Peerguardian...what is it good for?
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VIP Member

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Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Thu, 15th Feb 2007 14:17    Post subject: Peerguardian...what is it good for?
Not 100% clear to me why one would need PG. Does it block ppl checking if I am DLing stuff or what? I use it and I see ALOT! of universities and companies (mainly Chinese) sending packets or whatever it is to my IP...but what does PG actually do with this stuff?

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Posts: 73193
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PostPosted: Thu, 15th Feb 2007 14:52    Post subject:
It blocks access from know government IPs (like MPAA, RIAA, etc). So when you're downloading from a torrent, they can't know what you're downloading. That's in theory. In reality, it does very little, as it can't really maintain a uptodate list of IPs.
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PDIP Member

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PostPosted: Thu, 15th Feb 2007 15:22    Post subject:
Haha, must be made in the US
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VIP Member

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Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Thu, 15th Feb 2007 15:50    Post subject:
That's what I thought of figured. So what should one use to "shield" one self properly here. Heard that Newsgroups are the best (hard to see who is DLing/UPing what etc)...prob is I sometime don't find stuff I want there or they come later. If I had access to priv FTP server I would not really care.

Living in Germany and so far there have been no real witch hunt on downloaders etc...but I guess it will come sooner or later.

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Thu, 15th Feb 2007 17:29    Post subject:
Yeah, it's mainly for satisfying US paranoids that think an app is better than being cautious.
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Posts: 3127

PostPosted: Thu, 15th Feb 2007 23:48    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
Yeah, it's mainly for satisfying US paranoids that think an app is better than being cautious.
This is false, there are a lot of international IP from gov agencies and companies dedicated to track copyright infringements and data mining, it prevents bad hosts or fake servers/clients to corrupt your dls and return fake results, etc.
Their lists are updated regularly enuff, already blocking over 30% of all addresses allocated on the Internet, and you can always add localized custom lists.

It does what a 'cautious' person can't do manually, adding a welcomed and painless layer of privacy to public p2p dl.

@ CaptainCox

Disable the "edu" list, it may be overrestrictive and make you lose too much sources from students. This list is mainly intended for students sharing from campuses' networks.

Newsgroups are safer coz it ain't p2p, you download from a server and only the server owner -and your ISP- can track your activity.

Last edited by $en$i on Fri, 16th Feb 2007 00:07; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri, 16th Feb 2007 00:04    Post subject:
Cheers man will do Razz

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Posts: 793

PostPosted: Fri, 16th Feb 2007 01:19    Post subject:
Yeah use Newsgroups and select a News server like GigaNews, as it can offer 256 Bit SSL encryption.
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Steve-O 2004

Posts: 2851

PostPosted: Sat, 17th Feb 2007 20:33    Post subject:
Peerguardian works and I would recommend you use it even on Newsgroups etc.. You should have saw all the Sony connections you got when you downloaded a PSP PSX game, Every few seconds Peerguardian was blocking a Sony connection attempt..

George W Bush -

'...more and more of our imports are coming from overseas.'
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PostPosted: Sat, 17th Feb 2007 21:08    Post subject:
Never do that (PSP, PSX) but what the hell I let it run, can't hurt, can it Wink

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Posts: 387
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Sun, 18th Feb 2007 08:30    Post subject:
Peerguardian also does a exellent job of blocking some webpages like youtube and it also slows down my downloads reaally much, so imo it sucks...
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VIP Member

Posts: 3127

PostPosted: Sun, 18th Feb 2007 16:54    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:
I let it run, can't hurt, can it Wink
The only think you may lose are a few sources that may be legitimate (like with the edu list). Smile
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Posts: 144

PostPosted: Sun, 18th Feb 2007 18:56    Post subject:
Get Protowall, blocks more, works better, takes ZERO resources. Then use Blocklist Manager to update the blocklist
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VIP Member

Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Sun, 18th Feb 2007 20:26    Post subject:
Cheers man, got both. Was a bit fiddly to install the Protowall network driver...had to really read the manual Razz
I am still not 100% on how to combine the 2 programs, reading up on it. But Protowall seems to block stuff, so I guess i am half there Wink

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