StarCraft 2
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Posts: 150

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 18:16    Post subject: StarCraft 2

Official web page:
Publisher: Blizzard
Developer: Blizzard
Genre: Stagery
Release date: July 27th!!!!
StarCraft II continues the epic saga of the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg. These three distinct and powerful races will clash once again in the fast-paced real-time strategy sequel to the legendary original, StarCraft. Legions of veteran, upgraded, and brand-new unit types will do battle across the galaxy, as each faction struggles for survival.

Featuring a unique single-player campaign that picks up where StarCraft: Brood War left off, StarCraft II will present a cast of new heroes and familiar faces in an edgy sci-fi story filled with adventure and intrigue. In addition, Blizzard will again offer unparalleled online play through, the company's world-renowned gaming service, with several enhancements and new features to make StarCraft II the ultimate competitive real-time strategy game.

Multiplayer: Yes
System requirements: N/A
Protection: N/A
Multilanguage: N/A

Last edited by Rxsazabi on Wed, 5th May 2010 21:46; edited 5 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 18:19    Post subject:
Somehow I doubt this... A beta rumor suddenly "pops up"? Im waiting for a response from blizzard...

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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 18:20    Post subject:
Rumour Control: False. Razz

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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 18:22    Post subject:
They are busy making next WoW expansion and Diablo3 MMORPG
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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 18:24    Post subject:
it may be true and may not...

but i think if all that there may be is + 1 new side and + 2 new units per the oldsides.. well... it will be just a starcraft 1 with newer graphics.. but still this is blizzard, not EA.. Smile

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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 18:40    Post subject:
KrutojPoc wrote:
They are busy making next WoW expansion and Diablo3 MMORPG

excuse me ?
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Location: San Diego, CA
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 19:04    Post subject:
diablo 3 mmorpg would suck quite alot.
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 19:05    Post subject:
They would never shut down their old servers, they still run Diablo 1 for crying out loud.

Mega false because of that one statement, they will never shut down anything.

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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 19:07    Post subject:
sTo0z wrote:
They would never shut down their old servers, they still run Diablo 1 for crying out loud.

Mega false because of that one statement, they will never shut down anything.

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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 21:02    Post subject:
rather have a new action-rpg (diablo style) game than starcraft.
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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 21:12    Post subject:
August 24, 2006 - While our meeting with Blizzard Chief Operating Officer Paul Sams today at the German Games Convention mainly focused on The Burning Crusade, the upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft, we did ask him about what the future holds in store for Blizzard, and specifically about StarCraft 2.

"StarCraft is my absolutely favorite game of all time," Sams told us. "As you probably already know, there is no doubt that we will continue the StarCraft and Diablo franchise, and trust me, I will be the happiest person in the world when we announce StarCraft 2."

While Sams wasn't ready to spill the beans just yet, he did say Blizzard "will have a major product announcement in 2007," and that Blizzard was currently working on at least three other unannounced titles at the moment.

In terms of what these games could be, we asked if they would fall in line with the major success Blizzard has had with World of Warcraft. "I want to be clear that we're not just content to be an MMO company," Sams explained. "Some other companies get into the role of making just MMOs, but Blizzard lets the developers pick what they want to work on, and it's not all MMOs."

When asked about StarCraft: Ghost, Sams said that it was on indefinite hold, but that Blizzard wasn't averse to exploring further console development in the future. "We've been up to MS and they've been at our office talking about Vista and 360," Sams said, "and we're certainly excited about some of the tools they have to offer in the console world as well as with Vista and DirectX 10. However, with our own online gaming service, we're going to pick and choose what we want to use; we're going to protect and make sure ranks supreme."

While Sams wasn't ready to spill the beans just yet, he did say Blizzard "will have a major product announcement in 2007," and that Blizzard was currently working on at least three other unannounced titles at the moment.


Well i'm hoping its either sc2 or d3 with directx 10
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Posts: 248
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 22:06    Post subject:
Rxsazabi wrote:
August 24, 2006 - While our meeting with Blizzard Chief Operating Officer Paul Sams today at the German Games Convention mainly focused on The Burning Crusade, the upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft, we did ask him about what the future holds in store for Blizzard, and specifically about StarCraft 2.

"StarCraft is my absolutely favorite game of all time," Sams told us. "As you probably already know, there is no doubt that we will continue the StarCraft and Diablo franchise, and trust me, I will be the happiest person in the world when we announce StarCraft 2."

While Sams wasn't ready to spill the beans just yet, he did say Blizzard "will have a major product announcement in 2007," and that Blizzard was currently working on at least three other unannounced titles at the moment.

In terms of what these games could be, we asked if they would fall in line with the major success Blizzard has had with World of Warcraft. "I want to be clear that we're not just content to be an MMO company," Sams explained. "Some other companies get into the role of making just MMOs, but Blizzard lets the developers pick what they want to w

ork on, and it's not all MMOs."

When asked about StarCraft: Ghost, Sams said that it was on indefinite hold, but that Blizzard wasn't averse to exploring further console development in the future. "We've been up to MS and they've been at our office talking about Vista and 360," Sams said, "and we're certainly excited about some of the tools they have to offer in the console world as well as with Vista and DirectX 10. However, with our own online gaming service, we're going to pick and choose what we want to use; we're going to protect and make sure ranks supreme."

While Sams wasn't ready to spill the beans just yet, he did say Blizzard "will have a major product announcement in 2007," and that Blizzard was currently working on at least three other unannounced titles at the moment.


Well i'm hoping its either sc2 or d3 with directx 10

Why would you hope for dx10? It would mean you having to install Vista to run it, and why on earth would you want that?

"Why not just shut up and have people only think you are a moron instead of opening your mouth and removing all doubt." -Mark Twain
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Posts: 5409
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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 22:10    Post subject:
Just because a game supports DirectX10 doesn't mean it requires it (and thus vista).
Crisis also supports DirectX10 but you still don't need Vista for it.

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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 22:12    Post subject:
Well duh.. that's because it also has a DX9 renderer. Games that only support DX10 is Vista only, obviously.

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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 23:51    Post subject:
we all want dx10 we just dont want vista, man i cant believe they released that pos in the state that it is >_<
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Posts: 150

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Apr 2007 23:53    Post subject:
Why would you hope for dx10? It would mean you having to install Vista to run it, and why on earth would you want that?

i haven't encounter any bad thing about vista atm. But the only reason i'm using vista cuz my gtx8800 tho
Been playing fallout tactics, and other old games still work normal Very Happy Very Happy
plus gonna try age of conan which need vista anyways
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Apr 2007 00:10    Post subject:
Rxsazabi wrote:
plus gonna try age of conan which need vista anyways

Age of Conan is DX9 too, I'm pretty sure? It's also coming to the 360.

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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Apr 2007 00:15    Post subject:
The first massively multiplayer online game to use DirectX 10, the newest generation of DirectX technology
Very Happy Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Apr 2007 00:17    Post subject:
I am fully aware that it will use DX10. I am merely saying it has DX9 too, right?

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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Apr 2007 00:20    Post subject:
yup found this on their forum
In an effort to break even newer grounds in the world of graphics, Age of Conan is one of only a few titles that will be available for Microsoft’s newest technology platform called DirectX 10. While the game runs perfectly well on Windows XP with the current DirectX 9 technology, having Windows Vista installed on your computer and the hardware that is required to run DirectX 10 will grant you a graphics experience that is unsurpassed in the genre of massively multiplayer online games.
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Apr 2007 00:29    Post subject:
wtf you were talking about SC2 and out of no-where the conversation turn to Dx9/DX10 and age of conan.. lol (btw vista is fine)

I'm pretty sure Blizzard are indeed working on SC2, it's the title everyone is waiting for and their only hope to make some money. The paragraph seem strange to me (just 2 new units per race?! You mean all the gameplay stay 100% intact?) but since it comes from TeamLiquid I will trust it (biggest SC pro-gamer site).
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Posts: 470

PostPosted: Fri, 13th Apr 2007 00:57    Post subject:
only 2 new units? sounds fishy...
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Posts: 47

PostPosted: Fri, 13th Apr 2007 02:06    Post subject:
This has been pretty well known for quite some time... Blizzard just recently sent invitations out to prominent Koreans and americans alike for a Large "event" in Korea coming up very soon. Two guesses what that is. They've also said they're not currently working on Diablo if I can find a link i'll post it...
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Apr 2007 03:13    Post subject:
Personally, I think the news is fake. If Blizzard was to do a sequel, I think they would give it the attention it deserves. Not just a quick remake with a few new units and 1 new race. It would be almost redesigned from the ground up.
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Apr 2007 04:04    Post subject:
Blizzcon Details Announced
Better start dieting; you don't want to look fat in your Night Elf costume.
by Micah Seff

April 12, 2007 - Blizzard announced today the details of its second Blizzcon convention. Blizzcon is basically a Blizzard fanboy's wet dream, and features a celebration of the WarCraft, StarCraft and Diablo franchises. This year, the festivities will take place at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California, from August 3 to 4.

The Blizzcon hilarity will be open to all gamers older than age 4. There will be a number of activities to enjoy at the event, including discussion panels with Blizzard developers, a number of tournaments, cosplay contests, a silent auction, and more.

"We were gratified by the response to our first BlizzCon in 2005 and have been looking for an opportunity to hold a follow-up event ever since," stated Mike Morhaime, president and cofounder of Blizzard. "With BlizzCon 2007, we plan to deliver another entertaining and informative experience for the attendees, and we look forward to meeting all of them again this year."

Those of you out there who just can't contain your frothing demand for all things Blizzard, you will be able to pick tickets up on the Blizzcon Website. Tickets will go on sale in the next few months, and will set you back $100.

We'll know on August 3, 2007 haha Laughing
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Apr 2007 05:12    Post subject:
I hope I live to to August the 3rd.

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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Apr 2007 07:12    Post subject:
the thread title itself gives me a hard on
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Posts: 2212
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Apr 2007 09:14    Post subject:
Dunge wrote:

it's the title everyone is waiting for and their only hope to make some money.

I wouldn't say that Smile.. They have WOW and BC.. it's still a gold mine, million players.. million monthly fees Smile

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[Moderator] Babysitter

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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Apr 2007 20:31    Post subject:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
the thread title itself gives me a hard on

lol you and me both man.

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Posts: 3694

PostPosted: Fri, 13th Apr 2007 21:04    Post subject:
sTo0z wrote:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
the thread title itself gives me a hard on

lol you and me both man.

me 3 Smile

I wish there is some truth in it and not some cruel joke.
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