Fucking alarm
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VIP Member

Posts: 11741

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 17:28    Post subject: Fucking alarm
I work night, morning, afternoon and evening, shifting. So I just worked tonight, I come home, decide to sleep from 11:00 to 14:00, a little sleep, not to much, so I can sleep later at night and thus reverse my sleeping habit again.

I set the fucking bullfucking alarm and everything should be working. I go to sleep, and I fucking wake up at ~17:00 by myself, now there's no fucking way i'll be able to sleep tonight, so i'll have to do another fucking night.

I just tested the alarm, it should've worked. I didn't deactivate the alarm either, cause it has a dot next to the time if the alarm is on. If I press the button when the alarm goes, it'll just sound after 10 minutes again, and will keep doing so until I remove that dot by dragging a slider on the side upwards.

Fucking bullfucking alarm didn't go off. God I'm so pissed at this clock.
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Posts: 289

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 17:35    Post subject:
Throw it out of the window Very Happy
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Location: UK
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 18:48    Post subject:
I use my mobile phone for my alarm clock and I can set it for a maximum of 5 different times. I usually sleep through the first two and get up on the 3rd. When it does finally get me up, I also think 'fucking alarm' because I am most definitely not a morning person. I despise people who say good morning to me!

Having said that, if it wasnt for my alarm Im pretty sure I wouldnt still be employed however. Very Happy

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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 20:01    Post subject:
This happend to me today too, I woke up at 10 AM when it should have woken me up at 8 AM. Seriously fucked my morning up.

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Posts: 114

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 21:42    Post subject:
u know what happends to be alot

In my dream i put off the alarm while its going off and i dont remember shit of it

now thats creepy
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Posts: 23228
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 22:38    Post subject:
I thought fucking alarm was when you got home and heard weird noises from your parents room..

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 11007

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 22:54    Post subject:
u know what happends to be alot

In my dream i put off the alarm while its going off and i dont remember shit of it

now thats creepy

Na, I have done things like that.

I wake up almost 90% of the time about 1 minute before the alarm goes off. Even if I have to get up at 4am. I have an internal clock. I don't wear a watch and I pretty much know what time it is within a 12 min window. I am the human sundial. I should be on Hero's. Tell the time, save the world Razz
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Posts: 23228
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 22:58    Post subject:
Same with me...I go to bed 1-2am...and still I wake up 10 mins before the alarm goes off (6.30)..anoying thing is - its the same almost no matter when I go to bed or if I need to get up or not Razz

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 4955
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 23:02    Post subject:
I hate my alarm clock.
My alarm clock is my cellphone alarm, and it's noisy and everything but for some reason when I sleep I just don't give a fuck about it.
It can ring all it wants and I still won't wake up. I think I need to find a really annoying and shocking alarm sound for it Razz
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Posts: 23228
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 23:06    Post subject:
X_Dror wrote:
I hate my alarm clock.
My alarm clock is my cellphone alarm, and it's noisy and everything but for some reason when I sleep I just don't give a fuck about it.
It can ring all it wants and I still won't wake up. I think I need to find a really annoying and shocking alarm sound for it Razz

I thought your alarm clock was Hezbollah rockets? (joke mate..no offence)

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 23:10    Post subject:
my alarm makes a terrible TUTUTUTUTUT sound, that's why i switched the alarm to radio, so when it goes off, i hear the radio playing instead of TUTUTUTUTUT

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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 11007

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 23:22    Post subject:
What drives me crazy is when that alarm clock (TUTUTUTUT is the WORSE) sound is used in commercials, on the radio or the TV. To me that sound really stands out, its like nails on a chalk board.
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Posts: 23228
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 23:23    Post subject:
I've got a nice thing though...even though I might have slept as little as 1-2h..I always wake up in an excellent mood...dunno why though Razz

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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