[XBOX360] FlatOut Ultimate Carnage[R]
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Posts: 191

PostPosted: Wed, 6th Jun 2007 17:22    Post subject: [XBOX360] FlatOut Ultimate Carnage[R]
FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage





TITLE: FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage

GENRE: Racing


DEVELOPER: Bugbear Entertainment

US PUBLISHER: Empire Interactive

UK PUBLISHER: Empire Interactive

NORDIC PUBLISHER: Empire Interactive



Developed by Bugbear Entertainment, FlatOut Ultimate Carnage is rebuilt from the ground up and specifically developed to take advantage of the additional feature sets and improved processing ability of the Xbox 360 to produce an entirely new, breathtaking FlatOut experience.

Some of the many brand new design and gameplay components featured in FlatOut Ultimate Carnage include 12 cars racing on screen up from eight in FlatOut 2, five all-new single player and two all-new multiplayer game modes over the Xbox Live online game service, over 8,000 dynamic objects per track up from 5,000 in FlatOut 2, widescreen High Definition resolution (720p), dynamic lighting and shadowing all with proper real-time environment mapping on all vehicles, downloadable content via Xbox Live, and 20,000 polygons per car up from 7,500 in the previous generation.

Last edited by superlinux2001 on Sat, 23rd Jun 2007 15:45; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 3074
Location: San Diego, CA
PostPosted: Wed, 6th Jun 2007 17:26    Post subject:
v impressive screens
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Posts: 131
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 6th Jun 2007 20:27    Post subject:
Flatout 2.5

Corsair Obsidian 550D | Corsair HX650W | Intel Core i7 4770k @ 4,2 GHz | Noctua NH-U14S | 12GB RAM | MSI GeForce GTX 970 Gaming | Samsung 830 256 GB SSD + 80GB Intel X25-M G2 SSD | Asus Xonar Essence STX | Sennheiser HD598 & AE Aego 2.1. | Eizo Foris FS2331 Monitor | Windows 8.1 Pro
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Posts: 60
Location: Denmark
PostPosted: Wed, 6th Jun 2007 22:44    Post subject:
Mytos wrote:
Flatout 2.5

Why is that? It sure looks a hell of a lot better!
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Posts: 3074
Location: San Diego, CA
PostPosted: Wed, 6th Jun 2007 23:09    Post subject:
think you need glasses mytos
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Posts: 3936

PostPosted: Thu, 7th Jun 2007 00:29    Post subject:
He's right, it's Flatout 2.5. It has better graphics and more cars on screen (12 instead of 8 ), but gameplaywise it's still the same game as Flatout 2.
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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Thu, 7th Jun 2007 03:50    Post subject:
Thats fine with me , i would love a next gen looking Flatout 2.0 the game rocked
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PostPosted: Thu, 7th Jun 2007 11:02    Post subject:
Oh hell yeah! This looks mint! Cant wait to witness those awesome physics on the 360 that made the previous games so damn good.

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Posts: 144

PostPosted: Thu, 7th Jun 2007 11:15    Post subject:
I just love Flatout. Smash, crash, carnage, destruction!
Damn you can just blow out hours on this game, either by yourself or against friends!
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Posts: 1506
Location: Japan
PostPosted: Thu, 7th Jun 2007 12:04    Post subject:
I was so disappointed when I found out this is just a 360 port of FlatOut 2! I wonder if you really need this if you already have FlatOut 2 on PC.
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Posts: 3936

PostPosted: Thu, 7th Jun 2007 15:46    Post subject:
If we need it? HELL, WE DO! Flatout 2 was even better than the Burnout games IMO and playing it with 12 cars on the road will be phenomenal (especially in derby mode).
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Posts: 293
Location: sheffield, england
PostPosted: Thu, 7th Jun 2007 18:53    Post subject:
its not a port of flatout 2 afaik...much higher polygon count than the pc version... looks shit loads better... has new mini games... etc etc etc..call it flatout 2.5 if you like but its a good flatout3 for me Wink
cant wait... what a top time for racers on the 360...forza, fo-uc, dirt etc etc

intel i7 3770k @4.4, ASRock Z77 Extreme 4, 16GB Corsiar Vengance 1600 ram, ATI 5850 BE, Antec 1 Case, Antec 1 550W PSU, emu0404, 120gb agility3 ssd OS, 2x60gbvertex2raid0 Games, 3 TB total sata2 Data. win7 x64.
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Posts: 3004
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Jun 2007 12:02    Post subject:
the last 1 standing in the ring was GREAT!

hope it will pop up soon on the internetz

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Posts: 60
Location: Denmark
PostPosted: Fri, 8th Jun 2007 19:56    Post subject:
me7 wrote:
He's right, it's Flatout 2.5. It has better graphics and more cars on screen (12 instead of 8 ), but gameplaywise it's still the same game as Flatout 2.

Wouldnt you be disappointed if it was a sim like forza? This is an arcade mud racer, and if it strays from this fundamental gameplay, they should call it something else! It's like saying you wouldnt want halo/cod/sof and all the other first person shooters to be first person shooters.
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Posts: 3936

PostPosted: Fri, 8th Jun 2007 22:14    Post subject:
No, I meant to say "this is no new game with new tracks, new cars or any innovation".
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Posts: 60
Location: Denmark
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Jun 2007 09:15    Post subject:
oh really so you have played it? From the screenshots i would say that a lot has changed, it looks a bit more urban like, this time it is not only muscle cars but also high performance cars. But ofcourse what you are saying is, that if it has the same fundamental things (like gameplay) as the previous games, then the game will surely suck major donkey balls.
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Posts: 3936

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Jun 2007 12:34    Post subject:
It is official that it's the same game as Flatout 2 but with 12 instead of 8 cars and some minor modifications. The developers said it themselves.
It will not be more urban style and with more high performance cars
And BTW, did you even read this thread?

Weedo wrote:
I was so disappointed when I found out this is just a 360 port of FlatOut 2! I wonder if you really need this if you already have FlatOut 2 on PC.

me7 wrote:
If we need it? HELL, WE DO! Flatout 2 was even better than the Burnout games IMO and playing it with 12 cars on the road will be phenomenal (especially in derby mode).

I want this game as badly as you, I just don't want you to be dissapointed due to wrong expectations when you play it.
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Posts: 206

PostPosted: Wed, 13th Jun 2007 11:47    Post subject:
Only one think will matter with this game and that is ONLINE PLAY , if they have good online play it will sell shitloads now and in the future if it doesnt have good online modes then sales will be limited. i only hope they understand the needs and wants of todays 360 gamers and that is a damn fine online mode, u only need to look at the community of pg3 , GRAW etc..which are still thriving and massive online, when u think these games r almost 2 yrs old thats what im talking about.ONLINE MATTERS.

As for framerate, the 360 version runs smooth, while the PS3 is a jaggy mess that chugs along in slow motion.
Not My Words But The Words Of IGN, But There True Wink
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PostPosted: Thu, 14th Jun 2007 12:58    Post subject:
FlatOut: Total Carnage Goes Gold

FlatOut Ultimate Carnage will be available throughout Europe on June 22nd Smile
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PostPosted: Thu, 14th Jun 2007 13:01    Post subject:
war iz demo? Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu, 14th Jun 2007 13:05    Post subject:
ELIZ wrote:
war iz demo? Very Happy

Soon? Razz

A demo version of the game featuring the new Deatchmatch Derby and Carnage Race game modes as well as greatly improved FlatOut race mode will hit the Xbox Live Marketplace also in the near future

Man this tropic is f*cked Razz

Last edited by JiGSaW on Thu, 14th Jun 2007 13:12; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu, 14th Jun 2007 13:09    Post subject:
Looking forward to this one
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PostPosted: Sun, 17th Jun 2007 19:35    Post subject:
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Posts: 1085

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Jun 2007 14:42    Post subject:
its out


AMD Phenom II x4 3ghz, Nvidia 460 GTX 1gb DDR3,4gb DDR3, Win 10
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Posts: 34356
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Jun 2007 14:53    Post subject:
Dont think they can sell it until Friday though.

Jesus that video looks good!

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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Jun 2007 17:18    Post subject:
on ebay there are some shops from the UK and they have the Game in stock and sell them already!!
for example>>
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Posts: 3074
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Jun 2007 17:26    Post subject:
yeah trust ebay Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Jun 2007 17:38    Post subject:
Good! There might be a scene release sooner! Razz

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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Thu, 21st Jun 2007 04:41    Post subject:
This will be fun , cant wait Smile
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PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Jun 2007 02:21    Post subject:

It retails today ffs Razz

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