Are You Depressed?
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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 20:34    Post subject: Are You Depressed?
Im curious.

How many people here are depressed or have occasional bouts with depression?

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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 20:36    Post subject:
Nope. Life is good Smile

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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 20:37    Post subject:
nouseforaname wrote:
Nope. Life is good Smile

Lucky fucker Razz

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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 20:40    Post subject:
Nope, life's to short for shit like that. Happy everyday and always.
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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 20:45    Post subject:
I voted no. Times are bad on occasion but there are also so many good things.
Life is indeed pretty good.

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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 20:46    Post subject:
seasonal depression syndrome or some such silliness .. apparently when there is less light your body isn’t getting as much of the good stuff that makes you happy sunshine provides .. personally I prefer the shadows .. Cool yet don’t think I’m particularly depressed .. but then I may have been depressed for so long that I cant even tell .. Wink

i'm glad to be alive .. if thats any sign of anything ..

"Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in & out of favor." ~ Frost
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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 20:48    Post subject:
I voted no. Even though im depressed since schools starts tomorrow Sad

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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 20:52    Post subject:
ChinUp wrote:
seasonal depression syndrome or some such silliness .. apparently when there is less light your body isn’t getting as much of the good stuff that makes you happy sunshine provides .. personally I prefer the shadows .. Cool yet don’t think I’m particularly depressed .. but then I may have been depressed for so long that I cant even tell .. Wink

i'm glad to be alive .. if thats any sign of anything ..

Laughing your depressed man Laughing

You know why i say that? You use the same line i do when people ask me how im doing...
I answer with 'well, im alive so something must be going right'.\


I think i dont know how to be happy. Like things that used to give me pleasure and distraction dont do it anymore. The only things that give me pleasure would be the new splinter cell game (takes my mind of everything), a good movie, being with my exwife (well, we might be gettin back together)...and thats just about it.

Otherwise, Im always stressin over the bad shit...I cant seem to relax and just take things as they come. I like having control in some respect, over things that occur in my life. Right now, I have zero control

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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 20:52    Post subject:
itz my son's 9th month birthday! and my wife looks great & sexy as hell after giving birth. thanks god no hanging tits etc! fuck no i'm not depressed )))

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PDIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 20:56    Post subject:
Nah, im not depressed. At least i don't think so. Some things aint perfect, but i can't blame anyone else. The thing I hate most is that i snore -.-
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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 20:57    Post subject:
Seems to me that happiness is a commodity these days .. unless you have a good reason to be happy .. its like your not allowed .. totally bogus

I think I read someplace that it’s a clinically unbalanced mental state to be happy .. apparently mild depression is a sign of a healthy realistic mind .. pfft .. rubbish

"Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in & out of favor." ~ Frost
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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 21:01    Post subject:
ChinUp wrote:
Seems to me that happiness is a commodity these days .. unless you have a good reason to be happy .. its like your not allowed .. totally bogus

I think I read someplace that it’s a clinically unbalanced mental state to be happy .. apparently mild depression is a sign of a healthy realistic mind .. pfft .. rubbish

That seems accurate to me tho.

Being happy all the time just isnt realistic. Mind you, it doesnt mean you have depression if your not always happy.

You know what i hate about depression? The physical toll it takes on your body. My body has been seriously aching for the past week or so you know?

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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 21:02    Post subject:
btw they proved that depression isn't a state of mind or mood but a pychic (mental) disease

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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 22:01    Post subject:
Voted yes. Sad

I think the worst part is not knowing the reason and only surmising 'if i could only get this or that, then MAYBE I won't be depressed anymore'. All the while fully knowing that when I get whatever I am aiming for, I won't be any happier than now. Chasing my own fucking tail all the time.

It's like that Patrick Bateman in American Psycho who gets so obsessed about a fucking business card. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 22:09    Post subject:
Check this out...its very good!
Can recommend this 100% if you can get it SEE IT! its super interesting.

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Posts: 5503
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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 22:39    Post subject:
I hear you .. I always look into my diet when I start feeling lethargic & negative .. but then that’s me .. Breaking a sweat is good too .. but it can be real hard getting warmed up when your grasp on yourself is sluggish ..

"Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in & out of favor." ~ Frost
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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 22:40    Post subject:
i have been depressed once, don't wanna go there again Very Happy
remaining happy and well Smile

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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 23:33    Post subject:
swingman wrote:
Voted yes. Sad

I think the worst part is not knowing the reason and only surmising 'if i could only get this or that, then MAYBE I won't be depressed anymore'. All the while fully knowing that when I get whatever I am aiming for, I won't be any happier than now. Chasing my own fucking tail all the time.

It's like that Patrick Bateman in American Psycho who gets so obsessed about a fucking business card. Very Happy

Yeah man

Not knowing exactly what would cure the depression is what drives me nuts too. It'd be nice if i could do something to get rid of it you know?

Still, right now, I think i know what would bring my spirits up

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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Oct 2006 23:45    Post subject:
SycoShaman wrote:
Still, right now, I think i know what would bring my spirits up


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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 00:02    Post subject:
nouseforaname wrote:
SycoShaman wrote:
Still, right now, I think i know what would bring my spirits up



that always helps Laughing

How long have you been smokin weed for man?

Ive been smokin since i was 10 years old. I just dont really get high anymore. I get relaxed and my eyes get a lil blurry, but i dont get that nice stoned feeling.
Unless a) its really really good weed b) i smoke a ton of weed

I wish I could go back to the days where i would smoke a 2 paper and be on my ass for hours, content playing videogames or watching a movie. Thos were the days...

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PDIP Member

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PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 00:06    Post subject:
Don't you guys respect canadian law Sad ?
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 00:11    Post subject:
SycoShaman wrote:
nouseforaname wrote:
SycoShaman wrote:
Still, right now, I think i know what would bring my spirits up



that always helps Laughing

How long have you been smokin weed for man?

Ive been smokin since i was 10 years old. I just dont really get high anymore. I get relaxed and my eyes get a lil blurry, but i dont get that nice stoned feeling.
Unless a) its really really good weed b) i smoke a ton of weed

I wish I could go back to the days where i would smoke a 2 paper and be on my ass for hours, content playing videogames or watching a movie. Thos were the days...

Started smoking in high school ... and yeah, I used to get really stoned back then Very Happy

These days, yeah, I don't get nearly as high. But it's still nice ... I can smoke around my gf /parents and not act like a total knob. I guess I'm a lot more functional ... it's more of a relaxed feeling than anything else.

But if I stop smoking for a week or two, the first time I smoke again, man, then i get fucking stoned! Very Happy If I'm drunk I get more stoned too! Razz

oh, and @deelix ... fuck no, I don't respect fucking retarded laws like marijuana prohibition Wink

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Last edited by nouseforaname on Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 00:13; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 4955
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PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 00:11    Post subject:
Almost never depressed.
Though thinking about the universe might make me a little depressed/freak me out.
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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 00:14    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
Don't you guys respect canadian law Sad ?

I have great respect for Canadian law.

And as far as im aware, having a small personal amount to smoke is fine...if you wanna deal with the fine you get if you smoke in public

But i dont smoke in public. I smoke on private property and I dont sell or provide anyone with anything you know?

Kinda like downloading in Canada. You can download stuff, but you cant make money off it and you cant upload/share it.

Believe it or not im a law abiding citizen now. I dont cause trouble, i pay my taxes, i help people if they are in need, i contribute to charities and various organizations that help the homeless and stuff.
And I dont like drinking all that much. I'd rather have a smoke than having 6 beers you know?

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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 00:17    Post subject:
SycoShaman wrote:
And as far as im aware, having a small personal amount to smoke is fine...if you wanna deal with the fine you get if you smoke in public

Possession of any amount of weed is a crime Neutral Always has been -- for all the talk about decriminalization, nothing has ever been done.

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PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 00:19    Post subject:
I don't get it. Can you define depression?

I think your idea of depression is much different than mine.

I, for one, have no sense of self value. (If that means anything to you)
And every single day I look down at myself and I am looked down at by others.
It’s the only thing I know.

I don't think that's depression. That’s just a lousy life.

I hate being alone with my self. I have intimacy issues. Well, not really. I can open my self like a book, but I have problems with emotions.

Still that’s not depression.

I’m only happy temporarily when I help people, but mostly I’m well, not unhappy, but trying to figure out who I can help next.

But that’s not depression either.

I feel blue a lot. And meaningless things such as booze don’t make me happy. Sometimes when I drink, I end up listening to myself, trying to understand myself and then I drink more until I can’t understand myself. To numb the voices, y’know?

Not in a sense I hear voices. But in a sense that when a man is alone with him self he can either stare at a blank wall or get to know himself.


But that’s not depression either. That’s a problem with how you perceive yourself.

I do think I’m depressed, but I don’t know if my kind of depression counts. I mean, I like going outside when it’s raining and splash puddles around. I love to help people. Makes me smile. But those are just temporary emotions.

I feel like I’m swimming in a fountain of sorrow and occasionally someone throws in a lucky penny. Laughing

Can you define your idea of depression? Cause I’m unsure what to vote. Very Happy

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 00:19    Post subject:
nouseforaname wrote:
SycoShaman wrote:
And as far as im aware, having a small personal amount to smoke is fine...if you wanna deal with the fine you get if you smoke in public

Possession of any amount of weed is a crime Neutral Always has been -- for all the talk about decriminalization, nothing has ever been done.

Well, the times ive been caught with weed on me, its always been like a couple of grams and usually it gets confiscated and i get a fine or something.

I guess it depends on the cop and how you respond to them

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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 00:21    Post subject:
SycoShaman wrote:
nouseforaname wrote:
SycoShaman wrote:
And as far as im aware, having a small personal amount to smoke is fine...if you wanna deal with the fine you get if you smoke in public

Possession of any amount of weed is a crime Neutral Always has been -- for all the talk about decriminalization, nothing has ever been done.

Well, the times ive been caught with weed on me, its always been like a couple of grams and usually it gets confiscated and i get a fine or something.

I guess it depends on the cop and how you respond to them

yup, up to the cop to ignore it or charge you ... but that means they have to go to court and all that shit, so I guess most of the time they can't be bothered Razz

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Posts: 3602

PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 00:21    Post subject:
SycoShaman wrote:

Not knowing exactly what would cure the depression is what drives me nuts too. It'd be nice if i could do something to get rid of it you know?

I know for a fact that there isn't a specific something that would make it all go away. I read something recently that made a lot of sense. People who are more prone to depression than others have a very low level of a certain chemical. I think it's called seratonin and anti-depressants bring that level to 'normal' levels. Its not that people with normal levels of seratonin could use anti-depressants to get happier. You can only use them to bring the levels where the're supposed to be.

Still I am a little uncomfortable with the thought of using pills for the rest of my life because then I might just as well start using weed. The problem with using chemicals is that the body builds up some sort of resistance and one ends up needing more of it.
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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Oct 2006 00:50    Post subject:
swingman wrote:
SycoShaman wrote:

Not knowing exactly what would cure the depression is what drives me nuts too. It'd be nice if i could do something to get rid of it you know?

I know for a fact that there isn't a specific something that would make it all go away. I read something recently that made a lot of sense. People who are more prone to depression than others have a very low level of a certain chemical. I think it's called seratonin and anti-depressants bring that level to 'normal' levels. Its not that people with normal levels of seratonin could use anti-depressants to get happier. You can only use them to bring the levels where the're supposed to be.

Still I am a little uncomfortable with the thought of using pills for the rest of my life because then I might just as well start using weed. The problem with using chemicals is that the body builds up some sort of resistance and one ends up needing more of it.

I use anti depressents. And they do help man. Obviously i wont be on tem for my whole life. But until my depression goes away

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