WinXP bridge
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Posts: 30
Location: Finlandia
PostPosted: Sun, 12th Sep 2004 00:05    Post subject: WinXP bridge
Problem with network bridge (not sure if it is supposed to use like this)

So, I have two nics in my comp

from nic1 the cable goes to adsl router
from nic2 the cable goes to xbox

I created a bridge between these two nics, so xbox gets to internet also. I gave ip for the bridge. Router is and xbox is

It was working quite fine for a while, but now it seems to work so that all my traffic is routed to nic2, so the data doesn't go to adsl -> I lose internet connection if I enable the bridge.

Any ideas how I can get it working properly? Ok I could use some ics software but I would rather use bridge if I just get it working...

So I guess I just need to tell to windows somehow that traffic to internet goes through nic1, not nic2.
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Posts: 359
Location: UK
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Sep 2004 14:25    Post subject:
Do you mean you have an ADSL modem or a router? I use a router that has an 8 port switch built in (you can pick them up fairly cheaply nowadays) so I just plug all my computers into the router and the router into the DSL modem and then all machines can have network access individually. In your case the bridge machine will have to be switched on for the Xbox to get net access and if you have to reinstall the computer at any point you will have to setup the bridge again. A good router will also assign all your internal IP addresses for you using DHCP so you don't have to worry about it.

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Posts: 30
Location: Finlandia
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Sep 2004 17:23    Post subject:
I have adsl modem with 4 port switch built in.

I have 3 comps attached to adsl modem, it works fine. I could attach the xbox also to adsl modem but the distance from xbox to adsl is so long that I decided to plug it to my "main" computer which is running always.

so when I enable the bridge, all traffic goes to xbox, not to adsl modem Razz
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Posts: 359
Location: UK
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Sep 2004 17:46    Post subject:
That's very strange, especially as it was working to start with. Is there anything different on the bridge PC to what was on there when it was first set up? Have you just installed SP2 on the bridge PC or any other new software?

What business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, say, think, who I fuck, what I take into my body - as long as I do not harm another human being on this planet? - Bill Hicks
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ApeX PredatoR
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Sep 2004 07:17    Post subject:
You should take a look at which DNS server and default gateway are set on your bridge pc.
The first DNS server should be the one of your ISP and the default gateway should be your ADSL modem (because that is your router and therefor your gateway to the internet)
Let me know if that helped you in any way...

Injurious wrote:
And then Mabel tripped over a rock and landed in a well and was trapped there with Timmy. Sadly I shot Lassie so no one is saving that bitch!
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Posts: 30
Location: Finlandia
PostPosted: Tue, 14th Sep 2004 15:47    Post subject:
To RoadRunner12:

Didn't do anything special, just once I uninstalled the bridge thing and then created it again. Yeah, stupid me.

To Apex PredatoR:

DNS & Def. GW are which is the adsl modem. ADSL modem then has DNS relay server.

I also tried to set metric manually for nics but didin't help either.
At somepoint I had a prob that I had two nics and two gateways. And it seems that windows just uses some random() method to select which gw is the default one Smile.. When I set metrics manually, then it works quite often, but still sometimes I had to disable the main connection and then enable it again... But ok, that's another thing and not problem for me anymore.
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