Wireless networks?
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Sep 2004 17:25    Post subject: Wireless networks?
Here's the short of the story. Some guy used to work here (where I am now working) and he set up the whole network by himself.

Later on this guy was fired on the spot and escorted out of the building, now I've been stuck with some network tasks.

We have these laptops that connect to an access point via. wireless connections. I had to reformat a few of the laptops and I know absolutely jack crap about wireless networks... So while I'm trying to learn wireless networks, I also have to try and follow what the previous guy did, which is not fun.

I'm sitting here at this Wireless Network Properties screen and I'm seeing that he used a Network key that is NOT provided automatically...

Where would this key be set up? Access point? Our main server? What is it?

If anyone could throw me in the right direction I would appreciate that very much.

And yes, I'm using Google to learn as well. But I figure if I ask while I'm reading, it could cut my search time down.

Thanks again in advance.

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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Sep 2004 17:35    Post subject:
come with me wardriving some time Very HappyVery Happy
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Sep 2004 17:54    Post subject:
TheSaint wrote:
come with me wardriving some time Very HappyVery Happy

i dont even have to do that Smile
my neighbour has his wireless connection not secured. Meaning i can go on his internet with my laptop Very Happy


u should key the access point, since its the hardware that allows wireless communitcation being transmitted by it.

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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Sep 2004 18:19    Post subject:
TheSaint wrote:
come with me wardriving some time Very HappyVery Happy

lol, I've actually done that with some friends before, through parts of Boston. I didn't really do much except sit and laugh as we drove around.. but I think I know what you're talking about. Wink

Thanks skidrow.

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