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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Oct 2007 16:28    Post subject: Ollydbg - ASSEMBLER QUESTION
Hi guys..
I have basic skills in assembler programming and I wanted to use Ollydbg to look around in sourcecodes.

F.e. I had this problem, that I can't select the right resolution in the settings.exe from pro evolution soccer 2008, so I wanted to fix that. Problem is, that I can't find the point where I need to change the data. The search function@ollydbg isn't very good I think.. Or I can't use it properly.

Well, I don't think that settings.exe calls a function from DirectX, which returns the possible resolutions for my graphicscard, cause any other came shows me a list of different resolutions whereas settings.exe only delivers standard 4:3 resolutions and 1280x720 (16:9) + 768x480 (16:10). Searching for 1024 or (hex)400(dec 1024) didn't bring any results.

Anyone out there to give me basic help? Smile Even a link would do it Wink
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Posts: 2343

PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Oct 2007 23:28    Post subject:
You could try searching for a constant in the code (right click, search for constant), but there might be far too many results, or you might not know in what dll or exe you have to search. It might be better to find where the dialog is created, and work from there.

Another option is to find out where the results are saved. Get ProcessMonitor from Microsoft, and let it run along when you save a changed resolution, and you'll find the registry setting or file you have to change.
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 24th Oct 2007 04:26    Post subject:
Thanks, I'll try that. After all, Assembler isn't that hard, right? Wink Very Happy

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