How to "unzip" the Shellshock Nam *.dat files?
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Posts: 15

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Sep 2004 13:58    Post subject: How to "unzip" the Shellshock Nam *.dat files?
Anyone an idea ?
I tried it with winrar, winzip, powerarchiver, daemon-tools....

no chance

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Posts: 192

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Sep 2004 14:04    Post subject:
u wanna unpack the huge *.dat from shellshock ?? may i ask why ??

no idea how to do it just curious why u want it ..

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PostPosted: Sat, 11th Sep 2004 02:08    Post subject:
Probably because he wants to split the archive to put it on CD's, or compress the movie files which are located inside the dat files. You can get it below the 2gb limit by doing this so you can store the DVD image on an ISO dvd with along with other files.

I haven't looked at this file, but is it possible this is just a cab file named as a dat? If not, perhaps they have their own loader, which means you'll need to find out how they store the files and decompress it that way.
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Posts: 192

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Sep 2004 09:48    Post subject:
the dat aint a cab tardissum ... they have own tools to do that dont think you could google for them becuz if you find them public then they're screwed

you must be mistaking the *.pk3 that is a *.zip actually . That one's for the 13 engine

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Posts: 148
Location: Eurotrashland
PostPosted: Sun, 12th Sep 2004 23:21    Post subject:
The tools they use are generic. Even if they are custom in house tools, they aren't that different than the public ones.

To prove the point, there has already been a DVDrip which extracted the movies from the dat files, compressed them, and stuck them back in. I'm sure whatever group did this didn't have the dev tools. They hacked the loader, and found how the files are stored or used a generic program which worked fine. Which is what I said in the previous message.
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