Top Spin PC Demo
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Posts: 192

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 04:37    Post subject: Top Spin PC Demo
I just d/l the PC demo of Top Spin. Does anyone know how to set the gamepad controls. I tried assigning buttons at the set up screen...but they don't work in the game. Shame looks awesome!

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PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 05:37    Post subject:
got a link? google just gave me xbox shit
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Posts: 192

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 05:39    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 05:42    Post subject:
Ah it's a tennis game. Gameguru is the page i visit everyday i just have a fucked up short term memory... i'll download it now and check it out...


nvm all the mirrors i tried didn't work... :\ i'll try it tomorrow
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Posts: 6061

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 09:51    Post subject:
hope it works out for you. this game for xbox is awesome.
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Posts: 2052

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 13:36    Post subject:
controls works perfect, i had no problems to set up my gamepad (a saitek).
the game is good but its not near as good as tennis2k2 for the old DC (and later the ps2).
i cant wait for this though since it will have sweet modes.
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Posts: 1591

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 13:37    Post subject:
Looks great d/ling atm, afterwards I'll try setting up my pad and report here. Wink
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Posts: 1591

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 15:04    Post subject:
Ok, d/led, installed, perfectly with my pad even though its a ps2 pad via an adapter.
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Posts: 2059

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 15:44    Post subject:
pallebrun wrote:
controls works perfect, i had no problems to set up my gamepad (a saitek).
the game is good but its not near as good as tennis2k2 for the old DC (and later the ps2).
i cant wait for this though since it will have sweet modes.
Well that's what i originally thought when i first got it for the xbox, but believe me..when you get into the game in carrer mode and build up your stats it is definetely miles better than virtua tennis on the dreamcast.

I actually own the original and play it on live quite often Laughing
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 18:02    Post subject:
The only bad thing about the game is the difficulty setting. I find it EXTEMLY hard on players ranked 15 and above....
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Posts: 157

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 18:16    Post subject:
trifix wrote:
The only bad thing about the game is the difficulty setting. I find it EXTEMLY hard on players ranked 15 and above....

THat's a good thing. Games has become by far too easy lately, we need more games that can acutally offer a challenge!!
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Posts: 102
Location: Toronto, THAT'S RIGHT! EH!?
PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 18:48    Post subject:
wow graphics on this babe are sweet.

If you wear a selafone suite, people clearly see your nuts.
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Posts: 1273

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 19:24    Post subject:
Yaah works here 2 I use a Logitech Dual Action works great and the game is cool also
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Posts: 2052

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 20:45    Post subject:
RMFX wrote:
pallebrun wrote:
controls works perfect, i had no problems to set up my gamepad (a saitek).
the game is good but its not near as good as tennis2k2 for the old DC (and later the ps2).
i cant wait for this though since it will have sweet modes.
Well that's what i originally thought when i first got it for the xbox, but believe me..when you get into the game in carrer mode and build up your stats it is definetely miles better than virtua tennis on the dreamcast.

I actually own the original and play it on live quite often Laughing

modes will prolly be better but the gameplay will not changed from the demo and its the gameplay i liked better in tennis2k2.
the whole movement of the character, the hitting of balls and so on.
but yeah the different modes will still make this a very good game and i will for sure grab it.
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Posts: 690

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Aug 2004 22:27    Post subject:
man I love this I do tennis in real life. cant wait till full version


xfire- jbrow
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Posts: 192

PostPosted: Sat, 28th Aug 2004 02:25    Post subject:
I also have a Logitech Dual Analog did you guys get it to work? Did you configure it? How?

Damn...I really want to play this one.

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Posts: 54

PostPosted: Sat, 28th Aug 2004 06:33    Post subject:
Looks gorgeous in 1600x1200

Played as Pete Sampras, won 4-3 in tiebreaker....


In my opinion, it is a little to SIM-y for my taste, it's
like the "Madden" of Tennis games.

I still would rather see Sega make Tennis 2K5,
which was like the "Cyberball" of Tennis games.

In fact, I love the original (Virtua Tennis) so much i keep
the PC RIP of it on my computer at all times (it 's only 100MB
and still fun!)
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sat, 28th Aug 2004 07:34    Post subject:
virtua tennis though simpler is a lot more fun, especially when on 2 player mode. this game was alright but i wouldnt say its more fun than virtua tennis. i didnt see that much about the graphics tbh, and there are some little things i dont like about it. i.e when u hit the ball at a line judge they dont move. some things i dont like either how on virtua tennis u can hold the diorection away and run, now u gotta get in position and then power up or just run for it. its a bit frustrating adapting to it. and i do hope the ai does get better because i won a match usin Q and E.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 82

PostPosted: Sat, 28th Aug 2004 14:29    Post subject:
ehy guys if u like top spin u should visit my personal site:

there are a lot of great games of me playing against all the elite players from the whole world on the xbox version of top spin!

also i am adding a working link to get the top spin demo:


Sublime top spin is by far better then virtua tennis,i have played them both and there isnt any possible comparison! for example look at all the different kind of shots(at least 10!) u can perform on top spin,in virtua tennis u could do smash,lob and normal shot!
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sat, 28th Aug 2004 15:46    Post subject:
the simplicity was the key to it though.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 2052

PostPosted: Sat, 28th Aug 2004 16:58    Post subject:
SicilianBoy wrote:

Sublime top spin is by far better then virtua tennis,i have played them both and there isnt any possible comparison! for example look at all the different kind of shots(at least 10!) u can perform on top spin,in virtua tennis u could do smash,lob and normal shot!

wrong, you could do 18 in virtua tennis and tennis2k2, 4x3 from the baseline and 2x3 at the net.
every shot in those two games have 3 different ways of doing them.
you can push forward on the thumbstick and you get a harder/longer shot.
dont move the tumb stick and you get a normal shot.
push back on the thumbstick and you get a shorter shot.
and this works for every shot including the serve.
this is the main thing im missing here and this would have made the game a hard contender to tennis2k2 Wink
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Posts: 102
Location: Toronto, THAT'S RIGHT! EH!?
PostPosted: Sat, 28th Aug 2004 17:10    Post subject:
It froze in the Atari screen for me. shit.

If you wear a selafone suite, people clearly see your nuts.
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Posts: 3550

PostPosted: Sat, 28th Aug 2004 17:14    Post subject:
any multiplayer?

PC awesome button = Uninstall!
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Posts: 54

PostPosted: Sat, 28th Aug 2004 21:12    Post subject:
I agree with Pallebrun

18 Shots with 2 buttons is way more fun & intuitive (i.e. "GAMEPLAY")

than 10 shots with 6 (!) buttons (i.e. unnecessary complexity)

I won't even d/l the full when it comes out.

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Posts: 157

PostPosted: Sat, 28th Aug 2004 21:22    Post subject:
This was really boring. I'll go back to playing Tennis on the NES emu instead.
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Posts: 82

PostPosted: Sat, 28th Aug 2004 21:54    Post subject:
pallebrum wut u said is crap. in top spin there is everything u said that(in your opinion) make shots all be different. here i am talking about drop shots,risk shots,lobs,smashs,slices,top spin,normal shot and many more,but wait...wut am i doing here?? just wasting my time! yeah guys go back and play that crap of VT! ahahhahhaha
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Posts: 192

PostPosted: Sat, 28th Aug 2004 23:07    Post subject:
Since its only a demo and I have never played it before...using a dual analog...what are the diff shots?
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Posts: 82

PostPosted: Sat, 28th Aug 2004 23:35    Post subject:
nitt,u are blind?
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Posts: 2052

PostPosted: Sun, 29th Aug 2004 00:34    Post subject:
SicilianBoy wrote:
pallebrum wut u said is crap. in top spin there is everything u said that(in your opinion) make shots all be different. here i am talking about drop shots,risk shots,lobs,smashs,slices,top spin,normal shot and many more,but wait...wut am i doing here?? just wasting my time! yeah guys go back and play that crap of VT! ahahhahhaha

dont be a kid man, discuss on a normal level please.
i know they are in top spin but you said they werent in tennis2k2 but they are, as i said, there are over 18 different shots (more if you count the serve) in tennis2k2.
what i also meant was, its much better to have 4 buttons with many shots on each button than having a shitload of buttons for every shot as top spin has.
its alot smoother to just push the shot button and then the tumbstick up/down/centered.
im sure the full game will show this games full potentional and it might turn out to be really good, but so far i prefear tennis2k2 Wink

and again im not talking about virtua tennis!
tennis2k2 is miles better than virtua tennis, virtua tennis is still good though but no where near as good as tennis2k2.
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Posts: 82

PostPosted: Sun, 29th Aug 2004 01:40    Post subject:
ok i give up,play at wutever u want!
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