Halo 2 giving me some major AARGGH!
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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Aug 2007 01:18    Post subject: Halo 2 giving me some major AARGGH!
Basically, after loading a map, for a solid 5 minutes, Halo 2 will run as, kindly described, a slide show. A very, very slow slide show for old people with very bad vision.

Then it's on to stage 2: The game seems to run at 40 fps or so at 1920x1200, except whenever you move outside of a micro-area (hallway, for instance) it stutters for about 3 seconds.

Kicker #1: My specs are:
C2D 7200 (2.00ghz x2, 4mb cache)
7900gs go /256MB
1 gig of ram

Kicker #2: All these symptoms are just as bad when the game's running at 800x600.

I'm thinking it's a memory problem, but this is a laptop that runs Oblivion with good settings without a hitch. Halo 2 is, at best, an xbox game with updated shaders. What's going on here?

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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Aug 2007 01:22    Post subject:
OS ?

and wrong forums section
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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Aug 2007 01:30    Post subject:
Vista ultimate, and i tried quitting sidebar and restoring to classic to reduce ram footprint

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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Aug 2007 01:54    Post subject:
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Aug 2007 21:53    Post subject:
I was having that exact same problem

athlon x2 3800+
xfx 7900gs 256mb
1gig ram (2 gigs now but read on)

the game would run like a slideshow for the first 2 or 3 minutes it was running, then it would smooth out. I nabbed another gig of ram (making it 2 gigs now) and everything runs absolutely smooth and loads lightning fast from the start.
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Posts: 709
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Tue, 14th Aug 2007 00:36    Post subject:
thought about making a different thread but this one is almost as good
here's my problem
untill the final 2 levels in the game the performance on my rig was good

but now it keeps freezing on me and i've got to restart my pc

Sig too big.
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Posts: 62

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Sep 2007 11:25    Post subject:
didnt wanna make a new thread...

i was just about to start playing this..... I got the Razor1911 release, with the fixed startup file.

I was wondering, does this have any issues with levels not loading on Vista?
is there anything I need to expect, or can I run it without any hitches?!
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Smurf Stomper

Posts: 391
Location: Texas
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Sep 2007 17:18    Post subject:
Costel, LOVE the sig Smile Smile

piracy isn't a hobby, it's a way of life
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Posts: 709
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Sep 2007 17:43    Post subject:
Smurf Stomper wrote:
Costel, LOVE the sig Smile Smile

thanks Razz
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