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Posted: Mon, 6th Sep 2004 21:02 Post subject: Best OS tweaking ! |
Ok. I did this becuz i was getting bored of the ppl asking simple questions & starting new topics for them. there are certain things you MUST know about your OS - it won't last forever !! So at about 6 months or so just do a format C:\ (if there is yer windows partition ) start again fresh.
Sounds like a lot of hard work to reinstall EVERYTHING again but in 3 days its all over.
An os should be put on a partition just for himself ( on that partition should be only WINDOWS , PROGRAM FILES, DOCUMENTS & SETTINGS ) only things related to yer os.
Secondly - Having internet already makes you vulnerable to all kinds of viruses/adware/malware/spyware and so on. So your privacy & security is the priority. The best thing is to have an adware/spyware removal tool in your hands ( like Ad-Aware 6 ) and check for malicious programs like once a week or so. And keep an eye for any pop-ups/advertisements that pop up while surfing. they could install viruses. So you must protect your internet surfing. Opera 7.5 is the best in such problems - pop-up blocking , no viruses are instaled in the background etc... Using IE 6.0 makes you a zombie , you are controlled by any lamer with a sub7 trojan & s**t .
Third - Keep your pc clean. Do this - Look at your systray. Do you see 10 or more programs in there ( not refering to network icons , mouse drivers , vga card driver ...) ?? Then you should start checking tem out to see how many of them YOU REALLY use ! What you don't you clean. Cleaning registry is also an important thing. Use programs like RegSupreme etc... to do these operations. Or try CTRL-ALT-DEL in XP ( Task manager ) and look at the processes tab. Look for any BargainBuddy , XXX Toolbar or shit like these. End their processes then clean them up !
Fourth - Surfing some "special sites" . NEVER EVER EVER surf on damn XXX sites. you wont believe how much viruses they have. Try P2p if you want to look at pamela anderson sucking dicks ... So keep an eye on what you surf
That's been all of our guide. Hope you read it and learn from it !
Punk 4 Life !
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Posted: Mon, 6th Sep 2004 22:21 Post subject: |
lol how cute
CPU:P4 3GHz 800 FSB HT RAM: 1.5GB DDR400 VideoCard: Ati R 9800 Pro Monitor: HP TFT 19" L1925 Sound:Audigy2 ZS Platinum w/ Logitech z-680 5.1 Surround
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Posted: Tue, 7th Sep 2004 00:23 Post subject: |
topic of the year
but tnx 
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Posts: 1622
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin
Posted: Tue, 7th Sep 2004 00:32 Post subject: |
image c:/ on to a slave. done.
no AOL
no Kazaa
and if it is free, almost never use it. ( few exceptions. )
sexyjesus is the only person on this forum, that cuts down his own, so-called country.
The only one.
Never once anything positive, only negative.
And you people fall for it hook line and sinker.
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Posted: Tue, 7th Sep 2004 07:07 Post subject: Re: Best OS tweaking ! |
VyRuZRuLeZ wrote: | Fourth - Surfing some "special sites" . NEVER EVER EVER surf on damn XXX sites. you wont believe how much viruses they have. Try P2p if you want to look at pamela anderson sucking dicks |
So P2P has no virusses you say...that's a bit hard to believe.
And if people have questions about something then they can post it if they want (use the search buuton first), there are no stupid or too simple questions
Injurious wrote: | And then Mabel tripped over a rock and landed in a well and was trapped there with Timmy. Sadly I shot Lassie so no one is saving that bitch! |
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Posted: Tue, 7th Sep 2004 07:18 Post subject: |
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Posted: Tue, 7th Sep 2004 14:23 Post subject: Respond |
Ok @Mutantius - if this is basic knowledge then why most ppl don't have a clue of some of these things ??
@ ApeX - BitTorrent is p2p you know. Didn't have problems with it. Ares is p2p and if you know how to search good files you won't get infected !
@skidrow - No Problem ;]
@Zephyer - i was talking about reinstalling everything you instaled ( dirvers , dx , apps .. ) winblows is easy to install
Thx all for reading/responding ! Did this because :
2. there wasn't any Sticky about basic OS things .
Punk 4 Life !
Parasite 4 Life !
Hate fueled by :
Benny Benassi|The Biz|4 Strings|A.T.B|Others
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Posted: Tue, 7th Sep 2004 18:51 Post subject: |
Little deeper (If more details needed just ask)
- Put drivers/SP1/DX9B/Antivirus on a CD
- Low level format your drive
- Install XP then SP1 (SP2 is garbage)
- Install Antivirus
- Install all windows updates exept SP2(if its still possible...I have the ms security CD, so thats what I use)
- Install Drivers.
- Press Windows key + PAUSE, turn off system restore, disable automatic updates, disable remote assitance. Press ADVANCED TAB-->Performance-->Settings-->Adjust for best performance, then click ADVANCED tab->Virtual Memory-->CHANGE and remove the pagefile on your OS drive and choose another one, with initialMB=MaxMB=3xQuantity of ram.
Right click on desktop-->PROPERTIES-->THEMES tab, and select windows classic. SCREENSAVER tab -->Power-->Hibernate, uncheck "enable Hibernate".
START-->RUN-->MSCONFIG. Check the progs you dont want run @ startup and GO DELETE THE REGISTRY KEYS, dont simply untick them.Then check your START-->PROGRAMS-->STARTUP Folder and delete everything in it.
STARt-->RUN--->services.msc. Check all the services that are currently STARTED (click STATUS bar twice) and disable the ones you dont need (check for more info)
I disable these:
- Automatic Updates
- COM+
- Error reporting services
- Fast user switching
- Help and support
- Messenger
- Netowork connections (i have static ip assigned to my NIC)
- Network LA
- Print Spooler (I start it when i need to print)
- Protected Storage
- Remote Access connection..
- Secondary Logon
- Themes
- Indexing Services ...and more, I just dont remember (im not on my comp..)
Another cool thing is removing IE/MSNM/WMP/Outlook via XPLITE. Then you dont really need any new update by MS . I didnt test it alot yet so I wouldnt recommend it to anyone.
If I forgot anything or made a mistake im sorry, im tired.......
Hope that helped
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Posted: Mon, 13th Sep 2004 05:33 Post subject: Hmmz :/ |
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Posted: Wed, 15th Sep 2004 02:35 Post subject: Re: Hmmz :/ |
MORPHINEUS wrote: | ok with these steps u should be 60% safer, if shit hits the fan and ur pc is all messy go to a GOOD pc shop (there aren't manny) where format is only an option for EXTREME cases
people that suggest u need to format after 6 months really need to learn about OS's |
This is for people that cannot have their PC formatted (ex: uses comp for buisness purposes) not us!
WTF would I pay for someone to FIX my computer when I can bring it back like new with a format? Everyone knows the fix will NOT be as good as a fresh format.
Also, we do this to max out performance. I'd like to see you "clean" a registry that has had over 50 progs installed/uninstalled (dont even dare talk about reg cleaners! They all work like shit!)
MORPHINEUS wrote: | yep start the flame now against me but do mind: i worked for a pc shop where format wasn't an option. |
Also as stated before, this is for people that CANNOT have their PC formatted (whatever the reason). I couldnt care less if you worked for a computer shop, as most of the workers Ive seen (and trust me, ive seen many) are usually idiots
MORPHINEUS wrote: | allthough one thing i must admit about a format: its ez and u don't need to learn shit but hey u got a pc u might as well find the problem and fix it so it won't happen again |
If you wanna tweak your OS, shouldnt you do it right AFTER you've installed windows? Or wait for it to get bloated and THEN tweak?
Also, some computer users don't have the time to figure out what their problem is, and really need their comp. If I have a prob, should I go send it to my local PC for a coupe fo days to get it fixed? Simply format (assuming I already have my backups) and have a working one in <1h?OR, restore my image, which takes 2 mins (what I always do)?
On another note, this wasnt a thread about PC problems/fixes, but OS tweaks! 
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Posted: Wed, 15th Sep 2004 03:09 Post subject: |
Just download the tweak only version of AutoPatcher XP and use that. The full version is only if you don't have SP2.
It has loads of useful tweaks and it's easy to use.
My favourite one has to be the dialog box which pops up whenever anything tries to add a new program to be run at startup that allows you to stop it or allow it.
EDIT: Whoops posted this also in that SP2 tweaks thread. I thought i'd posted it somewhere and assumed it was this thread but I guess I was wrong.
Im a cockfag
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