R.I.P ludde... :(
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Posts: 2304
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PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 19:14    Post subject: R.I.P ludde... :(
Today we had to take down our dog, he has been real sick lately and we took him to the veterinary... Guess fucking what, cancer of all things.

Mom and my sister where there with him but my buttfuck boss wouldn't give me some free time to be there with him in the end. I found out when I got home and mom called me and told me he had to be taken down. I felt so damn happy I got to meet him yesterday and say goodbye because I suspected this would happen. Damn it feels hard right now, I miss him so much. Crying or Very sad

One of the dogs that has been with me most of my life, it was 'love' from the first sight. Crap I've met that dog almost daily for the last 7 years now and now he's gone. It feels so empty now when he's not here with his soft fur and warm sweet ears... Crying or Very sad

I want him back... Sad
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Posts: 23228
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 19:17    Post subject:
Sorry to hear that...Umm..Ludde...sounds swedish.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 1908
Location: Alberta,Canada
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 19:32    Post subject:
I hear ya man. I had to bring in my childhood cat a couple years ago. I knew it was his time (He was 21) and it was better to let him go. But its really fucking hard. I cryed alot that day.

Just remeber man, he had a good life. And it was better not to let him suffer.

Take care.

Jenni wrote:
I drunk. I don't fucking care!
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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 19:59    Post subject:
That sucks man, i got a dog too and dont want to miss him!

Take care!
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 20:50    Post subject:
Sucks man, sorry to hear it. You should have punched your boss in the head or something that faggot can go to hell.
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:13    Post subject:
I feel sorry for you, it was just so strange; a fuckhead here have "Ludde" as nickname.
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Posts: 3168
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:23    Post subject:
sorry to hear that.
I hope my dog'll live for 50 more years..

I hate you.
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Posts: 2304
Location: Somewhere
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:50    Post subject:
Ludde - yeah its swedish and he was the sweetest dog ever (even though I have said that about every dog... Razz ).

I know it was better to let him go because he suffered so much but its still so fucking hard the first day when you're used to him being around... Crying or Very sad
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Posts: 4955
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:51    Post subject:
I'm sorry for you man :/
I understand your pain.
Btw: where do they bury dogs and other animals?
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Posts: 23228
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 22:17    Post subject:
X_Dror wrote:
Btw: where do they bury dogs and other animals?

Pet cemetary or you get the ashes.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 1732
Location: Belgium
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 22:18    Post subject:
My grandmother used to have a dog I really liked but it bit me quite a lot, turned out he was ill and they had to put him down too SadSad
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 22:58    Post subject:
sorry for your loss.

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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 11007

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 23:15    Post subject:

I am so sorry you lost your puppy. I know how you feel.

My ex and I had to put down our first dog. Well she wasn’t a dog. she was 7/8th wolf. Mostly timber and some grey. She had the sweetest personality and was so gentile. Nothing pissed skidoo off. She was very shy too, if I sneezed she thought I was yelling at her. The people that breed her did it solely for us. I even saw her the day she was born. Her mom bite me, she wouldn’t let you anywhere near those pups. She was the cutest thing with the biggest feet you have ever seen on a animal.

She developed epilepsy at about 2 years. It was bad too because she was 145 lbs with a body designed by nature to bring down large game. She knocked out all her teeth from doing face plants on the cement. It was 2 years of agony watching her suffer and none of the meds worked. She was having about 40 seizures a month. In the end Christmas eve she never came out of it. I don’t even think she knew who we were. If I could of done it over again I would of done it sooner because she was suffering.

You will get a new dog, and you will find all these cool things about your new dog. My dog now is completely different from my other one. I wouldn’t trade him in for anything.
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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 23:43    Post subject:
Sorry to hear that Sad
I know the feeling too =/

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Posts: 496

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 23:53    Post subject:
that sucks man. Until you get a new dog how about playing abit of Nintendogs

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Posts: 3168
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 01:54    Post subject:
Anthirs wrote:
X_Dror wrote:
Btw: where do they bury dogs and other animals?

Pet cemetary or you get the ashes.

In your own garden here Neutral

I hate you.
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 01:58    Post subject:
It sucks losing a pet. When I brought my dog to the vet when he was sick, I could tell by the look in his eyes he knew he was going to die. Breaks my heart still.

Sorry to hear kosmiq

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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 11007

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 02:00    Post subject:
When I put my dog down I left her at the SPCA. They creamate them and you can get the ashes if you want. I think that costs money.

Pet shops are gross. I heard they accumulate the dead animals and when the freezer gets full they sell it to a rendering plant to make dog food outta of. so sad.
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
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PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 02:04    Post subject:
pistolshrimp wrote:
When I put my dog down I left her at the SPCA. They creamate them and you can get the ashes if you want. I think that costs money.

Pet shops are gross. I heard they accumulate the dead animals and when the freezer gets full they sell it to a rendering plant to make dog food outta of. so sad.


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Posts: 2304
Location: Somewhere
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 06:11    Post subject:
Yeah I know I will get a new dog when I have the time for one again and I will find new things about that one too.. Smile

Still its been less then 24h since he died and that makes it so damn hard still.. At least I could get something close to a good nights sleep without too much waking up and wondering where he was..

He will be buried in the garden at the house he lived in almost all of his life next to our other dog thats buried there too... Sad

beautiful dog there, too bad about the seizures and all that Sad
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Posts: 829
Location: Slovakia (not Slovenia :)
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 08:50    Post subject:
X_Dror wrote:
Btw: where do they bury dogs and other animals?

I don't know why, but when I read it the question brings to my mind Borat's show....

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Posts: 3705

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 10:10    Post subject:
aww man im sorry for the loss of ludde i hate when animals pass away Sad they are so cute and innocent Sad I had a dog to i loved it so much but it died cuz it had some heart problems!! WHY DID U TAKE HIM SadSad!!!!
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Posts: 2304
Location: Somewhere
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 17:17    Post subject:
Well atleast I am not crying like a 12 year old anymore but I'm still sad and not that positive right now...

However, to further add to the discussion I think that all the happiness you get with them during the 10years (mostly add or subtract a year or two of your liking) weighs up for the sadness you feel when they pass away. I would never ever trade away those years for not being sad now. All the memories about him weighs it all up.

God I love animals, the cat is having a harder time right now as they almost always slept together during the nights, had a lot of fun and played with each other.. I remember when Molly (the dog before Ludde) died, the poor cat was sad and low a long time back then... Sad
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Posts: 334
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PostPosted: Thu, 2nd Nov 2006 06:20    Post subject:
Words cannot alone express how sorry I am to hear this news.ludde must have been, indeed, a wonderful friend.

Please accept my most sincere condolences on the loss of ludde.

Unfortunatly I know too well the misery caused by losing such a friend.

I know that we all must die once, but still it is hard to let go of those we love and spend so much of our lives with.

What can anyone say at a time like this? Those of us and our loved ones who live under the shadow of this monster, death, know how fragile and precious life can be. But when the beast takes one of our beloved ones that fact is brought home with painful force.

My heart goes out to you man.

Take everything I say seriously or else
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Thu, 2nd Nov 2006 06:50    Post subject:
Somehow, I can’t help but think you are being a bit sarcastic!
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Posts: 334
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PostPosted: Thu, 2nd Nov 2006 09:11    Post subject:
pistolshrimp wrote:
Somehow, I can’t help but think you are being a bit sarcastic!


No, i just have had bad luck with dogs Sad

Take everything I say seriously or else
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