[XBOX] full spectrum warrior ships
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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 01:00    Post subject: [XBOX] full spectrum warrior ships
"Full Spectrum Warrior Xbox Ships - THQ announced that the Xbox version of Pandemic's military tactical shooter Full Spectrum Warrior is now shipping to stores. The game carries a suggested retail price of $49.99."


I expect to Grab it Asap ! Very Happy
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Posts: 190
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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 01:33    Post subject:
I'm gonna try this, dunno if it's gonna be any good though???

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[Moderator] Babysitter

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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 01:36    Post subject:
It got a high rating from IGN (if that matters to you, hehe).

I have been following this one awhile, and if you're not looking for an FPS, and can handle the strategy elements and ordering your guys around instead of direct control, you should DEFINATELY give it a try.

The reviewer really went into how great it was executed, with strong graphics and excellent gameplay.

No reason to pass this one up.

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Posts: 190
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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 01:37    Post subject:
Thx for the info, i noticed that ign reviewed it i just didn't have time to read it Smile [/u]
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 02:21    Post subject:
Yay Very Happy

Full Spectrum Warrior (c) THQ *NTSC* *FULLDVD*
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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 04:44    Post subject:
very awesome. Smile Ive been waiting to try this!
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Posts: 52

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 05:38    Post subject:
holy shit nice!!!...
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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 07:24    Post subject:
Its out...and it looks gorgeous!!!
Def. a must have! Can´t wait to play this when I get home from work...

Jack "Ensign" Flack Wink
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Posts: 41

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 08:09    Post subject:
It's on the front page now Smile NTSC
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Posts: 37

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 09:13    Post subject:
This Game simply ownz! I love it
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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 09:58    Post subject:
Oh a must get Wink
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Posts: 112
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 10:27    Post subject:
let´s see how it is, i saw it on german tv, they´ve played a beta there and it looked great Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 10:48    Post subject:
This game is going to own so bad.
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 12:00    Post subject:
Reviews thus far:

IGN [link]: 9.2 / 10

GameSpot [link]: 7.7 / 10

GamePro [link]: 5 / 5

NextLevelGaming [link]: 89 / 100

GameSpy [link]: 4 / 5
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Posts: 710
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 12:32    Post subject:
I have never played a game that is more realistic and yet so much fun to play.
Its like you play chess, but with guns and blood...

Gamespot gave it 7/10 in gameplay, not fair I think.
"But the taste its like the butt" -Hard to translate Smile

Only minus I can think of is that you must have Xbox live to play coop, and that suckz..
I dont know why system link is not available, only reason must be that Microsoft have paid them to use Xbox Live only. so they can sell more Xboxs accounts.. Wink

But this game is truly worth buying, this is a game that can take my poor savings anyday!
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Posts: 19

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 13:37    Post subject:
I saw the trailer, and can't wait to try it out Smile

edit: wow back in the 70's
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Posts: 285

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 15:03    Post subject:
Doesn't seem to work off HD for me. Get a dirty disc error when I try loading it (PAL and NTSC mode).
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Posts: 52

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 15:26    Post subject:
It seems very very good. Been playing the MOUT training mission, and I'm on the last "mission" but got killed. Too bad for moi I have an exam tomorrow but after that I'll play FSW! =)
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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 15:55    Post subject:
Great game for sure....
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Posts: 32

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 16:11    Post subject:
dirty disc error on my PAL box too. AAARGH!! who sells a PAL HDD fix? Sad
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Posts: 14

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 17:23    Post subject:
exactly like me =( disc error on pal system =(
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 18:21    Post subject:
Damn this game is a lot of fun!!!

A few minor things though, like the camera is too low to the guy, sometimes getting your movement cursor in the proper area is a pain.

Other than that, damn does this game kick some ass. The way the camera feels like you're running with your guys, the way the cover and flanking manuevers work. Damn it's really cool. AI seems really good so far, and there are a LOT of tactics you can employ, and the levels are just playgrounds waiting for you to pull clever moves all over the place.

Sucks for you guys not being able to get the game to run because of dirty disc, but I had another problem. As soon as I finished the training, the game freezes on a loading screen for me. Let me know if this happens to anyone else. Maybe it only will happen that one time, don't have time to test it just now. I hope it's not a problem. Sad

Awesome game though! Wow! Gonna' buy this one once I get home this summer (out of school). Smile

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GP Force

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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 18:51    Post subject: No problem here
Guys! I don´t have one single problem with this one....

Im using Enigmah in PAL mode, and evrything works fine Smile

Im srry to hear you all have problems, i must ask this stupid question, did you all media patch it???

Im using Qwix, auto patches the game Smile
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Posts: 103

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 18:58    Post subject:
Wich version of Qwix are u using?
also u have the retail HD or u changed it?

i canwait to get this game....it will be on my hands tomorrow...downloading at the moment
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Posts: 1440

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 19:07    Post subject:
this game is amazing,so much fun,very realistic and very easy to play.

working fine on Pal xbox,dvdr,pal mode
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Posts: 95
Location: Waikiki
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 20:20    Post subject:
Finally! I have waited this game for months. Now I can't wait to get this in my Xbox Smile
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 20:38    Post subject: whats the filename on newsgroups for this game?
whats the filename on newsgroups for this game?
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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 21:05    Post subject:
Camera is a bit of a problem during team control, but I like strategy aspect of combat... When I first started training mission, having teammates talk to you constantly bugged me at first... Then, when I got to grenade training mission and my m203 guy said "about time I got to use this m0tha fuckkaah", I was shocked from over joy! Later, during missions sometimes hearing "fuck that shit, not going to stand getting fired at" from my teammates simply cracked me up...

Sorry to hear that some of you guys couldn't get it to work... I am running this bad boy from HD without a single problem... After training there will be a nice CG movie and as Army guys getting shit blown out of them, AWACS operator sitting inside a comfy plane says to another radar guy "Between you and me, I am glad I joined fucking Airforce... Amen brotha!" That was awesome... Smile
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Posts: 228
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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 21:07    Post subject: Re: whats the filename on newsgroups for this game?
antb wrote:
whats the filename on newsgroups for this game?

That's a request, bad idea....
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 21:37    Post subject: oops
sorry bout the request i take it back ima gunna buy it anyway Smile to much hassle fiddling about
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