[XBOX] headhunter.redemption.pal.multi5.dvd.xbox-dnl it su
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Posts: 48

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Aug 2004 20:38    Post subject: [XBOX] headhunter.redemption.pal.multi5.dvd.xbox-dnl it su
game looks nice.. story is ok.. ok graphics.

now why i will never boot it again:

controls are horrific - you pull the R, then wait as the aim auto settles on a badguy, then shoot with A btton

problem- when there are more than one badguy, its extremely annoying that it cant decide which one to aim on

oh.. and at the start, they all look the same. Terrible A.I. They will just stand there and shoot.

ohh the camera angle..its even worse. You know the games you hate, when the angle jumps about and changes so that you suddenly are looking in a different direction? Well this games one of those.

the aiming and camera makes it annoying when theres more than one target in sight.

Also.. like splinter cell did tops, when you could stand with youre back to the wall

same here, but one problem- you "sneak\crouch" by pulling L, but you also get youre back to the wall by pulling L

Anyone see a conflict? Yes! Youre in an open area, with lots of boxes and bad guys, you sneak around and as the aim finally settles on a guy, you suddenly have youre back against a box, and the angle changes.
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Posts: 2059

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Aug 2004 21:45    Post subject:
Yeah i agree with you.. this is another game that i've deleted from my HDD almost immediately.
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 06:58    Post subject:
Big problems with savegame other than English, i have try with French language and always Save failed!

Gros problemes avec les sauvegardes avec les autres langues excepté l'anglais, j'ai essayé en Francais et toujours l'erreur Echec de la sauvegarde !

Does someone have fix for it ???

Est-ce que quelqu'un a une solution ???


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Posts: 42

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 11:49    Post subject:
I actully hate this game, i was looking forward to this game generally cause my mate had the first one on the ps2, and i loved it. Well, i liked the part were you drove around on the moterbike the most. But sadly you dont do that at the start. Im going to wait for some cheats for unlimited health etc..i

I completly agree with all the camera angles.
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Posts: 180
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 17:16    Post subject: Re: [XBOX] headhunter.redemption.pal.multi5.dvd.xbox-dnl i
drunkskunk wrote:
controls are horrific - you pull the R, then wait as the aim auto settles on a badguy, then shoot with A btton

LOL what kind of game makes you shoot with the A-button??! Laughing
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Posts: 42

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 17:18    Post subject:
this game Razz
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Posts: 26

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 20:33    Post subject:
Bitch bitch moan moan
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Posts: 6

PostPosted: Sat, 28th Aug 2004 00:17    Post subject:
i've heard about headhunter before and i was really looking forward to xbox ver... but i'm very disappointed due to bad camera and controls

bad bad bad Crying or Very sad
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