Games for Windows live is pants
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Posts: 2402

PostPosted: Tue, 20th Nov 2007 12:30    Post subject: Games for Windows live is pants
I swear every game that uses G4WL Ive installed Kane and lynch and gears of war just crashes

Ive had GOW on my vista install for over 2 weeks now sitting there doing nothing becuase it crashes just after the splashscreen with the fucking stupid g4wl.exe error.

Now I just played through kane and lynch, played through fine, then I decided to make a g4wl account and boom, loads then crshes now while signing in.

Dump this crap developers its a buggy console piece of fuckin shite.
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Posts: 14

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Dec 2007 19:03    Post subject:
for the pc version just move the box out of the way Don't close then hit ALT+TAB then select game again , thats the only way around that as far as i see untill mcrosuck can be bothered to fix it
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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Dec 2007 20:05    Post subject:
The problem is the crack , it has a different MD5 checksum and if Live checks for it and its no the same then the game with crash with a error (see cracks for Kane and Lynch , Juiced 2) .

This theory has been proven as true , there are cracks for those games with the removed Live service and they never ever crash and save properly .

Check GCW/GBW for "Gears of War WARENGINE - HAMACHI FIX" for this game that removed the Live system , and for others with removed Live .

Don't know how the cracker of groups didn't see this , yes they are so smart they removed the CD check but are so stupid to remove the Live shit that checks the MD5 and crashes the game after 5 min of game time.
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PostPosted: Wed, 12th Dec 2007 20:31    Post subject:
the big question is, why would somebody try to login into a real live-account while playing a cracked copy and think it would work?

I havent had any live-related problems or crashes at all with the games. First game with live was halo2, i think. Ever since halo2 i havent changed anything about the live account and it just works fine (offline that is)
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