WW2 Games
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Feb 2008 19:12    Post subject: WW2 Games
Right, I know some of you people dislike ww2 games so please don't spam this thread with it. The rest of you perhaps could help me and make a list over ww2 games that has been released this millenium? I kind of collect these games but dunno what i've missed.

Tia!! (And tia to people respecting my request about the ww2 hater posts).

Oh btw...everything goes - fps, rts etc etc

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Feb 2008 19:25    Post subject:
Medal of Honor Serie
Call of Duty Serie
Turning point: Fall of Liberty
Brothers in Arms Serie
Company of Heroes
Day of Defeat and DoD Source
The Great Escape
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Axis & Allies
Mortyr 1 and 2
The Outfit
Battlefield 1942 Serie
Blazing Angels 1 and 2
Secret Weapons Over Normandy
Silent Hunter
Heroes of the Pacific
Sniper Elite
Hidden & Dangerous
Commandos Serie
Silent Storm
Deadly Dozen
Red Orchestra
Hour of Victory
Close Combat Serie (not all of them are WWII)
Sudden Strike
Hearts of Iron
Battlestations: Midway
IL-2 Sturmovik
Codename: Panzers
Death to Spies

Thats all i could think on top of my head
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Feb 2008 19:25    Post subject:
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Posts: 2212
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Feb 2008 19:26    Post subject:
well i hate ww2 games.. but.. i love company of heroes (+ opposing forces). It's one of the best rts by now.. Smile

Per aspera ad astra
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Posts: 11335

PostPosted: Fri, 29th Feb 2008 19:58    Post subject:
RainyDay wrote:
well i hate ww2 games.. but.. i love company of heroes (+ opposing forces). It's one of the best rts by now.. Smile

Once you get over the balance issues... >.<
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Posts: 1747

PostPosted: Fri, 29th Feb 2008 21:12    Post subject:
I am gonna add two of my favourites:

Soldiers: Heroes of World War 2
Faces of War
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sat, 1st Mar 2008 10:14    Post subject:
Cheers for the help!

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 8823
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PostPosted: Sat, 1st Mar 2008 10:25    Post subject:
need WW1 games,, =DD
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sat, 1st Mar 2008 10:46    Post subject:
Yeah... 2 trenches with people firing on each other for a month - then a charge where the charging soldiers get massacred. <repeat>

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 1724
Location: Norn Iron, UK
PostPosted: Sat, 1st Mar 2008 11:18    Post subject:
can only remember one WW1 game...was an FPS set in the 60s, WW1 had continued up till then in the games alternative history...and tbh it was caca

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Posts: 73193
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PostPosted: Sat, 1st Mar 2008 11:42    Post subject:
Medal of Honor Airborne and Company of Heroes (+ exp) come to mind.

Hour of Victory wants to escape from my mind, but it cant... Oh, the horror!
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Posts: 8823
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PostPosted: Sat, 1st Mar 2008 11:49    Post subject:
Anthirs wrote:
Yeah... 2 trenches with people firing on each other for a month - then a charge where the charging soldiers get massacred. <repeat>

ugh WW1 was not all like that...
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Posts: 1998

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Mar 2008 02:43    Post subject:
Brothers in Arms Serie
Company of Heroes
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Mar 2008 03:01    Post subject:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
Anthirs wrote:
Yeah... 2 trenches with people firing on each other for a month - then a charge where the charging soldiers get massacred. <repeat>

ugh WW1 was not all like that...

Thats pretty much what it was - atleast Somme was pretty much what I just said. And correct me if Im wrong - but Somme was a big part of ww2 Smile

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Mar 2008 03:02    Post subject:
gingerninjaaaaaa wrote:
Brothers in Arms Serie
Company of Heroes

Those were already mentioned, but cheers anyway Smile

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 11335

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Mar 2008 04:58    Post subject:
Company of heroes!

Sorry, had to mention is again. One of the greatest RTS's I'll ever play Smile

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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Mar 2008 07:56    Post subject:
D34Dite wrote:
can only remember one WW1 game...was an FPS set in the 60s, WW1 had continued up till then in the games alternative history...and tbh it was caca

There was an RTS under various names from a russian developer. Allowed mass units on the screen.
Grand entente
(or something like that) was one of the names. I've still got it kicking around here somewhere.

Here it is:
It was also known as "The Entente"
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Posts: 34540
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Feb 2009 13:29    Post subject:
Couldn't find the thread again due to the search engine (Assuming that there is a thread.)

Anyway - Benchmark. ("Teh low" for framerate results even though the hardware is above average.)

And demo (So you too can experience the low framerate. )

Oh yeah, game is "Codename Panzers: Cold War" and I forgot to mention the demo until now so it's a few days old.

EDIT: Seems the benchmark is made to be as demanding as possible compared to the actual game, my mistake. Very Happy
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Posts: 666

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Feb 2009 13:31    Post subject:
Hidden & Dangerous 2

Easily the best WW2 shooter till date, anyone here played it?

Steam - The Poopflinger
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Posts: 284

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Feb 2009 13:34    Post subject:
Flightsimms Battle of Brittain and B17 The mighty eight.
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Posts: 1405
Location: Brazil
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Feb 2009 13:58    Post subject:
D34Dite wrote:
can only remember one WW1 game...was an FPS set in the 60s, WW1 had continued up till then in the games alternative history...and tbh it was caca

I played that game.. Iron Storm.. that game was tough.. but it sucked hard Sad
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Posts: 27

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Feb 2009 19:31    Post subject:
Hearts of Iron 2 ( + Doomsday and Armageddon expansion)
Theatre of War
Desert Rats vs Africa Corps
Rush for Berlin
WW2 Frontline Command
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