Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday - Armageddon
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Posts: 894

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Mar 2007 17:58    Post subject: Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday - Armageddon

  • Publisher: Paradox Interactive
  • Developer: Paradox Interactive
  • Genre: Strategy
  • Release date: March 29th, 2007
  • Story/Description:
    This download only product picks up where Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday left off. Smaller in size and substantially smaller in price, Armageddon will include two completely new alternative history scenarios, perfect for those looking for new challenges! The scenarios will also have variable end dates and in addition to a variety of new game options, gamers will find new features.

  • Features:
    - New attachments for Naval units; do you scrap or upgrade those old ships.
    - Land units can now be built with brigades already attached.
    - An Air Naval combat system that radically alters the combat balance.
    - New damage algorithms for the Air combat system, making organization more important and allowing air units to fight longer.

  • Screenshots: Paradox Plaza
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Posts: 1281
Location: Barry - Wales - (UK)
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Mar 2007 18:17    Post subject:
Awesome game HOI2 is the only game that has a permanent home on my harddrive... Wink
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Posts: 894

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Mar 2007 18:23    Post subject:
I'm waiting for a release. It shouldn't take too long, given it's about 22 MB and has no protection at all.
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Posts: 409
Location: Moscow
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Mar 2007 18:29    Post subject:
Training for children from 3 years
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Posts: 894

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Mar 2007 18:51    Post subject:
silengate wrote:
Training for children from 3 years

Intelligent person here.
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Posts: 409
Location: Moscow
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Mar 2007 20:10    Post subject:
ShadowB wrote:
silengate wrote:
Training for children from 3 years

Intelligent person here.

PS: in BOX - 3+
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Posts: 255

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Mar 2007 20:42    Post subject:
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Posts: 386

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Mar 2007 20:52    Post subject:
God`s Game Suppliers 2k3 Stylez

-- - Proudly Presents -- -

Title......... :Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday - Armageddon Filename....... :ggs-hoi.rar*
REL Date ..... :03/29/07 Platform ..... RazzC
Game Type .... :Strategy Origin ........ :EU
Media Source.. RazzC-CD Image Format .. :.bin/.cue
Files ........ :2 x 15 MB Release Type .. RazzC-Game
Disc count .... :1

Buy The Game: http://pc.gamezone.com/gamesell/p32003.htm


This download only product picks up where Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday left
off. Smaller in size and substantially smaller in price, Armageddon will
include two completely new alternative history scenarios, perfect for those
looking for new challenges! The scenarios will also have variable end dates
and in addition to a variety of new game options, gamers will find new
features like:

* New attachments for Naval units; do you scrap or upgrade those old ships
* Land units can now be built with brigades already attached.
* An Air Naval combat system that radically alters the combat balance
* New damage algorithms for the Air combat system, making organization more
* important and allowing air units to fight longer.


This is a addon and requires Hearts of Iron 2: Doomsday to be played.
Unpack - mount or burn - install and enjoy.

Enjoy another quality GGS!
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Posts: 1281
Location: Barry - Wales - (UK)
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Mar 2007 20:54    Post subject:
Nice... Very Happy
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Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Fri, 30th Mar 2007 00:48    Post subject:
HOI2:DD is pretty much the only game on my HDD all the time... awesome game Smile

Wonder if this works with the mods... (I play HOI2:DD with Stony Road)
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Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Fri, 30th Mar 2007 00:56    Post subject:
here are some more features

New Features :

* New attachments for Naval units

* Land units can now be built with brigades already attached

* An Air Naval combat system that radically alters the combat balance

* New damage algorithms for the Air combat system, making organization more important and allowing air units to fight longer.

* New color scheme system allowing player to differentiate between upgraded units

* The ability to see all your moving units (the arrows on the top left)

* 2 new fantasy scenarios called Abyss and Armageddon

New Options :

* Extended end date to 1964

* The option to absorb tech teams

* The option to get full amount of IC
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Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Fri, 30th Mar 2007 00:58    Post subject:
PS the fantasy scenarios are actually pretty cool...

wohooo i love Paradox ^_^
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Posts: 11166

PostPosted: Fri, 30th Mar 2007 02:02    Post subject:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:

Wonder if this works with the mods... (I play HOI2:DD with Stony Road)

SR is stuck in time :s

Test that sweet ass mod instead! (the best around according to me, a hardcore Paradox gamer, and HOI fan since 2003 )

Here's the mod, "Mod34 Revolucion": http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=277121


"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Fri, 30th Mar 2007 02:16    Post subject:
Couldnt stand the tech tree in Mod34 eh......

I actually had a awesome game the other day.. from victoria all the way to the end of doomsday

Awesome as fuck Very Happy
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Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Mar 2007 02:56    Post subject:
Great game.. great expack... here are the main features

New Features :

* New attachments for Naval units

* Land units can now be built with brigades already attached

* An Air Naval combat system that radically alters the combat balance

* New damage algorithms for the Air combat system, making organization more important and allowing air units to fight longer.

* New color scheme system allowing player to differentiate between air, armor and infantry units

* The ability to see all your moving units (the arrows on the top left)

* 2 new fantasy scenarios called Abyss and Armageddon

* The ability to choose what country can and cannot send expeditionary forces

* Now able to give orders to units, even before 24 hours have passed

* Modable values in CV combat modifiers

* Improved air AI (?)

* Improved amphibious landing AI

* AI now is more effective and retreating

* Button to auto-deploy attachments to ships. its in the auto-control page.

New Options :

* Extended end date to 1964

* The option to absorb tech teams from annexed countries

* The option to get full amount of IC from occupied provinces (still only half resources)

* Democracies can now declare war

Abyss and Armageddon Explained :

Both these scenarios are in a fantasy setting of which each of the 18 countries have a base IC of 200, although various modifiers change from country to country, all have similar IC except for the 19th country, Tannu Tavu which is put in for a hefty challenge for anyone willing. In terms of ministers and tech teams, and AI, it seems to revolve around the respective countries in normal HoI. For instance Prussia has predominantly German ministers tech teams and AI. It is worth assuming that this scenario was made for a balanced fun multiplayer games.

Although both scenarios are very similar, they are different in that Abyss starts with all countries at peace and in no sort of alliance while Armageddon throws the players into an all out brawl between 3 ideological alliances. Here are the alliances :

Axis - Nationalist Socialist
- Empire of Russia
- Indian Republic
- Indo China
- Prussia
- Confederates
- The Ottomans

Allies - Market Liberal
- Australasia
- Bourbon
- Republic of China
- Sweden
- Cossacks

Comintern - Stalinist
- APR (African People's Republic)
- European Soviets
- PRRS (People's Republic of the Rising Sun)
- Republic of Persia
- Roma
- Libertadores (South America)

Ship Brigades Explained :

There are 6 new brigades for ships introduced in Armageddon. Depending on ship you can add a certain amount of brigades.

CV - 1 (only CAG)
CVL - None
BB - 5 (All available)
BC - 4
CA - 3
CL -2
DD - 1 (A ship specific ASW is available along with the others)
SS - None
TP - None

The 6 brigades/improvements are :

- Anti-Air = Increase in Air Defense, Air Attack & Air Detection Capabilities
- Radar = Increase Sea Detection Capability & Air Detection Capability (capital variant only)
- Fire Control = Increase Sea Attack, Shore Bombardment & Max Firing Distance
- Improved Hull = Increase Air Defense & Sea Defense
- Torpedoes = Increase Convoy Raiding
- ASW = Increase Sub Detection & Sub Attack (Destroyer only)
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Posts: 62
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Mar 2007 12:43    Post subject:
Well, I guess I might as well throw my hat in the ring also and say Doomsday has a permanent place on my HDD. One of the best strategy games around. Top game. If you havent got it...GO GET IT! Cool

Sometimes your the pigeon....sometimes your the statue.
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