Question about config of 15 pin monitor plug
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PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Aug 2004 17:09    Post subject: Question about config of 15 pin monitor plug
Hope someone can help me with this...

A friend of mine got his pc stolen a while ago. The theifs didn't want his Dell P791 monitor, so they just cut the cord. Since it's a good monitor (and not much used), he wants it repaired...

Since I'm a helpful guy, I tried to help him. I got a new 15 pin plug and soldered it where the old one was. Everything works, except for one thing: The monitor won't go to stand by mode when the pc does (due to inactivity). If anyone can help me out with this, I'd be very grateful....

Current configuration:

1 red wire: red color signal
2 green wire green color signal
3 blue wire: blue color signal
4 black wire: Monitor identification 2
5 - (not connected)
6 (red wire, ground) red color signal, ground
7 (green wire, ground)green color signal ground
8 (blue wire ground) blue color signal ground
9 - (not connected)
10 (gray wire, ground) sync signal ground
11 orange wire: Monitor ID 1
12 yellow wire: Monitor ID 0
13 gray wire: horizontal sync.
14 white wire: vertical sync.
15 purple wire: ???

Those I am unsure of are the black, orange, yellow and purple wires. This might be a long shot, but does anyone know which is which?
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Location: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Aug 2004 18:47    Post subject:
Just tell him to turn it off? Smile sorry I cant help, it looks like its wired up correctly...

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Posts: 365

PostPosted: Tue, 24th Aug 2004 01:13    Post subject:
get in a store with cutters and check it out on a similar monitor?
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Aug 2004 10:16    Post subject:
Phluxed: Will probably do that, I don't have the energy to try every possible combination. Thnx for your reply.
gutyreader: The idea has crossed my mind... Razz
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