Fucking Commercials!!!
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Posts: 3705

PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 01:35    Post subject: Fucking Commercials!!!
I fucking hate commercials i hate em so much i just want to rip the head of everyone that ever made a commercial!! Mostly i hate those stupid english colgate and shampoo commercials with swedish speech ARRGGHH "hello mr beaver how do you keep your teeth so fresh n clean" fucking beaver id shoot him and then brush my teeth with him...its so annoying when you are baked watching like family guy or something and then BAM in the middle of nowhere a fucking colgate commercial that totally kills my buzz and sometimes even gives me a heart attack.. why isnt there a commercial free channel? just make it a lil more expensive and i can finally start watching tv again without getting murder thoughts!!

What were they thinking when they made the beaver commercial i dont get it like "hey lets just throw a talking beaver in there and 2 gay dudes".... and then we have the swedes " hey lets use that cool beaver commercial then dub it with swedish voice since kids have to understand what they say" You know incase they need to buy it -_- And then they release the out of sync gay video with a talking beaver that sounds like a 4 year old swedish bitch.

The thing is with the commercials..
1. There are far to many!!
2. They are too long
3. They are just stupid and those that try to add humor just make it worse
4. A commercial has never made me by anything just made me not buy it!

BAN commercials....so there i let it out feels good

Last edited by JahLux on Tue, 24th Oct 2006 01:41; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 01:41    Post subject:
w/o commercials you wouldn't see family guy in the first place. Very Happy

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 01:48    Post subject:
Well at least they dont have to make them so damn long why not just "Hi buy colgate white today for bla bla peaacee" It would be cheaper for them and better for us everyone wins yay... And its not like people would call em and complain like hey your commercial sucks booo i wont buy your stuff now. Also i hate TV Shop they have the same commercials now that they had back when i was like 2 years old and they still keep saying "And if you buy it now you get an extra vacuum cleaner shaft for free charge" Oh and those are also dubbed to swedish since kids and mentally challenged people can buy their knifes vacuums and body working stuff..
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 01:52    Post subject:
i think it's 3 minutes total. or two.. 30 second commercials and 1 minute commercials bundled together.

first time you ever see an ad, it just feels long. You can always channel surf when you see ads. Smile

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 01:59    Post subject:
Damn you positive people Razz I just dont like being interrupted by some annoying commercial while i watch my favorite shit because they dont have better ideas on how to advertise scums! I wouldnt care about commercials as long as they made them simple not trying to be funny or doing a big deal out of it... cmon just watch the frosties kid and you know what i mean..... just simple and clean commercials thats what i would prefer
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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 03:01    Post subject:
Yeah I don't watch TV anymore, coz its totally annoying to watch a cheap movie splitted in 10 parts with commercial breaks lasting 10 minutes. Feels like you're raped and even forget what the hell I was watching because of those stupid adds.
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 03:13    Post subject:
Commercials do suck...thats why you get a PVR and record all your shows and then watch them and skip the commercials Very Happy

I love my pvr...Smile

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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 04:15    Post subject:
Ads are more important than the actual show you're watching. You're basically watching a show on tv just to see the ads. Very Happy That's what they want. They don't care about the cast and such or the storyline. They'll pick anything to draw an audience just to get them to see the ads so they can consider buying something in the future.

Same in movies. Product placements. Very Happy

I’d be more pissed at seeing jack bauer sporting an adidas shirt with adidas shorts and adidas running shoes drinking an ice cold pepsi.

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 05:03    Post subject:
It was a SAD, sad day when I saw my first commercial in a movie theatre.
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 05:19    Post subject:

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Posts: 21306
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 06:32    Post subject:
We have PVR here, the USA has TiVO ... are digital video recorders a big thing in EU too?

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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 06:47    Post subject:
I want that new TiVO that records on 2 stations at the same time. That thing is sweet.

I'd also like to hack it and add a bigger hard drive but my mom wasn't too ken on that idea.

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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 06:53    Post subject:
heheh my PVR records 2 shows at once while you watch a third (although the third does have to be recorded already) Wink

Scientific American Explorer 8000

(except with a big ass rogers logo on it)

it's actually kinda shitty, and a pretty slow interface, but at least it does that Smile

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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 07:03    Post subject:
damn you...

Mine is alright its a humax 80 hour with a dvd recorder... which turns out to be nice cause I am trying to record all the father ted episodes and put em on dvd Very Happy

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Posts: 3705

PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 08:35    Post subject:
What does this pvr thing do? record the shows you are watching on tv? thats kinda good Very Happy

They should make the commercials shorter and less stupid they allways try to be funny but they fail... but there are some cool commercials too like the sony ones or that old rebook ad.. but the rest suck and fail at everything
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PDIP Member

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Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 09:27    Post subject:
The commercials i hate most is those Anti wrinkle commercials they use 29 year old hot chicks in. I mean WTF, who got wrinkles when they are that young. Id love to see a 89 year old use that same product!
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 09:33    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
The commercials i hate most is those Anti wrinkle commercials they use 29 year old hot chicks in. I mean WTF, who got wrinkles when they are that young. Id love to see a 89 year old use that same product!

actually I believe they are younger. The girl that posed for that celulite cream. It shows the middle of her body with a red scaf flowing behind her. naked off course. She was 14.
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 09:48    Post subject:
JahLux wrote:
What does this pvr thing do? record the shows you are watching on tv? thats kinda good Very Happy

yup ... pvr = personal video records = digital video recorder. think of it as a vcr with a harddrive you control with your tv guide.

you can set it to automatically record the entire season of a show, or what I usually do is pause it for the first 15-20 mins of an hour long show so I can fast forward the commercials Smile


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Posts: 3705

PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 09:55    Post subject:
hehe nice got to get me one of those! Oh and pistolshrimp are you sure she was 14? lol some how i find that hard to belive. is this firefox spell check stupid or what? how do i disable it?
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 09:59    Post subject:
JahLux wrote:
hehe nice got to get me one of those! Oh and pistolshrimp are you sure she was 14? lol some how i find that hard to belive. is this firefox spell check stupid or what? how do i disable it?

try here

or through your cable company (you need digital cable) ... you can also build your own pvr out of a pc Smile

asus z170-A || core i5-6600K || geforce gtx 970 4gb || 16gb ddr4 ram || win10 || 1080p led samsung 27"

Last edited by nouseforaname on Tue, 24th Oct 2006 10:03; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 3705

PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 10:03    Post subject:
nouseforaname wrote:
JahLux wrote:
hehe nice got to get me one of those! Oh and pistolshrimp are you sure she was 14? lol some how i find that hard to belive. is this firefox spell check stupid or what? how do i disable it?


or through your cable company (you need digital cable) ... you can also build your own pvr out of a pc Smile

Cool i thought it was more expensive nice ! thanks for the link
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 10:04    Post subject:
I rent mine from the cable co, but it's a promotion so I get free rental for 2 yrs. Smile

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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 10:36    Post subject:
pistolshrimp wrote:
deelix wrote:
The commercials i hate most is those Anti wrinkle commercials they use 29 year old hot chicks in. I mean WTF, who got wrinkles when they are that young. Id love to see a 89 year old use that same product!

actually I believe they are younger. The girl that posed for that celulite cream. It shows the middle of her body with a red scaf flowing behind her. naked off course. She was 14.
Yeah, anyway its just sick. 14 just sound stupid, but i believe you. I haven't seen any that young, but you see my point they use young girls and they list up lots of stupid vitamins and proteins (who barly exist) just to make it look/sound better. Oh well, guess some stupid girls fall for it Sad
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Posts: 356
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 10:41    Post subject:
I know this is a little off topic but talking about 14yo and vitamins and proteins... Have you seen dove's campaign for "real beauty"?

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Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 10:44    Post subject:
yeah iv seen it Sad
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Posts: 356
Location: Ireland
PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 10:51    Post subject:
Actually I prefer women without makeup... I really like "natural" chics. I don't like those who dress up all nicely and paint their face like they are a picasso's experiment just to feel more "attractive".

All my ex-girlfriends are really simple girls who don't care that much for the looks, and I think that's one of the most fascinating things about women... How they REALLY look. It's the smile that counts, not the makeup. Wink

Edit: I would certainly buy one of those video recorders if there was anything worthwhile on television....
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Posts: 3705

PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 11:10    Post subject:
I think make up is stupid if she aint beatiful without it then screw her you gotta have a chick with natural beauty and a big booty Wink The old commercial with the rasta dude was hilarious i think it was japp or snickers or soemthing dono .
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Posts: 356
Location: Ireland
PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 11:12    Post subject:
That commercial with the rasta running? and then pushing away the car? LOL that was awsome, I think it was for snickers.
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Posts: 2070
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 11:24    Post subject:
nouseforaname wrote:
We have PVR here, the USA has TiVO ... are digital video recorders a big thing in EU too?

Nope. Not In Sweden atleast.. But we do alot of warez instead, we watch most of our movies/tv-shows on/through the computer. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 11:29    Post subject:
Yeah leishar thats the one Very Happy
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