What is the best burning hardware to use for the new clones?
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Posts: 131

PostPosted: Thu, 16th Sep 2004 23:34    Post subject: What is the best burning hardware to use for the new clones?
My LiteOn LTR-52246s isn't producing the goods with the latest batch of clones that has been released this week.

I have followed the instructions in the nfos to the letter and have all the required burning apps etc. however, whilst the games burn and install okay they fail to load up. For example, on Madden 2005 i just get the splash screen of a Baltimore Raven wearing a number 52 shirtand the cd-rom spins for minutes on end and then comes back with an error that it cannot locate the cd.

I think, therefore, that it is time to invest in a new burner, so can anyone suggest the best burner out there for coping with these new clone releases?

Many thanks to all that help, and i hope that the mods will forgive this thread being out on its own, but as it transgresses a number of different releases i hope they feel that it is justified.

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PostPosted: Fri, 17th Sep 2004 00:07    Post subject:
moveing to proper forum

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Posts: 131

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Sep 2004 09:20    Post subject:
thanks for moving it, although it is a bit of a shame as no one hardly ever looks in here Sad
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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Sep 2004 14:07    Post subject:
If not Liteon then you should definitely go for a Plextor burner.
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Posts: 40

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Sep 2004 14:47    Post subject:
Plextor ruled, rules and will rule !

" The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who don't have it... "
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Posts: 365

PostPosted: Sat, 18th Sep 2004 05:27    Post subject:
or you could be cheap, keep your actual drives, burn the images as data disk (thus having the image files on the cd) and then mounting them form there with either Daemon or Alcool...

You'd have the ultimate best most perfectest copy, as it'd be software plus you have the free HDD space
and the whole mounting MIGHT make the install a bit slower, but as long as you (and you should ALWAYS anyway) do a full install the in-game performances are the same.

Edit: I know makes little sense and is a grammatical catastrophe
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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 18th Sep 2004 10:20    Post subject:
Spud_works, have you tried other more expensive disks for your liteon burner and are you burning with the right profiles and note just "generic" and "adapted?". Don't care about buying a new burner, It's a waste of money as the one you got now is pretty good. Just wait for the crack instead.
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