lines which turned out to be worms or something, the main character dude somehow ninja'ing the diagnosis at the last minute Rolling Eyes

That's Hollywood.

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Posts: 2445
Location: NFOHump
PostPosted: Thu, 15th May 2008 14:52    Post subject:
It´s not a show that i´ll leech to watch, but when it´s on tv I like to watch it.
I like House´s bad temper Very Happy
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Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Thu, 15th May 2008 17:38    Post subject:
pistolshrimp wrote:
I like House but haven't been watching as of late.

CSI Miami takes the cake Sy.

The way Horatio takes takes his glasses off and makes some dramatic promise is cheesy. I like some of the story lines expect as soon as they corner someone in the end they always confess. As if someone would give it up that easy.

Medium is on of my favorits

i agree, miami is the worst of them all. And I dont understand the confessing either. If i murdered someone, I would NEVER confess. Ever. Your only fuckin yourself over if you do
Thats why i say the show isnt realistic (but yet its meant to be).

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Thu, 15th May 2008 22:45    Post subject:
pistolshrimp wrote:
I like House but haven't been watching as of late.

CSI Miami takes the cake Sy.

The way Horatio takes takes his glasses off and makes some dramatic promise is cheesy. I like some of the story lines expect as soon as they corner someone in the end they always confess. As if someone would give it up that easy.

Medium is on of my favorits

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Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Fri, 16th May 2008 01:58    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
pistolshrimp wrote:
I like House but haven't been watching as of late.

CSI Miami takes the cake Sy.

The way Horatio takes takes his glasses off and makes some dramatic promise is cheesy. I like some of the story lines expect as soon as they corner someone in the end they always confess. As if someone would give it up that easy.

Medium is on of my favorits

You'll love this:


Laughing Nice leo

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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Fri, 16th May 2008 18:45    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
Woah what an amazing episode (4.15)! One of the best episodes in the show's history. Highly recommended.

DAMN Leo, I thought that House would air after summer again, so I missed episode 11 to 15... And I have just watched all of em... and "thanks" to you, I have to wait one week again Sad Episode 15 was awesome Sad
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 16th May 2008 19:32    Post subject:
Laughing Haha sorry man! House is a great show, even with the new team, and I can hardly wait for the next episode.
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Posts: 1030

PostPosted: Sun, 18th May 2008 02:30    Post subject:
House's accent is great, better than any yank trying to do British. Hugh Laurie is ace, checkout Blackadder if you haven't seen it. When is Stephen Fry going to do a Cameo?

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sun, 18th May 2008 02:36    Post subject:
dirtymurt wrote:
yank trying to do British

lolwut? Laughing

Hugh Laurie is actually British doing a yank.
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Posts: 1

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2008 13:11    Post subject:
when is he gonna bone that milf Cuddy
i think he nearly came when he touched her ass
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2008 13:21    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
dirtymurt wrote:
yank trying to do British

lolwut? Laughing

Hugh Laurie is actually British doing a yank.

I think he knows that. He is comparing him to the other wannabes, who try to do it the other way.
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Posts: 1091
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2008 13:24    Post subject:
Cant say i have ever watched it... although after seeing hugh laurie in street kings i dont think i could put up with his bad american accent for very long.
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2008 17:00    Post subject:
Love the show and I have always loved Hugh Laurie. For the peeps (especially Americans) that did not know, he is originally a comedian. Especially famous for his work with Stephen Fry.

Black Adder, A Bit of Fry and Laurie, Jeeves and Wooster.

Check it out if you can, 1st class English comedy at its best, if you are in to that kind of thing...I just love it!

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2008 17:44    Post subject:
pancake wrote:
Cant say i have ever watched it... although after seeing hugh laurie in street kings i dont think i could put up with his bad american accent for very long.


When Hugh Laurie auditioned, he apologized for his appearance as he was filming Flight of the Phoenix at the time. Laurie's American accent was reportedly so flawless that Bryan Singer singled him out as an example of a real American actor, being unaware of Laurie's background.

Yeah, if the accent was good enough for Bryan Singer, it's good enough for you. Rolling Eyes
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