Fucking assfucked liberal education system.
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Posts: 7152

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 14:36    Post subject: Fucking assfucked liberal education system.
Today my 10 years old sister's school brought some arabs who taught the infidel children about the ramadan (oh great islam Rolling Eyes ).
And now her teach chose her to write an essay for tomorrow about what they've learnt about the greatness of this holiday, and if it will be good enough, it would be posted on some shithole lefty newspaper.
Now she wants me to help her write it Evil or Very Mad.
I want to see muslim kids studying about hanukah.

Last edited by oxyeL on Tue, 31st Oct 2006 14:39; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 14:38    Post subject:
lol. That's stupid.
Imo there must be no kind of religion (study/teaching) in schools.

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Posts: 23228
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 14:38    Post subject:
Well it's never wrong with education..not everything you learn need to be something you agree with.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 14:39    Post subject:
oh and btw, if they do teach it, its wrong. Because then you are teaching the kids fairytales and lies.

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Posts: 23228
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 14:41    Post subject:
skidrow wrote:
oh and btw, if they do teach it, its wrong. Because then you are teaching the kids fairytales and lies.

Same goes with every religion tbh..but I dont think they try to convince you to become one - its more about getting to know the various religions.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 14:42    Post subject:
Anthirs wrote:
skidrow wrote:
oh and btw, if they do teach it, its wrong. Because then you are teaching the kids fairytales and lies.

Same goes with every religion tbh..but I dont think they try to convince you to become one - its more about getting to know the various religions.

yea, i meant every religion. Not just only islam. It's all the same bullshit only different story.

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Posts: 23005
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 15:31    Post subject:
fuck religions
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Posts: 2907
Location: Not from my mouth!
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 16:25    Post subject:
Luckily for my me Religion teacher is very critic against the bibel Smile

He comes with alot og great agurments on why and when it says it was written and then the real reason for it, really an eye opener.

And imo you should only be teached in religion once you are older, and always in a critic way.

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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Posts: 4955
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 16:50    Post subject:
The bible is made for you to critic it Razz
If you just read it blindly it will get you know use.
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Posts: 829
Location: Slovakia (not Slovenia :)
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 18:30    Post subject: Re: Fucking assfucked liberal education system.
mark322 wrote:
Today my 10 years old sister's school brought some arabs who taught the infidel children about the ramadan (oh great islam Rolling Eyes ).
And now her teach chose her to write an essay for tomorrow about what they've learnt about the greatness of this holiday, and if it will be good enough, it would be posted on some shithole lefty newspaper.
Now she wants me to help her write it Evil or Very Mad.
I want to see muslim kids studying about hanukah.

Don't worry, help her this way - copy&paste few quotes from us - (European or whatever) f*kin leftist pussies

LoL Very Happy

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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 18:35    Post subject:
In Norway we learn about all the religions, and yeah, damn BS.
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Posts: 2907
Location: Not from my mouth!
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 18:39    Post subject:
X_Dror wrote:
The bible is made for you to critic it Razz
If you just read it blindly it will get you know use.

Indeed. But ive always known alot of the stories, even though i didnt exactly live by them. Although ive never actually questioned any of the stories, it just never was important to me.

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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Posts: 754

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 19:07    Post subject: Re: Fucking assfucked liberal education system.
mark322 wrote:
Today my 10 years old sister's school brought some arabs who taught the infidel children about the ramadan (oh great islam Rolling Eyes ).
And now her teach chose her to write an essay for tomorrow about what they've learnt about the greatness of this holiday, and if it will be good enough, it would be posted on some shithole lefty newspaper.
Now she wants me to help her write it Evil or Very Mad.
I want to see muslim kids studying about hanukah.

Hahaha, that must be like psychological torture for you...my sympathies Wink
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Posts: 354

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 19:20    Post subject:
are you in the UK mark322? wouldnt surprise me Sad
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Posts: 18594
Location: In Elektro looking for beans
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 19:34    Post subject:
Religion moved the world into a new era, its a part of our history and shold be taught. and im quite sure your sister aint suffering from an islamic propaganda program mark Rolling Eyes

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 3802
Location: Chicago
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 20:04    Post subject:
Rather than going through life blindly hating religion as a whole maybe some of you should take the time to learn a little about it. I'm not saying believe in everything each religion preaches but maybe learning some of the foundations of something you hate could be an uplifting and reward experience.

But I have to agree ignorant hatred is much easier... :/

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Posts: 742
Location: Israel
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:18    Post subject: Re: Fucking assfucked liberal education system.
mark322 wrote:
Today my 10 years old sister's school brought some arabs who taught the infidel children about the ramadan (oh great islam Rolling Eyes ).
And now her teach chose her to write an essay for tomorrow about what they've learnt about the greatness of this holiday, and if it will be good enough, it would be posted on some shithole lefty newspaper.
Now she wants me to help her write it Evil or Very Mad.
I want to see muslim kids studying about hanukah.

Man what a redneck you are.

That kind of blind hatred and arrogance is why we will never have anything but wars.
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Posts: 4955
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:50    Post subject:
Hehe mark. If you hate it so much see it as knowing your enemies better Razz might give you some more motivation to help your sister.
Btw: which city are you from?
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Posts: 7152

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 23:01    Post subject:
X_Dror wrote:
Hehe mark. If you hate it so much see it as knowing your enemies better Razz might give you some more motivation to help your sister.
Btw: which city are you from?

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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 23:11    Post subject: Re: Fucking assfucked liberal education system.
mark322 wrote:
Today my 10 years old sister's school brought some arabs who taught the infidel children about the ramadan (oh great islam Rolling Eyes ).
And now her teach chose her to write an essay for tomorrow about what they've learnt about the greatness of this holiday, and if it will be good enough, it would be posted on some shithole lefty newspaper.
Now she wants me to help her write it Evil or Very Mad.
I want to see muslim kids studying about hanukah.

1/5 of your population are arab muslims, live with it Wink
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Posts: 742
Location: Israel
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 23:13    Post subject:
What country does mark322 live in?
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 23:15    Post subject:
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Posts: 829
Location: Slovakia (not Slovenia :)
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 23:55    Post subject:
mark322 wrote:
X_Dror wrote:
Hehe mark. If you hate it so much see it as knowing your enemies better Razz might give you some more motivation to help your sister.
Btw: which city are you from?


is there a brewery? Very Happy

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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 11007

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 00:57    Post subject:
I don’t think it is the religion that is the problem, I think it is the culture.

I think it never hurts to explain to kids about different religious holidays (so they aren’t ignorant) but it is wrong to preach.

The teacher probably wanted to put a positive spin on Ramadan to control the class.

I am sure your muslim neighbours do learn about Jewish holidays, it is a good time to blow things up.
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 02:03    Post subject:
mark, your prejudice shines through in almost all your posts now.
Seriously, you no better than the jewish hating guys we've had on here...Neutral

Not specifically this thread, but ive noticed as of late you and others have been insulting islam and arabs in every thread, even if it has nothing to do with islam or arabs.
Im not for or against islam, Im against racism and prejudice.

It's odd how you can be so racist toward your fellow Israelis. I work with a bunch of Israeli Arabs and they are really nice, generous, friendly and helpful people. They dont hate anyone and they love israel...its all they talk about.

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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 05:04    Post subject:
I'm sure this is done to attract more people to islam. Quote some stuff from faithfreedom to piss those morrons off.
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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 11007

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 06:32    Post subject:
Freakness wrote:
I'm sure this is done to attract more people to islam. Quote some stuff from faithfreedom to piss those morrons off.

Why would a Israeli school want to convert people to Islam? It would be a jewish school.
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Posts: 4377
Location: Israel,born in the USSR
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 08:54    Post subject:
Why not write the truth,that you don't give shit about ramadan at best,but frankly,that you are disgusted with fate of hundred of thousands of innocent lambs,which are sacrificed annually at the end of ramadan,and then you might quote some wimps from this thread Laughing
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 11:03    Post subject:
anarxist wrote:
Why not write the truth,that you don't give shit about ramadan at best,but frankly,that you are disgusted with fate of hundred of thousands of innocent lambs,which are sacrificed annually at the end of ramadan,and then you might quote some wimps from this thread Laughing

I didn't know you sacrificed a lamb after Ramadan Confused

(maybe you need to write an essay too Wink)
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Posts: 7152

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 17:07    Post subject:
pistolshrimp wrote:
Freakness wrote:
I'm sure this is done to attract more people to islam. Quote some stuff from faithfreedom to piss those morrons off.

Why would a Israeli school want to convert people to Islam? It would be a jewish school.

again... Because the education system is controlled by deluded leftys.
I'm not against it because I hate islam or any religion teaching, but against the lies they sell to the children.
They make the kids believe that the arabs are their friends and everything is cool, when the opposite is the truth. These kids someday will have to go to the army and deffend and build up their country.
Imagine yourself a soldier who was taught in school that arabs are friends, and now he actualy needs to fight them?
Teaching about islam may be a good thing only if it would be put to proportions, thus teaching also about the wars, disagreements, and problems Israel has with this religion.
While the kids in muslim countries are taught to hate the jews, here they try to grow up a bunch of hipies.
In my high-school they brought once an X-palestinian terrorist and a lefty to tell us about peace. I told him that his lectures worth nothing compared to the muslim worldwide incitement machine.
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