certainly explains how games start off so great and often turn to shit so quickly. i guess it's easy to create something awesome when there's only a handful of you and you're working together and creating something. then it just balloons into a tumor and festers.
That totally explains Valve's release schedule. They start working on a game, then all just go to the mesa and start lunch and forget about the game for like 3 years. When they finally know each other in the office, they remember there was a game to make and go back to work.
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
- Albert Camus
jesus, i hope they dont charge for that food. They most of had 1 of every junk food in the world! Gabe needs to spend some of his money on supplying a chef that will cook some healthy food and also he needs either a hat or to brush his hair.
Anyone got a clue on what forum he was peeping at?
jesus, i hope they dont charge for that food. They most of had 1 of every junk food in the world! Gabe needs to spend some of his money on supplying a chef that will cook some healthy food and also he needs either a hat or to brush his hair.
Anyone got a clue on what forum he was peeping at?
he needs a fucking diet! maybe he could be in the next saw movie beeing forced to choose one of hisown knives to remove his own body weight in fat!
Hey Hey dont insult fat people. People are fat and people are skinny.. Its the world we live in.. Im more worried about the fact that he was looking a 32 inch or bigger monitor like a few cm away... It isnt even comfortable. You have to move your head to see whats going on on the other side of the screen and dont start me whats its going to do with your eyes. Thats probably why he has glasses...
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