[Wii] Super_Mario_Galaxy_ReadNFO_Wii-PROMiNENT
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Posts: 13

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 09:24    Post subject: [Wii] Super_Mario_Galaxy_ReadNFO_Wii-PROMiNENT
This has been found but does it work....I`ve read it has some protection in it but users claim it works on NTSC Wii with Wii-Key....No idea if it works on PAL.........

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Posts: 550
Location: Jönköping, Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 09:29    Post subject:
I read somewhere that you can play it if you remove the Update with Brickblocker 1.3 but only if you haven´t installed the update from the original disc before that, dunno if it´s true though.

"Thats no prob kanee! Suck your cock! A Firmware flash is more than fucking enough!" - Supermax2004
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Posts: 54
Location: azzman je t'aimes :)
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 10:33    Post subject:
This game is protected and no working i see?....somebody confirm if work on WII PAL with wiikey..Thx;)
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Posts: 13

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 10:46    Post subject:
I hope they sort this out very soon.. Can`t wait to play this game..
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Posts: 124

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 13:38    Post subject:
Elazul wrote:
I read somewhere that you can play it if you remove the Update with Brickblocker 1.3 but only if you haven´t installed the update from the original disc before that, dunno if it´s true though.

Where did you read that?
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VIP Member

Posts: 34356
Location: UK
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 13:45    Post subject:
From the nfo:

"NOTE: So apparently, there are some new security from the Nintendo people?
looks like we got some new copy protections on this fucker. We had
too much "juice" at the halloween parties so couldn't think well
enough to bypass. Thought someone else who was more 'sober' could
do it...Happy Halloween...Let's-a GO!"

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 124

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 14:43    Post subject:
Elazul wrote:
I read somewhere that you can play it if you remove the Update with Brickblocker 1.3 but only if you haven´t installed the update from the original disc before that, dunno if it´s true though.

Well that doesn't work.....gives me black screen when I try to start it but its Mario Galaxy allright
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 16:29    Post subject:
Game doesnt work so dont waste your bandwith on it cause you'll probably have to get the Cracked proper version soon enough
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Posts: 672
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 16:43    Post subject:
some guys claim that it works with a d2ckey modchip (since it works different than the other modchips)
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 17:04    Post subject:
Just saw this popup Super_Mario_Galaxy_USA_Proper_ReadNFO_Wii-PROMiNENT

Dont know if its real or fake
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Posts: 177
Location: EARTH
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 18:11    Post subject:
what's the verdict is there a proper or no?

no one can harm me now that i have my
cheesehelmet on!!!!!
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Posts: 719
Location: Upside down in chair
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 18:29    Post subject:
the proper is a fake.

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Posts: 54
Location: azzman je t'aimes :)
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 19:49    Post subject:
Kommando wrote:
Game doesnt work so dont waste your bandwith on it cause you'll probably have to get the Cracked proper version soon enough

yes i think a proper version cracked come soon...be patient
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Posts: 3074
Location: San Diego, CA
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 20:26    Post subject:
Elazul wrote:
I read somewhere that you can play it if you remove the Update with Brickblocker 1.3 but only if you haven´t installed the update from the original disc before that, dunno if it´s true though.

after your last bullshit i dont think you should comment at all tbh
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Posts: 719
Location: Upside down in chair
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2007 21:18    Post subject:
The only people who can play this release are the ones with the D2Ckey mod. So until the protection gets cracked, that will be the only way to play newer back ups.

Hardware: Ryzen 3700x, B450 MSI Gaming Pro carbon AC, GTX1080, 32 GB 3200 Mhz cas 14, 256 EVO SSD, 1 TB EVO SSD and 4 TB HDD.
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Posts: 37

PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 01:00    Post subject:
MasterJuba wrote:
Elazul wrote:
I read somewhere that you can play it if you remove the Update with Brickblocker 1.3 but only if you haven´t installed the update from the original disc before that, dunno if it´s true though.

after your last bullshit i dont think you should comment at all tbh

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Posts: 54

PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 03:20    Post subject:
There is a beta firmware now available for cyclowiz which makes this playable on pal and ntsc.
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Posts: 30

PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 03:27    Post subject:
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 03:47    Post subject:
Blowfish wrote:

File not found...someone should post this on Usenet
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Posts: 30

PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 05:07    Post subject:
Kommando wrote:
Blowfish wrote:

File not found...someone should post this on Usenet

Try here
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Posts: 86
Location: The Netherlands
PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 06:15    Post subject:
Great now the update for the wiikey so we can also play the game
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 06:29    Post subject:
[12:17] sTo0z: cant believe i cant play mario galaxy right now coz nintendo dominated the mod chips
[12:17] sTo0z: fucking christ

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Posts: 676

PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 06:37    Post subject:
CycloWiz guys released the update to play Mario Galaxy quickly.

If it takes the Wiikey team more then a day to release the update, then they truly fucking suck! I hope they release the update fix by today, and not in a week or something. If it takes them awhile just to fix, I will chuck this POS Wiikey out the window and buy a CycloWiz.
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 07:04    Post subject:
Who-CareZ wrote:
CycloWiz guys released the update to play Mario Galaxy quickly.

If it takes the Wiikey team more then a day to release the update, then they truly fucking suck! I hope they release the update fix by today, and not in a week or something. If it takes them awhile just to fix, I will chuck this POS Wiikey out the window and buy a CycloWiz.

Everyone already knows the Wiikey team totally blows... Wink

*shakes fist at his Wiikey*

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Posts: 1440

PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 09:00    Post subject:
so does this detect modchip if running an original and not play also?
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 09:06    Post subject:
Update imminent it seems..... taken from wiikey.cn
[07.10.29] Update on Super Mario Galaxy Issue

In addition to the announcement made earlier today about Super Mario Galaxy, we are pleased to confirm that we have now identified the copy protection method responsible and created a fix.

In order to guarantee stability, we have had to make a fairly major change to the way the code works. While all tests have proven positive, the challenge now is to create a delivery system to allow existing Wiikeys to be updated.

As ever, we appreciate your patience and support while we do this.
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Posts: 3074
Location: San Diego, CA
PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 09:11    Post subject:
sTo0z wrote:
Who-CareZ wrote:
CycloWiz guys released the update to play Mario Galaxy quickly.

If it takes the Wiikey team more then a day to release the update, then they truly fucking suck! I hope they release the update fix by today, and not in a week or something. If it takes them awhile just to fix, I will chuck this POS Wiikey out the window and buy a CycloWiz.

Everyone already knows the Wiikey team totally blows... Wink

*shakes fist at his Wiikey*

we are wiikey brothers wanna huddle?
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Posts: 676

PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 11:02    Post subject:
Why did Nintendo bother to add security? I mean seriously, they should fucking be embarrassed right now and the person who coded the security should be fired.

They only stopped people with mod chips from playing the game with crap security for only a few hours. Pointless security add on, they should know better then that. They should not have been so fucking cheap and added better security to the system if they did not want this to happen.

I mean WTF? Did they really think that this security add on to the game would stop mod chip users? Bypassed in less then a day. Pathetic.
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Posts: 54

PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 11:15    Post subject:
Who-CareZ wrote:
Why did Nintendo bother to add security? I mean seriously, they should fucking be embarrassed right now and the person who coded the security should be fired.

They only stopped people with mod chips from playing the game with crap security for only a few hours. Pointless security add on, they should know better then that. They should not have been so fucking cheap and added better security to the system if they did not want this to happen.

I mean WTF? Did they really think that this security add on to the game would stop mod chip users? Bypassed in less then a day. Pathetic.

Oh I dunno. If I was the guy responsible for it, I'd have had a right laugh watching the internet explode that it was all over for copies on the Wii Wink

The wiikey news seems a tad worrying to me. Why is it "a challenge" to now create a delivery system to allow existing wiikeys to be updated. Surely it's the usual method of burning an update disc? So why even bother commenting on it? I'm not holding my breath on this one.
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Posts: 2411
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2007 11:18    Post subject:
Who-CareZ wrote:
Why did Nintendo bother to add security? I mean seriously, they should fucking be embarrassed right now and the person who coded the security should be fired.

They only stopped people with mod chips from playing the game with crap security for only a few hours. Pointless security add on, they should know better then that. They should not have been so fucking cheap and added better security to the system if they did not want this to happen.

I mean WTF? Did they really think that this security add on to the game would stop mod chip users? Bypassed in less then a day. Pathetic.

Who cares just like your nick Smile
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