This game just won an indie game award at Gametunnle, I tried it yesterday and found it quite good
it's not an MMORPG, you level up your skills instead of level.
The skills are very "Guild Wars"-ish. If you enjoyed PvP in Guildwars you should enjoy this because the two are very similar. Although I dont think the skills system in this game is as deep as GW's... (although I could be wrong, since I've only payed one day ) Most people left GW because of the grind before you can finally participate in PvP at a pro level, IMO this game took out the grind and put you straight into action
note that their site is slow right now because of all the attention they are getting. they were on slashdot recently so that might also be responsible for most of the lag
There is a trial avaliable on their site. I think it is different than their previous trial which was 5hr limited. In this trial it doesn't mention the time limit, because there is a screen that tells you what you get for buying the game and no time limit was not mentioned at all
I think that's a broken pillar from that shrine or whatever it is.
(Looks like other parts of it are also damaged as well so it's most likely a fallen pillar.)
Still there's nothing wrong with a big sword that deals tons of damage...
Game looks interesting though I'm not much for multiplayer or botmatches but perhaps it could be a interesting game, will have to try a demo or such first.
Yikes, I just tried it, it's like a poor man's guild wars, without the story, without the PvE, just basically a "capture the flag" game in a 3rd person fantasy setting. Nice if you're totally bored I guess, but most of us have WoW or Guild Wars already, both of which are superior to this mess.
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