able to sell steam account on nforce?
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Posts: 7155
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Sat, 24th Nov 2007 04:24    Post subject: able to sell steam account on nforce?
I want to sell my steam account, I thought id post it on NForce first. But is this within the rules? If so, I will only be selling it to "trusted" forum regulars, the guys who I regularly converse with on here Smile I will post it soon as a mod or such posts if its ok or not here..

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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Sat, 24th Nov 2007 04:39    Post subject:
Its okay by me. Don't blame Nforce if you get ripped off.

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Posts: 7155
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Sat, 24th Nov 2007 04:50    Post subject:
Okay Jenni.

No problem. I wont be selling it to anyone unless I know for a fact they are a regular here, so there is a certain ammount of reliability. I'm sure I can trust several members here so I will post it tomorrow, too tired now Smile

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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Sat, 24th Nov 2007 12:55    Post subject:
i want a 10% commission fee. other than its fine by me.
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 24th Nov 2007 13:46    Post subject:
What games have you bought on the account?

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Posts: 2248
Location: City Of Compton
PostPosted: Sat, 24th Nov 2007 15:41    Post subject:
We need a For Sale section on here - then again that might be a bad idea given the geographic diversity + added strain it would add on mod's.
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Sat, 24th Nov 2007 16:24    Post subject:
KrAzY-KaMeL wrote:
We need a For Sale section on here - then again that might be a bad idea given the geographic diversity + added strain it would add on mod's.

lol I'd only ever give out my addy to a VIP member or like one of the 5 other regulars im really cool with. The fact of the amount of immature people on here it'd just be spammed to death, people would be ripped off to oblivion etc.

I mean if it was an invisible section set to members manually by how they act on the board I'd be all for it, otherwise I see it as a bad train crash.

Site Feedback thread about it..

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Posts: 2248
Location: City Of Compton
PostPosted: Sat, 24th Nov 2007 16:41    Post subject:
Yeah I suppose so - But Paypal is pretty safe if someone doesn't pay. (Escalating)

If it were to ever happen I guess having a specific min post quota to legitimize the person would be necessary. Just figure there are a lot of people here with a lot of stuff (Hardware Section) that they don't use.

Oh well.
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