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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Fri, 20th Oct 2006 18:08    Post subject: Precursors
I saw a trailer for this game earlier - looks pretty nice. I've never done templates for this forum so if anyone is up for it - feel free to make one!

The story of the game starts millions of years in the past, yet it describes the cultures and races far beyond our own in all technical aspects. The exploration of space, the adventures on faraway planets, merciless wars between rival galactic empires – everything is in there. But the plot itself can offer more than that…
What if the Human race is not alone in the galaxy? What if there were 10 planets revolving around the Sun originally, and one of them was destroyed by an Alien race in a quest for technology, which surpassed any wildest imagination? What if mighty space fleets fought each other in epic battles millennia ago, to decide the future of the sentient species? What if love and fealty once saved the galaxy from the hatred and treachery that aimed to destroy everything? You’ll know the answers to these questions soon enough… once you enter the world of Precursors!
• A role-playing game of the next generation, offering rich plot, hundreds of NPCs, an intricate variety of quests, huge open terrains and a multitude of fantastic weapons.
• A first-person shooter, with state of the art 3D graphics, highly dynamic environments, exceptional physics, true to life effects, and a host of exotic friends and foes.
• A sci-fi simulation, with a possibility to command giant space ships, agile planet gliders, clumsy battle robots, deadly hover tanks and many more futuristic crafts.

All of this and more awaits you with Precursors, the first truly next-gen title from Russia.

Sci-fi setting with a twist.
The scenario of “The Precursors” is based on the speculations of some modern-day scientists and writers that many civilizations were able to discover the space flight way before the Human race launched it’s first rockets. The game tells a story of a small group of heroes sent on an impossible mission to save their nation from annihilation by neighboring empires, craving the wealth of their home planet. “The Precursors” realistically combine elements of different genres to present the player with an immersive and believable experience.

The RPG genre has been pronounced dead again and again, yet it has managed to resurrect over and over, surprising the market with it’s vitality. More fresh ideas were injected into it by the introduction of the modern 3D graphics in this type of game. “The Precursors” takes advantage of a top notch FPS engine to seamlessly merge with a high quality futuristic RPG and to create another breakthrough in the genre. Offering something for fans of roleplay, fast paced action and complex simulations alike, “The Precursors” grip the player’s interest from the first minute. Every gamer will be able to find an appealing part in the universe of the game, and sci-fi readers will be glad to explore the setting not often seen in video games of nowadays.

Game Features

* Unique gameplay: mix of RPG/FPS/Space simulator.
* Very different planets to walk around absolutely free.
* More than 250 diversified quests.
* Partly organic weapons with ammunition that must be bred.
* Controllable spaceships, robots and other vehicles.
* Stunning space battles with boarding included.
* Big number of unusual enemies (Plants, Insects, Birdmen, etc).
* Trading possibilities with complex circulation of goods.
* Interaction with hundreds of NPC of different Alien races.
* Real-time weather effects, day/night and atmosphere changes

System requirements

* System: 3 GHz
* RAM: 1 GB
* Graphic Card: NVIDIA® GeForce™ 6600, ATI® Radeon™ X700 or higher

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 20th Oct 2006 18:24    Post subject:
Lets see if Russia can surprise us.
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Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Fri, 20th Oct 2006 22:38    Post subject:
Makers from boling point
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Fri, 20th Oct 2006 22:41    Post subject:
Trailer was great Smile can't wait for this game.

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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Oct 2006 00:00    Post subject:
JiGSaW wrote:
Makers from boling point

Doesnt really matter - still look good.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Oct 2006 00:40    Post subject:
JiGSaW wrote:
Makers from boling point

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Posts: 6422
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Oct 2006 00:49    Post subject:
I'll wait for White Gold, the sequel to Boiling Point.

Upcoming PC games 2009 and onwards
Bravery is not a function of firepower.
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Oct 2006 01:43    Post subject:
Check the vid for this game - there is one at Looks pretty damn fun. Big space battles.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 203

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Oct 2006 02:46    Post subject:
Hfric wrote:
JiGSaW wrote:
Makers from boling point

"Make me a sandwich."
"What? No!"
"sudo Make me a sandwich."
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Oct 2006 02:49    Post subject:
Mumblingidiot wrote:
Hfric wrote:
JiGSaW wrote:
Makers from boling point

explains overbloom on low rez textures
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VIP Member

Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Oct 2006 02:51    Post subject:
Anthirs wrote:
JiGSaW wrote:
Makers from boling point

Doesnt really matter - still look good.

Boiling point was looking good to but when you play it sucked Razz
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Posts: 1410
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 12:29    Post subject:
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 12:36    Post subject:
zerstorer wrote:
new trailer:

Says I need to be registred (I think, I dont speak german).

Was it any good? The game looks quite entertaining (especially as you go into space to fight too)

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 1410
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 12:38    Post subject:
Anthirs wrote:
zerstorer wrote:
new trailer:

Says I need to be registred (I think, I dont speak german).

Was it any good? The game looks quite entertaining (especially as you go into space to fight too)

come on i think it's not to hard to register it's free
and the graphics of the game aren't so nice for the year 2007
Crysis graphics are 5times better
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 12:40    Post subject:
Ill check into it laters - I agree that the graphics arent crysis, but its still quite good + the game looks rather nice. I've seen the last trailer and I liked it alot.

Ill check it laters cos I cant be arsed to go through the german stuff atm

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 996

PostPosted: Fri, 19th Jan 2007 08:07    Post subject:
A new Trailer is out Wink
2:40min of gameplay

Looking forward to this game, can't get enough of Sci-Fi Cool

4GB i7 860 @3.0 GTX275 AMP
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Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Aug 2007 23:14    Post subject:
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Posts: 5134
Location: The Evil Empire
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2007 17:36    Post subject:
delayed till end of spring 2008

"Only one country can destroy NATO in 40 minutes - it's Russia"
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Posts: 518
Location: Unknown
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2007 19:03    Post subject:
this game looks great, i am looking forward to it!
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Posts: 273
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2007 19:04    Post subject:
JiGSaW wrote:
Makers from boling point

I remember boiling point ..... Shocked

Look for Studio HiCZoK movies and arts !
AsusP5N-E SLI - Asus 8800 GT 512mb - C2D E6300 2.80ghz - 2x1gb GeiL Ultra 800mhz 4-4-4-12 - Sound Blaster Audigy Se - 500gb WD(always defragmented:D) - 11k 3dMark2006 - X360
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2007 19:08    Post subject:
great game if you can get over the huge amount of bugs srsly

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Posts: 5057

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2007 19:31    Post subject:
JiGSaW wrote:
Makers from boling point
the game that still sucked after all the patchs they released Laughing
i remember trying boiling point about 7 months after it was released and even with all the patchs it still ran like crap, had sound issues and was full of bugs Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 34540
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 07:49    Post subject:

A bunch of new screens, looks pretty interesting.
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Posts: 11335

PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 08:16    Post subject:
Art style reminds me of freelancer.

Sense Amid Madness, Wit Amidst Folly
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Posts: 536
Location: /lazurus mode 1
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 09:23    Post subject:
Thread revival... W00t W00t!
This game ever come out, yet? I love the premise of the game. There was another Russian game like this called Parkan. I would love to see a game where you get into a ship and actually fly out of the atmosphere w/o some cut scenes.
Anyone play this yet?

Nui wrote:
Because digital shipping takes time. Think of all the digital boats and their digital captains.
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Posts: 34540
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 09:29    Post subject:
I don't think it's out yet, even the Russian version is probably still in development (My guess is that it will be released first and then the translated international editions will follow afterwards.)

Parkan 2 has been out for a while though.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 12:50    Post subject:
It's never coming out Sad Same as Xenus2/Boiling Point 2 and Dead Island Sad
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Posts: 3902
Location: RO
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 13:05    Post subject:
heh, what's with the downbeat attitude?
they're all coming out and they're all gonna rock Smile
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 13:15    Post subject:
Precisely BECAUSE I know they're going to rock .. and I've been waiting nearly two years for both Xenus2 and Precursors :'(
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Posts: 1171

PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 14:10    Post subject:
Russian verision of Xenus 2 is out already.
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