Jolly Rover [R]
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PostPosted: Tue, 1st Mar 2011 19:20    Post subject: Jolly Rover [R]
Jolly Rover (c) Lace Mamba Global

Genre: point & click adventure (with dogs Smile)
Web Page: link (screenshots & videos)
Release date: out now
Developer/Publisher: Brawsome
On Steam: link
Game Info:
Our swashbuckling sausage-dog star is Gaius James Rover, son of the famous clown Jolly Rover, who died from a blow to the groin from an improperly loaded joke cannon.

Following the tragically comedic death of his father, young Gaius goes to live with his uncle, a wealthy plantation owner on a small Caribbean island. While his uncle is away, a large contract for the potent and addictive Jolly Rover arrives from Guy DeSilver, Governor of the notorious Groggy Island, with payment upfront!

In a blinding flurry of optimism, Gaius pools his meagre savings with this advance and charters a ship and crew to take him to Groggy Island. Along the way he meets a colourful band of seafaring cutthroats, scallywags and rogues otherwise known as pirates.

# Over 60 beautifully rendered scenes to explore
# 25 colourful, fully animated and voiced characters
# Traditional point and click adventure with simple one-click interface
# Organic and fully integrated hint and task tracking system
# Extras! Captain Bios, concept art, music tracks and Director’s Commentary!

It has gotten pretty nice reviews, maybe not as good as Gemini Rue. Looks kinda like a flash game, but it's pretty funny. Smile

Scene releases also out:
Jolly.Rover.Special.Edition-FASiSO 765Mb
Jolly.Rover.Special.Edition.v1.11-ALiAS 280Mb
/alias version works fine, other rls is only bigger because it includes directx,etc./
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