About the "REVIEWS" Section
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st May 2007 02:33    Post subject: About the "REVIEWS" Section
I have spent some time reading through the reviews section

Some of the reviews wrote in there are of a very good standard IMO. All the required info seem's to be there as well as some humor, I have also noticed that the template NFOrce provides for writing a review is very good (especially the varios links for dev's + pub's ect). I think that the review section could be very valuable for people trying to decide if they should *aquire* a certian game. Its a shame there are only a handfull though. I myself was looking to see which new(ish) games had reviews wrote by NFOrce users but noticed there arnt many at all. Ohh well i just wanted to make people aware of the need for some more well writen reviews and hopefully who knows ? (someone may decide to update the section if they have some spare time on their hands).

I have decided to give Escape from butchers bay ago thanks purely to the review wrote by TiTaN_KGB

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[Moderator] Elitist

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PostPosted: Mon, 21st May 2007 06:46    Post subject:
Yeah the reviews section was a great idea, but it seems that not many people bother. When it was first created there was a small influx of reviews (mainly by nellebgd lol), no one else seems to be bothered these days Sad .. things are slow.

Its a shame. Sad
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st May 2007 06:56    Post subject:
Yeah, shame that section is closed...
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st May 2007 06:59    Post subject:
Why dont they open it again?
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st May 2007 12:22    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
Yeah, shame that section is closed...

Closed ?

It dosent seem closed to me. I looked in their yesterday and can post a review using the link (which works as i tried it). Mabey it was closed in the past ? But now if you want to its poss to do a review using the NFOrce template provided.

Im gonna try my hand at a review when i get the time. Hopefully later today. I will also know for deffinatly if its poss to post a review because its been stated its closed.

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PostPosted: Mon, 21st May 2007 12:29    Post subject:
i think the problem with the reviews section is this...

i didnt even know there was one till you mentioned it. seriously, every day i click 'forum', and i SEE 'reviews', but it just doesnt register in my head, so ive never clicked it... probably would have been a bigger success if there was a 'review' button next to the release in the nfo section or something perhaps...

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PostPosted: Mon, 21st May 2007 13:40    Post subject:
People just check reviews at Gamespot, IGN, etc anyway, or read the minireviews in the forum threads, so there's no point.

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PostPosted: Mon, 21st May 2007 15:01    Post subject:
Parallax_ wrote:
People just check reviews at Gamespot, IGN, etc anyway, or read the minireviews in the forum threads, so there's no point.

Whilst i see where your comming from I also think (for NFOrce user's) it would be good if a review link was there on NFO page as i for one would be intrested to hear what other NFOrce user's think to a certian game. Another reason is i belive the reviews would be more un-biased than other company sites with reviews as we all know what can go on with a dev/pub asking certian site/mag for a decient review in exchange for ????? At least the reviews hear would be done by gamers with nothing to gain by upping the score/review. Just a thought

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PostPosted: Mon, 21st May 2007 15:14    Post subject:
Coffin.Filler, write a review.
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st May 2007 15:56    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
Coffin.Filler, write a review.

Laughing If i had the time i may well of

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PostPosted: Mon, 18th Jun 2007 16:52    Post subject: Re: About the "REVIEWS" Section
Coffin.Filler wrote:
I have spent some time reading through the reviews section

Some of the reviews wrote in there are of a very good standard IMO. All the required info seem's to be there as well as some humor, I have also noticed that the template NFOrce provides for writing a review is very good (especially the varios links for dev's + pub's ect). I think that the review section could be very valuable for people trying to decide if they should *aquire* a certian game. Its a shame there are only a handfull though. I myself was looking to see which new(ish) games had reviews wrote by NFOrce users but noticed there arnt many at all. Ohh well i just wanted to make people aware of the need for some more well writen reviews and hopefully who knows ? (someone may decide to update the section if they have some spare time on their hands).

I have decided to give Escape from butchers bay ago thanks purely to the review wrote by TiTaN_KGB

Did you like it :O

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PostPosted: Mon, 18th Jun 2007 17:24    Post subject:
We could appoint one member that would check the threads of newly released games for nice review/mini-reviews by random member and then just copy/paste the best ones in the reviews section.

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PostPosted: Mon, 18th Jun 2007 21:27    Post subject: Re: About the "REVIEWS" Section
TiTaN_KGB wrote:
Coffin.Filler wrote:
I have spent some time reading through the reviews section

Some of the reviews wrote in there are of a very good standard IMO. All the required info seem's to be there as well as some humor, I have also noticed that the template NFOrce provides for writing a review is very good (especially the varios links for dev's + pub's ect). I think that the review section could be very valuable for people trying to decide if they should *aquire* a certian game. Its a shame there are only a handfull though. I myself was looking to see which new(ish) games had reviews wrote by NFOrce users but noticed there arnt many at all. Ohh well i just wanted to make people aware of the need for some more well writen reviews and hopefully who knows ? (someone may decide to update the section if they have some spare time on their hands).

I have decided to give Escape from butchers bay ago thanks purely to the review wrote by TiTaN_KGB

Did you like it :O

Aye that i did. But thats all your getting lol. Laughing

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[Moderator] Elitist

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PostPosted: Mon, 18th Jun 2007 21:43    Post subject:
The reviews could also include "pains of making this game work" and "known issues" ... that could give them more of a purpose Smile.
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PostPosted: Tue, 19th Jun 2007 20:40    Post subject:
[sYn] wrote:
The reviews could also include "pains of making this game work" and "known issues" ... that could give them more of a purpose Smile.

Actualy thats a very good idea.
Its just a real shame there are not more reviews. It would br excellent if say a game is released and then within a few days to a week later there was a review also containing know issues ect here @ NFOrce.

Great Idea sYn. Now the hardest part is getting people to take the time to do the reviews. If there were a few people who regulary did them they would become known and the best reviewers would stick out.

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PostPosted: Tue, 19th Jun 2007 20:46    Post subject:
Tweaks would be interesting. I remember doing some crazy shit to get Dark Messiah running on my radeon 9600 and eliminating that steam stutter bug Cool

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PostPosted: Mon, 15th Oct 2007 21:30    Post subject:
I just did a review of the orange box (waiting for approval - bumping this so people realise there is a submission Wink) and I just took my opinions expressed in other threads and well made it a bit bigger.

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PostPosted: Mon, 15th Oct 2007 21:41    Post subject:
yeehaaw, more reviews please!!!
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Oct 2007 00:59    Post subject:
Ispep wrote:
I just did a review of the orange box (waiting for approval - bumping this so people realise there is a submission Wink) and I just took my opinions expressed in other threads and well made it a bit bigger.
It's up, check it out.
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Oct 2007 01:24    Post subject:
Cheers. I'll do a couple for PES and FM coming out this month as well.

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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Oct 2007 01:25    Post subject:
I vote ispep gets a special title for reviewing Smile

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